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SALES BY AUCTION JMPORTANT RUCTION gALE OF gUPERIOR pURNISHINGS. Q.EORGE *^r ALKER " XJ TD " AT THEIR FAMOUS DE LUXE ROOMS, QUEEN STREET, (J* O-DAY ' -^yEDNESDAY, O'CLOCK. Removed from the Residence of E. R. Swaine, and also from a client who is leaving for England. Details;— Living and drawing rooms^— FINE UPRIGHT UNDERDAMPER OVERSTRUNG ENGLISH EAVESTAFF PIANO (a real good instrument and ca.i recommend); WJiiLL UKFOLSTERED 3-PIECE. LOOSE CUSHION CHESTERFIELD SUITE Silk Tapestry; Solid V alnut Upholstered Piano Ottoman, Mahogany Music Canterbury. 3 Fine Marble Pedestal Cupboards. CROSSLEY ALL-WAVE 7VALVE ELECTRIC RADIO SET, cost £37 10s, as'new (latest model); SOLID WALNUT GLASS-FRONTED CHINA CABINET, worth £25; Beautiful Mahoganv Lady's Escritoire, Electric Clock, Solid Brass Large Jardiniere. GiltFramed FRENCH WALL CANDELABRA. Choice Pictures, Portable Gramophone and Large Quantity Records, Hfeaxth Rugs, Wilton Carpet Square, 18 x 13.G (approx.); SOLID BRASS FRENCH TEA MOBILE, on wheels, cost approx. £25 (years ago); 3BOTTLE TANTALUS in Rosewood Case, valued £ls; COLLECTION BELECK CUPS AND SAUCERS, Solid Mahogany Envelope Leafed Fitted Afternoon Cabinet, valued at Harrod'a, London, at £55 (a wonderful piece of cabinetmaker's work); SMALLER MAHOGANY FITTED DESIGNED CABINET, over 50 years age; Cut-glass Ware of good quality, Bric-a-Brac, 8-Pce. SOLID MAHOGANY DINING SUITE comprising Buffet, Cabriole-legged Table, G Dining Ch<tirs upholstered Buffalo Hide Seats (Plate-glass Top on Table, valued at £95); Electric Radiator. 3-PIECE CANE SUITE, upholstered in Genoa Velvet. Jacobean Kerb, Old English Paper Rack. Old English Hand-painted Tea Service, ROYAL BEAUVIS DINNER SERVICE, 36 pieces; Satsuma Jardiniere. E.P. Cake Tier. E.P. Gong. Real Good' Cutlery, 2 Good English Axminster Carpet Squares, 12 x 10.6, approx.; English Carpet Square, 10.6 x 9; Fireside Chairs, E.P. Tea Service, Walker and Hall; Tea Service, Copper Kerb, 2 Large H.P. Mirrors, Jacobean Drop-leaf Table, Doulton Ware, Chinese Brass Ware* 3-PCE. TUB. TAPESTRY CHESTERFIELD SUITE, as new; Queen. Fireside 'Chair, Cushions, Curtains. Table Serviettes. GRANDFATHER' CLOCK, in not good order; Upholstered Settee. HALL. —13YDS. AXMINSTER RUNNER. 36in. (5 nieces). Slip Mats. 2 SOLID ENGLISH WALNUT MARBLE TOP TABLES, Pictures. Magnet Electric Vacuum Cleaner, 7-DRAWER DROPHEAD SINGER SEWING MACHINE, Mah Jongg Set. Tennis Racquet. Golf Clubs. Bedrooms, kitchen, yard, etc.— MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE, com- ' prising Gent]s Fitted Wardrobe, Reflex Cheval Dressing Table, Lowboy, Pedestal and Stool, together with Twin 3ft. Bedsteads and best of Wire Woves and Kapok Bedding, valued at £9O; Eiderdown Quilt 3, Blankets, Sheets. Quilts, Pillows, Pillow Slips. 5-PCE. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, comprising Mirrored Robe, Reflex Dressing Table, Boudoir Stool, Comb. Tallboy and Pedestal and Full-sized Bedstead en suite. (This Sui(e raade by Andrews and Clark, ■valued this day £CS.) H.S. Wire Wove, Kapok and Pillows. SINGLE RIMU BEDROOM .SUITE. Bedroom Chairs. Twin Rimu Bedsteads. Rimu Chcstu. and usual Bedroom Plenishments. Kitchenette.— 7-pcE. dark pol-' ISHED BREAKFAST ROOM SUITE, comprising /.Sideboard, Table and Five .Chairs; Breakfast Room Cabinet, Aim. Cooking Utensils and Saucepans, Homemade Jam and Sauces, Good Lawnmower, Bread Crock. Wringer, Buckets, Electric Iron, En. Ware. Tables, Kit. Chairs, Crockery, Glassware, Pres. Jars, Floor Rugs, W'.E. Chair and Bathroom Cabinet, Electric Bed Warmer, Sickle, Spade, Hedge Clippers, Settee and Squab, Elec. Reading Lamp, Coir Mat, Baths, Garbage Bin. Mobile Tray, Kentigan Chair, and Hosts of Genernl Sundries. Also, JNLAID lyj-AHOGANY JOINING gUITE. / Comprising: BuSet, Draw-leaf Table and 6 Dining Chairs en suitei To-day's value, £75. NOTE.—To those furnishing, be sure to inupect this Great Catalogue. Cartage and pficking can be arranged. One of the best sales we have: submitted for some considerable time. ' NOW ON VIEW. QEORGE, J^TD.. AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, Leonard Coakley, T. A. Goulding. Auctioneers. pOULTRY, PRODUCE, FRUIT, GRAIN. (WEDNESDAY).' AT 10.30 A M J JONES, JjTD.. CITY MARKETS. -pOULTRY pOULTRY, AT ;"Q O'CLOCK. ROOSTERS. HENS. DUCKS. CHICKENS, COCKERELS. PULLETS. PULLETS, PULLETS. v TURKEYS, GEESE. COCKERELS. pOULTRY pOULTRY. AND AT 20 3Q AMPOTATOES, ONIONS. SWEDES. PUMPKINS. VEGETABLES. BACON. BUTTER. CHEESE. HONEY, EGGS. HONEY. HAMS. QROCERIES QROCERIES. CONFECTIONERY j^OVELTIES. W QRAIN. pRUIT. QRAIN jpRUIT J. J 0!a * L m - AUCTIONEERS. GRAIN. PRODUCE AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS. ON THE CORNER. CITY MARKETS. u- piCHARD ARTHUR,' J^TD., WILL SELL. , On the Premises of H. C. FROST, NO. 83 WELLESLEY ST. WEST. rpO-DAY (WEDNESDAY), AT A-M----UNDER BILL OF SALE '/ And THE DISTRESS AND REPLEVIN ACT, 1808, rpHE QOMPLETE pLANT AND OF MANUFACTURING fpiNSMITH. Also, gTOCK OF rjpiNWARE, yALTTED AT £g o () i Including Bflths. Milk Buckets. Refme Tins. Kettles,' Water Cans, Billies. Ash Drawers. Coal Buckets, etc., etc. QUANTITY OF BULK STOCK. FIREPROOF SAFE. OFFICE TABLES. WITHOUT RESERVE. rjpHOS. p AUCTIONEER. UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT AT AUCKLAND, at the request of the Mortgagee, in exercise of the Power of Sale contained in Deed of Mortgage Number 334147. pRIDAY, TyjAY Yl 1935 ' AT 2 P-M " DWELLING, situated in Clarence Road, Northcote. Five rooms and conveniences. Good condition. Level section containing several fruit trees. - piCHARD J^IMITED. "Will Sell by Public Auction at its Auction Rooms, Queen Street, Auckland, on the above date. * ALL THAT /PARCEL OF LAND, containing 22 perches, more or less, situated in the Borough of Northcote. being Lot 13 of r. subdivision of part of Allotments 52 and 53 of the Parish of Taltapiina. and being all the land in Certificate of Title Volume 558, Folio 204, of the Auckland Registry. (Limited as to parcels and title.) The Mortgagee's application, containing the estimate of the value of the land, can be seen at the Office of the Rcgistrnr during office hours prkir to the sale, and a copy may be seen in the Auction Room at the -'time of the salo without payment of any For and conditions of sale of Meredith. Hubble K' Solicitors, Yorkshire House, stre et, Auckland, Solicitors for Mortgagee, or to the Auctioneer
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 4
Word Count
937Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 4
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