Miss E. B.« Smith, of Huntly, is at the Central Hotel.
Mrs. Brian Hewitt, of Erin Street, will leave to-morrow for Wanganui.
Mrs. Hoy Towle, of Bemucra Boad, will spend the Easter holidays at Taupo.
Mrs. E. M. Pankhurst will leave 011 Thursday to spend tho Easter holidays at Waiheke.
Miss Freda Suter, Portland Boad, Reniucra, will leave to-morrow for the Vvaitomo Caves.
Mrs. Darwin Cooke, Banui Boad, Bemucra, returned yesterday from a visit to Botorua.
Mrs. B. H. Bartley returned to Auckland by the Monowai yesterday from an overseas tour.
Mrs. Desmond Williams, of To Awamutu, is the guest of Mrs. 11. M. Hume, Kipling Avenue, Epsom.
Mrs. T. F. Handyside, Armadale Boad, Bemuera, will leave this week 011 a motoring tour of the North.
Mrs. W. 11. Dobbs, of Great Barrier Island, is spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Fisher, of Epsom.
Mrs. H. B. Watson and Miss S. M. Watson, London, and Mrs. J. Middleton, Queensland, are at the Hotel Cargen.
Mrs. Stanley S. Scott, accompanied by her husband, returned to Auckland by the Monowai yesterday from Australia.
Mrs. P. C. Williams and Miss Williams, of Paihia, Bay of Islands, arc the guests of Mrs. Alex Young, of Herotaunga.
Mrs. H. B. Lange, accompanied by her husband, Dr. Lange, will leave for Xiue Island on April 23, by the Maui Pomare.
Mrs. James Robb, of Onehunga, and Miss Ailsa Robb left yesterday to stay with Mrs. H. W. Hilford, of Oruru, Xorth Auckland.
At the Station Hotel are Mrs. F. S. Mott, United States, Mrs. J. Humphreys. London, Mrs. H. Wheeler, Calcutta, Mrs. W. Ewen, Invercargill, and Miss E. Gammas, Wanganui.
Miss Estelle Beere, formerly of Wellington. and Miss Joan Beere arrived from Svdnev recently, and are the guests cif Madame Edith Baird, Rem'uera Road. They will leave toward the end of the week on a visit to "Wellington.
Miss Sheila H. Howell (Auckland and Palmerstoo North) has decided to spend about two months in England before she returns to Ireland, where she ltas been enjoying the hunting throughout the winter. She has not yet made anv plans for her return to New Zealand.
It was decided last week at Whangarei to form a women's branch of the Whangarei Early Settlers' Association. The following officers were elected; — President, Mrs. R. C. M. Harington; secretarv, Mrs. T. Griffin; committee, Mesdames L. Hanson, Jenkins, Benoit and Hevward.
Miss Tui Gardner (Gisborne) is at present staving for a month at Kingswood, Surrey, with Mrs. H. Anderson (formerly Miss Douglas, of Hawke's Bay), wrote our London correspondent on March 30. Miss Gardner expects to remain until about September, and to travel generally in England and Ireland.
Mrs. C. King (Auckland) and her daughter, Miss Maisie King, expect, to remain in England for six months, during which time they will do a considerable amount of touring, wrote our London correspondent on March 23. They will then travel by air to France, visiting Paris and Monte Carlo. At Toulon they will connect with their homeward steamer about the end of the year.
M iss J. Yvonne Watson is staying with her sister at Streatham. wrote our London correspondent on March 30. Her original intention was to stay in England for about six months and to fit in as much travel as time would allow. Easter will probably be spent in France. Mr. and Mrs. Senior (her brother-in-law and sister) hav« been living at Streatham for five years.
The Mothers' Club of the Y.W.C.A. met yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Charles Dickens presiding. In reply to the telegram of welcome sent by the club to His Excellency the Governor-General, Viscount Galwav and Viscountess Galway, a letter of thanks was received. Mrs. Isherwood reported that as a result of an afternoon she had organised at her home recently, she had handed the sum of £2 10s to the Crippled Children's Cot Fund. A duet was sung by Captain and Mrs. Johnston, and a travel talk upon the East was given by Mrs. Price. Hostesses for tea were Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Saunders.