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HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE REMUERA.— Modern 4-Roomed Bungalow: beautiful section: nrice. £650: delow; beautiful section; price, £650; deposit, £'2so.—Jno. Grey, Winstone Bldg. RETIRING.— Lovely 7-roomed House, all elestric, exquisite harbour views; boating, bathing.—Aged, 780. Herald. Beat these.—fruit and mixed, showing £3 10s weekly profit; £SO. Dairy and Mixed, £'2 10s profit; £4O. Good business positions. Acc >mmodation.—MERCANTILE BROKERS, 201 Colonial Mutual Bldgs. X ACRES, Suburban; bungalow; mortgagee selling, £850; easy terms.—2o4 Victoria Arcade. i'QAA —Takapuna Bargain. Bungalow anc i double section, main road Mortgagee, 315, Herald. T?OKCED SALE. - KEMUERA KESI I 1 DENCE. charming situation, sunny, sheltered, glorious sea views, few yams tram; well within third section. Ownei going South immediately. Sacrifice at £950 Marvellous opportunity. MAYHILL, ■l2-185. ' Dilworth Building. £25 DEPOSIT. £'2s DEPOSIT. Balance £1 Per Week, P.I. GOOD G ROOMED HOUSE, motor garage, ail good order, 2min. to car. Must be sold before Ea.f.ter. TOTAL PRICE £525. DEPOSIT £25. Balance £1 Per Week, P.I. IyjTJTUAL J^GENCY. 110 COLONIAL MUTUAL BULDINGS, QUEEN STREET. Phone 43-788." Private 2,-018. FARMS FOR SALE CLEVEDON.— 295 AcreE, sheep and cow farm, good buildings; total price £<so. Pegler, Agent. Manurewa. IrURM, in gras? 100 acres, handy railway; £1500; deposii £IOO, balance 5 years, -u., i 239, Herald. - FARM LET. Tuakau, approx.Sj acres, adjoining station. House. G rooms. electric lighting and range; stream boundary, .lon„ road frontage; garage and 5 .outbuildings. 1-Price £ISOO -A H. Tapper. Hillcrest Road. j Papatoetoe. _ I TZATIKATL—Those Seeking Good IV at reasonable prices consult \\. H. McLeod. Land Agent. Katikati. "IVTARKET Garden, 50 acres, shop in JVI town. Profit-earning concern.—Particulars. Thomson, Box 95, Whangarei. OULTRY Farm. 10 acres, fully equipped. Sound concern.-Woodhead. 18 Commerce St. "PUKEKOHE.— 15 Acres, good cropmns -1 land; buildings; cheap.—Ballard. Ira fnlgar St.. Onehunga. UN Off Land, good cheap. ocres; £'l; Whakatane West. Land, 2SS, Herald. -|-*rHAKATANE.-150 Acres; £SOO- half VV drained swamp; cheap; no buildings. —Owner. 289. Herald. . ~\\T HITFORD. Waterfront.—lo Acres, £6 VV n a —Sanders. 25 Shortland St. Acres, partly improved. 1 i 2 watered, large house, handy; £930, deposit £235. —Ozich. Henderson. OA Acres Grass, well watered; 5 rooms. £\) every convenience; outbuildings, £I2OO ; easy terms. —Ilobson. Albany. A r Acres, Main Highway, 26 miles Auck--40 land; going concern; Bungalow; elec.; handy everything. - Greenfields. 308 M, Herald. IAC ACRES, partly improved, carrying IUO 30 head; good 6 rd. House and all outbuildings. A cheap farm. Owner sacrificing for £llsO. Deposit £3OO. What you want. See W K. FRANCIS. Estate Agent. Papakura. ■< rn Acres, volcanic and river flat; doing IOU 70 cows. Good buildings. £22 los. Thomson, Box 95. Whangarei. -i q " Acres. Freehold, Rangitaiki Plains; IOD going concern, 100 head dairy cattle; £25 acre. —Canning, Whakatane. f) CHOICE 50-Acre Farms, just outside Morrinsville Borough ; fertile, clean land ; half level; English grasses; small deposit, li house and shed erected; £2O acre.— Sole Agents: Smith and Hunter. Morrinsville. n A rr\ Deposit.—Bo Acres, situated Waikato; mostly grassed; all buildings; going concern, 22 cows, bull, horse, fuU rango implements. separator; price £2000; deposit £4SO.—W. K. Francis, Agent, Papakura MALL FARMS. 5 Acres. AV.ONDALE, £SSO; 5 Acres. BOM; B\Y £G00; 91 Acres. MANGERE, £900; K Acres, HENDERSON, £1250; Going Con cerns. 29 Acres. PUKEKOHE, £2400, Gom? Concern; 34 Acreß, ALBAN\. £I2OO. Gomj Concern; 46 Acres, RUAWAI. £IB6O : 5< Acres, HUNTLY. £1350. Going Concern. FLEMING. 130 A Ponsonby Road, Auckland. A VERY CHEAP FARM IOA ACRES. Freehold.—All ploughabl It/U land, of good quality; 150 acres ie grass; balance under plough and fern; fencec and subdivided; well watered with spring and very free of noxious weeds. Situatec within 4 miles of a good township and rail way; metalled roads; cream carts call daily very good situation, A 2sew Bungalow, of rooms, sleeping porch and convs.; small cow shed and manure ehed. With i • very uttl improvement this property will be worth double the money now asked. Price, only £ t Per Acre, with £3OO cash. F. J. BERTRAM, agent, tf. awamutu. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD WAIKATO 109 ACRES. 4 LL Undulating to Level Land: about 7; J\. acres in good grass; balance rough feea 5-roomed hous<\ 6-bail cowshed, elec. hsh and power. Carrying about 50 cows, with bit further improvement will carry <0 to 7i cows. Situated in one of the best districts it the Waikato. and owner determined to sell Price reduced to £3O per acre, or near offer £750 cash deposit accepted, or conside Smaller Farm and some cash, or Unencum b„.d Ho„,o « JNO. GREY, 1 WINSTONE BLDG., QUEEN STREET Telephone 43-668. Auckland Private Tele phone. 28-216. Or 175 ST., Tele phone 2178, HAMILTON. DALGETY & CO., LTD., (Incorporated in England.) QI7K ACRES, 15 miles from Thames. Com O < O prising approximately 175 acres o hill country. 100 acres undulating and 10 acres of really good flats; subdivided int 12 paddocks by sheep-proof fences; wel watered; property at present is only parti: stocked, but !he estimated carrying capacit: is 300 ewes. 200 wethers and 50 run cattle if a purchaser wished, he could milk 30-4 cows. Buildings: Good 6-roomed house, woe shed. 6-bail cowshed, sheepyards, pigsties etc. Rates £9. Ist Mortgage State Advance £IO2O. Price £1370. with £350 cash. Sole Agents. DALGETY & CO., LTD., ALBERT STREET. AUCKLAND. KATIKATI.— 110 ACRES, on main high way, long harbour frontage. House, rooms; plenty outbuildings; new and up to-dato milking shed, 3-cow plant; e.l. am power; 75 acres grass. Stock: 34 dair; cows. 2 bulls, pedigree. 6 heifers, 6 calves pigs, full range implements. Price, £25 Acre Going Concern; half cash, balance 5 year at 5 per cent. ~rv ACRES, main highway, right in town OvJship; nil grass. House, 5 rooms; milk ing shed, 2-cow plant. Stock: 35 dairy cows 1 bull, 14 heifers, implements. Price £4 Going Concern. Would consider House Prop erty near city, £7OO (unencumbered) in par payment, and £250 cash. Later would sub divide into building sites. W. H. McLEOD, ESTATE AGENT. KATIKATI. WORTH THE MONEY. QO ACRES, handy Pukekohe model farm O—.level; 23 cows, 2 horses, bull, 5 sows good house; machines; electric hot water £2060; Govt. Mort. Cash £545, or house lo: equity. (1151) A O ACRES. Waikato. 20 cows, 8 calves horse, pigs, etc. Machines, sep. hoiusc cowshed, etc. £1250. Going Concern. Cnsl £3OO. OH-) IAO ACRES, Pukekohe. Easy country XUO 60 cows, etc., etc. Good homestead £36 G.C., dep. £BOO. (1153) H. H. PATTLE, LTD., GENERAL MERCHANTS AND ESTATE AGENTS, PUKEKOHE.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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1,058Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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