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BUSINESSES FOB SALE APARTMENT House, Grafton, l'J rooms; rent 25a; G meters; good furnishings; £ 130.—Ripley, Helluby's Bldgs. l- ARTMENTS.—B-Rooined House; 7 rooms furn.; best part Mt. Eden; rent, 32s Ud; £63. M.E., 339, Herald. A PARTMENTS, Grafton, own accommodaXX lion and GOs to bunk; £2so.—ColmoreWilliams, Clifford's Bldgs. Phone 41-557. BAKERY, doing . ISOp weekly, 0* over counter and deliveries; £'soo, terms; no agents.—Genuine, 9S3M. Herald. BAKERY, country, selling 3100 loaves, £SO smalls weekly; electric mixers; no price cutting; profit £IOOO year. We will arrange finance to good tradesman. —MOSS AND MOSS, LTD., 113 Queen St. BUTCHERY, country; turnover £6O week; very attractive shop; easy rental; minimuni opposition; good cash trade; fully equipped, freezer, etc.; £SOO.—MOSS AND MOSS, LTD., 113 Queen St BEAUTY Salon, Queen St., good position; cheap rental; at valuation; price £9O cash.—Salon, 658, Herald. BUSINESSES Every Description. Prices right. Accountant investigates for buyers.—Commercial Brokers. Rew's Cham bers. 15 Queen St. C CONFECTIONERY, next Theatre; urgent > sale; well stocked; doing good business. —C.'I.. 335, Herald. DAIRY, Confectionery, Mixed, excellent position; rent. 255; turnover, £18; £165. —Phoenix Agency. 29 Phoenix Chambers. D""aIHY. Home Cookery. Confectionery, 400 loaves, 35 gnls. milk weekly; tsikings £27. Price, £185; rent £1; living rooms. Mt Eden. Genuine sale. A fortnight's trial if desired.—Tl. R. Burrett. Ltd., Shortlnnd St. DINING Rooms, guaranteed £2O week n«t profit; bring your accountant; £750; lenils arranged.—Phone 41-557. D~ .RAPERY, including Ladies' Wear, Fancy, Manchester, Dress and Mercery; ! modern premises, favourable lease Stock £3OOO approx.. valuation basis; buyers only 1 considered.—Established lousiness, 171 M. HERALD. __ Greengrocer.—Wonderful opportunity smart person, sleady turnover, good prolits.—Apply Herald. I rvitEENG KOCERY, Fruitery and Mixed, i urgent reasons for selling; stock and I fittings valued £80; turnover £24 week; pro i fits exceed £5 week; good accommodation, i Price £7o.—Burrett. Ltd., feliortland bt. O.M E Cookery, modern, electric; turnover £26; rent £2; excellent living accommodation; price £2OO. A sound buy. ! Dominion Brokers. Qucon's Arcade. H~~ OME Cookery, Suburban, rent 355. 4 rooms and a hop: trade £lB weekly , Won- | derful value, £loo.—Commercial Brokers, ! How's Chambers. 15 Queen St., opp. lost i Ollice. -—_ HOTELS— Every good Hotel for sale, I've got it. Finance arranged.—Kay-otrat j ton." Colonial Mutual Bldgs ___ . j TITAN, with Capital, tip-top Carrying Busii'X ness, well established; 2 large tiucks. cream run; going concern; owner want* re t i re. —O i-iTiortnnity. 336 M. Herald. —. j IvTriXED, accommodation; reduced from i\J.£HO to £45. Be first.— Vaughan, Phoenix Chambers. PALATIAL Corr.ei- Shop! Palatini Residence! 6 Rooms. Palatial Turnover! (Seems to be all Palatial). Ta J;'' terminus. Marvellous opportunity . be . e ins is believing.—Let •'Vaughan," Phoenix Chambers, show it you. j £<HOP and Bach, J-acre, freehold; £2OO O cash.—Warburton, epp School, JSew Lynn. ___ QT\TIOXERY, Confectionery, General, O Mixed; large turnover; best business in Auckland; £7oo.—Jones-Prosser, 47 Queen SL "TTTORTH £9O! Price £37 10s.— Dairy. Con- >) Vectionery; accommodation. 2®s.— Vaughan, 41 Qucen Si. EXCEPTIONAL COUNTRY STORE FOR JD SALE. .Ingoing about £l/500. turnover £450 per month. 30 per cent cash, balance good credit. Splendid locality, competently recommended. Every owne/ done well. Genuine purchaseis only apply. STORE, Box 897, Auckland. nWNbll SAILING BY N A PIER STA R (J QX JUNE 12 FOR ENGLAND, and Must Sell Remunerative CONFECTIONERY , AND TOBACCO BUSINESS, with Accom- ; modation. Price reduced from £330 to £2BO j for quick sale.—Further particulars from j Sole Agents, _ j MOSS AND MOSS, LTD., 113 Queen St. , •vtitE Have Ouistanding Bargains in the , > V following Businesses.—Home Cookeries, j Cake Agencies, Confectioneries, Mixed. I Dairies, Groceries, Apartments, Boot ShopH, Oarages, etc. Don't buy till you see us. We can save you money. BUSINESS SALES CO., 63 Queen Street N OPPORTUNITY FOR MECHANIC. ! BOWSER STATION. 4 PUMPS AND XEW WORKSHOP. Also large section on main highway few miles from city. Benzine sales alone shows £5 profit weekly. Total price everything, £IOSO Cash £550. Balance arranged. MUTUAL AGENCY, Colonial Mutual Buildings. BUSINESSES WANTED A PARTMENT House, 10 or 12 rooms, -TV central.--Details, price, to Buyer, 328. Herald. SECTIONS FOR SALE j /CAMPBELL'S BAY, Takapuna.—J-Acre. i j total prioe £25. —J. Scott, Campbell's i Bay. Plane and specifications on Brick I , Homes, under £9OO.— Amalgamated | Brick and Pipe Co., Ltd. | J EVEL and Dry, corner of main road, GO j x 130; cheap.—Phone 27-711. MILFORD.— Attractive Section, 66 x 104; j £l2O or offer—Burrett.. Ltd., Shortland j Street. I A/FT. ALBERT.—Select locality, Allendale | l\jL Rd., £250; Mountain Rd. f £325; Lloyd , ! ; \v„ £3OO. McConnochie. Agent. Kingsland. ! ! fyr CHEVALIER. - From £lO. - Jos. I iJL O'Brien, Phone 2G-934, 1186 Great North j Rd., or 33 Oliver Rd., Pt. Chevalier. ' A SEASIDE Snip.—l! Acres. £35: beaiiti- j XX f u j beaches, metalled roads.—Suitable ! Poultry, 345 M, Hf,ualp. j R' ENTS and Building Costs Increasing. Build Now—and Build in Epsom. Coni suit Local Agents; good selection Choice : I Sections, bedrock prices.—BOUSßY AND I CO., 591 Manukau Rd., Epsom. Phone 28-352. i HOUSES AND LAND WANTED BUNGALOW, modern, 5-6 rooms.' garage, good locality particulars.—Cash, 201, j Herald. CI ASH Purchaser Scctim, good locality; J reasonable pricj; particulars.—Home, 200, Herald. CMIEAP Houses, handy localities; many inquiries —Mclndoe and Son, 306 Dilworth Bldg. . "INARMS, preferably handy Auckland. 1 Buyers waiting. Send particulars, urgently.—llare Bros., 26 National Bank Bdgs. 1/1 ARM, good, genuine cash buyer; send - full particulars.—Able, 16 Winstone Bldg. "PUKEKOIIE to AUCKLAND.— PartlyJ. improved or Unimproved Farm, with or without Buildings, from 30 to 300 acres. Genuine client waiting to inspect.—W. K. FRANCIS. Agent. Phone 44. PAPAKURA. X*l A/Wl £7OO, £3OO. —Three good cvIUUU, Farmers offer these amounts for Farms, any district; reasonably priced; immediate inspection. KAY-STRATTON. Colonial Mutual Buildings. HOUSES & LAND FOR EXCHANGE PA PA TO F/TOE.—S Acres, buildings, unencumbered, great, position, exchange 200500 Acres. Hill, Pegler, Victoria Arcade. OWNER of 110 Acres, handy Auckland, carrying GO cows, will Exchange for FARMLET or HOUSE. Send your particulars to \V. K. FRANCIS, Agent, Phone 44. PAPAKURA. 1 '"VI ACRES, DAIRY, 90 cows, good buildxc»X ings, half hour Qu.-en Street, South, exchange 10 Acres Diirying. GEORGE WALKER, LTD., Queen Street. WANTED TO RENT I?VERY Property given lo Barfoot Bros. XJ to Let is ndverttsed in their Queen St. Window. WADE. Broadway, Land Ap«:nt, Now- • market, has numerous inquiries Houses, I'hits, furnished, unfurnished, all districts. VJ vicinity Pupakiira; or would lease; cash in advance,— Pruning,_33BM, llk.hald. /■"J RAZING required for horses, cattle, Joculity Pokeno. Bombay.—Apply Box 013. C.P.O. House, i or 8 rooms; would consider buying little furniture,—U.X., 293, OFFICE or I?oom, City, with use phone; low rent.—Write. G.S., 309, Herald. "11TANTED by reliable tenant about 12- ' ' Roomed Residence: highest references. —King 27-527. \\7TNDOW Space, in or near Queen St.— ' ' Particulars lo Box_l4lß, Auckland. _ T,\riNDOW Space, in or near Karangahape » ' Rd.--Particulars to Box 1418, Auck--1 a nc L Rooms, Epsom, One Tree Hill, 4 adults; excellent references.—B.R., 237, Herald.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
Word Count
1,119Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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