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P.A.DIO APPARATUS FOR SALE I A C. and D.C. Sets, £9 10a; fully guarJ\.t anteed. • Phono Deng. Shipbeid, 47 Hfnrearct Av.. Mt. Albert. EFECTIVE Valves cause 90 p.c. of Hadic Troubles. Free testing. Radio •porc-nin Store, bottom Anzac Av. "t7\DIO Par Excellence. —New Goldentone XV World Wave, £lB 10s. Easy terms.— T.mvis Eady. Ltd.. Queen St. R" ADIOJOY, 1936, 6 all-wave. " The Wonder Se<", £23 10s; easy terms.—Mountjoy, ouitftrant Rd., Onehunga. fTLTIMATE Six, £lB 10s; won D.X. Cup, U 602 stations. What a testimonial!— Wholesnle Radios, Civic Buildings. V" ALVES,'27, 3s; 82. 3s; 81, 10s; 56, 4s; 595, 6s.—Bond and Bond. Auckland. YALE D.C. is definitely best world-wide reception Try it.—lnquire 59 Hepburn St A BSOLUTE Reliability.—Buy A.W.A. Jx Radiola. Satisfaction assured. Easiest t erms —National Electrical and Engineering Company. Ltd. Phone 43-980. iIT BSOLUTE Reliability. Buy Companion J\ "quality" Radio. Greater satisfaction assured. Easiest terms.—Johns. Ltd.. Vulcan Lane. "a"LL Makes of Sets Repaired; guaranteed; .A charges '/moderate.—Phone Doug. Shipherd. 47 Margaret Ave.. Mt. Albert. A MAZING Value.—Goldentone Short-wave Broadcast, £lB 10s. World stations. Easy terms.—Lewis Eady. Ltd., Queen St. BARGAIN.— New "Kriesler" 5 Console. Special Show Model. Worth £3O. Cash offer. £lB 17s 6d.—Ripley's Radios. LYRIC 5-Valve Wireless Set, cost £l9; what offer; quite new.—7l Park Rd. MUST increase price.—Buy your £9 17s Gd "Airinaster" now. Wholesale Radios. Civic Bldgs., Wellesley St. West.. SHORT-Wftvo Reception now assured in D.C. areas with Ariel, from £24 10s.— Warwick Smeeton's. Wellesley St. East. A RMCHAIR WORLD TRAVEL! J\ First Class Fare for Third Class Cost! Why not get ALL the thrilling entertainment a really good RADIO can bring you. Enjov the best Company in the World—a CRUSADER INTERNATIONAL ALLWAVE RADIO. Invite "CRUSADER" to your home. Enjoy it while you pay for it the easy way. BOND AND BOND. LTD.. Auckland and Hamilton. ~ IQC STATIONS LOGGED ST IOD COLUMBIA This is the record o£ a Devonport resident's Columbia. No matter what the disadvantages of your locality, Columbia gives definitely better reception. For demonstration, Rinc 44-705, write or call— ARTHUR H. NATHAN, LTD.. Custoris Street East, Auckland. Radio Dept.. 3rd Floor. McCABE'S RADIOS, Auckland's largest store, dealing exclusively in Wireless, offer you the Best Selection in 1935 Models. "ULTIMATE." N.Z.'s greatest radio, from £ls 10s; "HIS MASTER'S VOICE." known the world oyer, from £l3 10s; "AIRLINE." America's ultra-modern radio. "World-wave Six, £2l 10s. Buy from an old-established firm for service and satisfaction. McCABE;S RADIOS, Corner of Karangahape Rd. and Queen St. QAVE MONEY and Build your own Radio. O Kit Sets to suit all pockets; results guaranteed and Free Practical Assistance given. Inspect the New Radio Sensation. EADIOKES DUAL WAVE KIT; remarkable performance. Let us quote you for anything Radio. McMillan radio supplies. 28 Shortland St., Auckland, C.l. Auckland leading musicians SAY:— Has Easily the Best Tone, and so Easy to Operate. It /has such Clarity, especially on Distance. £l6 10® BUYS TEMPLE RADI ° At RADIOS 11 Customs St. Weßt. RADIO APPARATUS WANTED BATTERY Set. 6-6 Valve, good working order; treasonable for cash.—s6 Union St.. City. DC. Radio wanted; cheap for cash.—lo • Williamson St.. Epsom. POULTRY, BIRDS, ETC., FOR SALE ,\ NDERSON'S Large Egg 8.0.'5. 2nd -A 8.0. Team, Mt. Albert Laying Competition. Cockerels, Hens; selected birds;'.—J. R. Anderson. Howick. Phone 38R. BLACK Orpington Cockerels, from 15s (Massey- College); Khaki Campbell Drakes, from 10s Gd.—G. Somerville. Howick. BUDGERIGARS (all per Pair).—Green. 10s; Yellow, 15s; Blue, 20s; Cobalt, 255; Mauve, 355. Prices other colours and all Finches on application. Railed anywhere.— Sunnyfields Poultry Farm. Valley Road, yoithcote. ; ( COCKERELS,:B.O., W.L., R.1.R.; Drakeß, W R., K.C;; 10s 6d to £1 Is; selected gtiains; purchase, early, get the best Wesley College. Paernta COCKERELS, "White Leghorn competition strain, 1932 1028 eggs, 1934 1025, 4bird teams; guarantee; £1 each.—Les. Batkin. Phone 26M. Tuakau. 1 RASTER Poultry;— For Quality, W. Fosb. J Symondfc St.. for Smoked Fish and Poultry.—Phone 41-520. /?J.EESE (4), lovely.—Apply Mr. Gray, 'J School Rd., Titirangi. Bus Terminus. GOLDFISH, lovely specimens, including breeding pairs, Japanese Comets and Fantsils.—Ye Parrot Shoppe. Victoria St. HAVE your Eggs Hatched in our Electric Incubator no bother or worry; reajonabh charges; book space now.— Wesley College, Paerata. O-J EXTRA EGGS IN ONE WEEK Were Obtained from 11 Hens after they got KARSWOOD POULTRY SPICE (nonforcing). Costs only halfpenny da.ily for 12 bird 3. Obtainable from all Dealers. T\7"HITE LEGHORNS (first year). Black W Orpingtons (first year), Indian Runner Ducks (young), 5 £l, 25 £4 15s 10d, 50 £9 3s 4d. 100 £l7 10s. Pullets, 4 £l, 25 £G, 50 £ll 13s 4d. 100 £22 10s. Purebred, Laying Breeding Cockerels, fis Gd; Drakes, os o<i. Railed anywhere.—Sunnyfields Poultry Farm, Valley Rd., Northcote. POULTRY, BIRDS, ETC., WANTED INCUBATORS, all makes, sizes, cheap for cash; full particulars, capacity, make. etc.— Cash. 355. Hehald. WT ANTED to Buy.—6 Laying Pullets, » * Black Orpington.—Ring 18-034. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE COB. good-looking with Saddle. Bridle; £7 10t.—20 Lewin Rd . Epsom. COB (1), handsome. 3yrs., good jumper; broken all harness.—Hoult. Runciraan. DRAUGHTS OO), high-class, Medium and Heavy; guaranteed workers.—.Tacobson, 1 "armer, Hairini. Te Awamutu. "LTARM Horses, good, reliable. £ls to £ls; j<- can be seen wcrking.—C. M. Peck. Mt. Roskill. Phone 20-COl. Horses (3), Medium, young, guaranteed workers, sound: from £2O. Hoult. Runcimar "IJONY, Child's, rising three, broken to harness, very quiet; £s.—John Maire. Waterloo Rd.. Milford. QUALIFIED Hunter, Roan Mare, Mar von Downs. 7 years, sure, clear,! jumper, offered at Westfield Sale to-morrow (Thursday), by Auction at 11 a.m. SHOW Hacks (2), Mares, jumpers, Gyrs.; £ls and £2O. —George Matchett, Matahnru, Ohinewai. ' LIVESTOCK FOR SALS C CANADIAN Berkshiroß and Canadian ' Tamwor.'hs. best utility pigs for N.Z.— Austin C'arr, 11 Commerce St.. Auckland. _Farm. Morrinsvilie. < Jersey, 2nd calf, sound.—ill's. Bercich, Ferndale Rd.. 'Ellerslie. ' JERSEY Cow, first calf, lead, just in.— Phone 30P. H. Cutler, IlendeiHon,. JERSEY C6wh (2). iust calved; sound and quiet.—l!) Phyllis St.. Mt. Albert. TERSEY Cows (3). quiet, sound, one due now.—GooVlwin. Fitzroy St.. Papatoetoe. "pEDIGREF. Large Wliites. choice Weaners available, good strain: reasonable.— F Ad'er. 'l'auranga. _ Boars, fit for service.—Phone -*- 2SK. Papakura.—McCullough. Ardmore. Takanini. pedigree all breeda; reason- " * • n'.lc rateß; raise your own bnars and sows; older Pig? available also - Wesley t-ollpge. Paerata. WAIONE Herd of Large White and Tamworth .Pigs, Weaner Boars and Sows for sale. fr6m outstanding parents. Prices moderate. Inspection invited. Waione Model Piggeries, Ltd., Pnpakura. £?A Marked ln-calf Heifers. £5 10s.—Henry vy Brown, Stock Acent. Phone 3209, Ham- |/: LIVESTOCK WANTED "PWES <SO), in lamb; state age and price cash.—Apply Herald. PC TTERD. up to 100 Cows, wanted; payment, one-third cream cheque; Shorthorn prep ferred, or Cross; first-class farm.—Under- | stocked. 615 M.' Herald. ||; QOWS (20). young to 1 arrow; state breed. 'Js O price for cash.—North. 279 M, Hkhald.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
Word Count
1,106Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 3
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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