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HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION •' A BEUCORN," 3153 Queen St. Ideal 11 situation, near Town Hall. Bed. Breakfast. 4s.—Phone 45-254. Accommodation, "the Point," Torbay; quiet, shady, beach frontage; safe swimming; handy buses. Reasonable.—F. Jones. Accommodation, ail good Guest Houses, Hotels; information; illustrated literature; tickets; lowest tariff rates; no booking fees.—Goodwill Travel, Victoria Arcade. A UCKLAND'S Biui> Mountains.—"NihoA tupii House." Restful holiday; 2 Cottages to let.—Phone 47R Henderson. Gash. BACH, part furnished, one left, Easter Week, at beautiful Tui Glen.—-Phono 44-000, City, or write Brookes, Tui Glen, Henderson BAY OF ISLANDS, pftihia and Waitangi. First-class Private Hotel, " Mon Dtsir."—Wire Tracey, Paihia. BEACH House, Milford. Restful surroundings; tank water and frigidaire; tennis, putting; excellent cuisine. Moderate.—Phone 23-277. BED and Bieakfast, 14s; M.C., 27s Gd; Double Room, 12s Gd.—lll Nelson St BROWN'S BAY.—Furn. Cottage available Faster; moderate rent.—Phone 25-400. BROWN'S BAY.—"The Anchorage," new, furn., self-contained rooms for baching, with con vs. Moderate. /"IAM BRIDGE.—HoteI Midland. A.A.A., central; excellent cuisine. Book now for your Holidays. _Moderate tariff. /'IARISBROOKE, Devonport.—ldeal Holiday Resort; excellent cuisine. Mrs. A. Wagstaff. Phone 22-530. /"CHELTENHAM Beach. Easter Ilolidaye.— Accommodation, visitors, permanents; good table; minute bus; moderate.—63 Vauxhall Rd. 22-428. CILENDON House. Leigh.—Easter holi- > days; fishing, tennis; 3 hours Auckland. —Phone 2s. Service Car daily. DEVONPORT. —Marina, Buchanan St., few vacancies; 2 minutes wharf; good table; moderate. EDGE WATER House, 48 Cheltenham Beach.—Furn. Flat, vacant Easter, 2-3 weeks. furnished, self-contained, beautiful . views, fronting beach.—B Hamana St., Narrow Neck. HAMILTON EAST. Warwick Private Hotel. Charming riverside situation; motor garage; permanents, casuals.—Mrs. Voysey. TJELENSVILLE. Hinemoa House. Plunge, swimming pool, tennis, croquet, billiards, indoor bowls, dancing; reasonable tariff. Phone 47.—Mrs. T. Keane, Proprietress. HOWtCK Beach Beauty Spot. " the Cliffs." Phone IG.—Farm produce. From Gs daily; 35s weekly. LLIGH Hotel. A.A., Licensed.—Come and think things over in an atmosphere of quiet and good spirits; only the best stocked.—Phone 1. Leigh. MOTOR Campers. Rotorua. Edwards' Canteen Hires Tents. Stretchers. Tables. Stools.—Write price list. Edwards' Canteen. NGAWHA Curative Springs. World's Miracle Pools. Bungalows, Boarding House, Baches. Camp Sites, e.1., p.w.c.; Swimming Lake.—Kaikohe. Phones 73 and ONETANGI. —Strand House, right on Beach. Tennis, Surfing; e.1.; every comfort; terms, £2; book now for Easter; Gs per day.—Write or Phone, Mrß. Taylor. PIHA. —Spend this Easter at Piha and be satisfied ; telephone 45-360. E. Le Gri;e. Accommodation House. RESTLEIGH. Leigh, on Beach.-Shel-tered, native bush; free boats, fishing. Baches.—Phone 4M, E. Yearbury. ROTORUA —St. Elmo.—Furnished Rooms, use conveniences, or Bed. Breakfast: near Baths. ROTORUA. —Grange, opp. railway. smin. Government Gardens: terms moderate.— Proprietress. Mrs. G. Savage. Phone 4G7. ROTORUA.— Fenton House. ad.oinms Govt. Gardens; sunny Bedrooms, newly fnrn.; excellent table: Ps day. Concessions. ROTORUA, Winnip°g House, Whakane St.—Select Accommodation; permanents and casuals: excellent table: tariff, Gs daily. ROTHSAY BAY (Near Beach).—Bach. 3 rooms, furn.—l Shackleton Rd.. Mt. Eden, evenings. RUSSELL. — Furn. Bungalow. Piano: also small Bach, furn.; any term.—Moderate, Pox 10. Russell. RUSSELL.— Duke of Marlborough. fuUy licensed, first-class accommodation: new hotel, new furnishings.—.Tack English. Proprietor. RUSSELL. " the Gables." central position: waterfront, modern appointments, best attention. Phone IPD. Address: Gables. ST. HELTERS Waterfront.—Grand Hotel. Ideal Holiday Home. Bowling, Tennis; excellent cuisine: moderate tariff.—Bradley, 25-789. ST HELlEßS.—Wayside Tearooms, sunny rooms, single beds; suit 2 friends. Easter: board optional. Waterfront.—2s-989. T^AKAPUNA. —Furnished Cottage, middle -I of beach, every convenience.—Phone 23-335. Mn\ hill, lakapunn. 2.j-2b3. TAURANGA.— Hotel St. Anne's, the Leading Private Hotel in Tauranga, centrally situated in charming grounds.—Proprietors, Captain and Mrs. P. E. Harne. r PAURANGA.—HoteI Roslyn, on the water--I front! Tauranga's paramount Guest House. Unrivalled cuisine; accommodation de luxe; enjoyable comfort: r-.tquisite views. —Mr and Mrs. Meikle r PAURANGA. Wharepai Private Hotel.— A Superior Accommodation; opp. Domain grounds, near beaches: tariff. Bs Gd per day, £2 5s weekly.—Miss Moffatt, Proprietress. r PHE Mount.—Well-furn. House, sleep six: JL central; £2.—Banks. Mt. Maungnnui. rPHE Mount.—New Modern Flatß, fur--1~ nished, 4 people.—For information. Tappenden. 195 W. I " r PHE Pines." Orua Bay. vis Onehunga. JL by launch, 14 hours. Sea frontage; safe beach, fishing, dance hall, billiard table, tennis and store.—Write L. Morris. Proprietnr. Private Phone. WAIPU COVE.-Bench House, fishing, boating, dancing, safe bathing; weekly, £2 2s; camping. baches.—E. McMillan. Visiting Waitomo Caves. Btny nt * V the WaKles, a home away from home. Reduced tariffs —Phone 129J, Mrs. de Lunie, Proprietress. \T7"HANGAREI. —James' Hotel, central, » » most modern Private Hotel, North Auckland; tariff. 8s 6d: weekly by arrangement. "IIiTAIHEKK, "Bnyview," Ostend.—Easter VV tariff. 22s Gd. Thursday, Monday, inclusive; good table; boating facilities; phone.— Garland and Ncwbrook. Surfdnle. ATTRACTIVE Onetangi Reach, Waiheke. - Sea Vie;v House. Special Easter tariff, i days, £l. Book now.—Phone 5 or write Whitcher's Private Bag, Auckland. Mail days: Wednesdays, Satnrdays. ASTER AT K A W A U. A GLORIOUS HOLIDAY FOR £2 2s. Thursday to Monday—or £3 10s week Frequent Steamer Service. Warm and free from cold winds. Bathing, Boating Fishing, Tennis, Goll and Dancing Ring SPRY CO., Argus House, nigh St. Phone 43-453, or write, telegraph MANSION HOUSE. KAWAU ISLAND. PARLEYS WINCHELSEA HOUSE. *■ KAREKAHE BUREAU. Book Now for Easter. The most, select WEST COAST RESORT. Homestead beautifully SHELTERED. Famous for GOOD TABLE. Finest SURF BEACH. Unlimited Water Supply. Shower Bat us. Wonderful Scenery. All Gnmes. Dunce Hall. Moderate Tariff. Courteous and Efficient Service. Cheap Fares. Car leaves AARD Office, Customs St.. daily. VENTNOR PRIVATE HOTEL. * King Edward Parade, Devonport. New Management: SYDNEY AND PAGE. First-class Seasido Accommodation. Spacious Lounges. Tennis Courts, Tariff: 10s per day—£3 per \veek. Permanent Guests by Arrangement. Phone 22-466 1 -yyiiATiPiJ JJOUSE - "THE SENTINEL OF THE MANUKAU" And a Beauty Spot on the West Coast. Harbour Views, Magnificent Bush, Fresh and Ball Water Bathing Book now for Easter. Excellent Table and Courteous Service. Launch Fare. ss. Ring or Write WALLACE D. FARLEY, via Huia P.O. HOLIDAY WANTEDS EOTORUA.— Flat*, or 2 Double Rooms, i Easter.—Particulars, Henderson, Electrician, Newmarket, Auckland.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
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949Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
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