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LOST PROPERTY "DAG, containing Book with name inside; j JI lef t in Car, Mt. Eden—Ring 21.-C75. 1 kINGHY,, 10ft. 6in.. painted green, from ■*-' mooring, Tnmnki, Water St.. Otahuhu.— iii"g -42-320. HATBOX. containing Hat, vicinity Mt. Eden.—Finder please return Ace Parcel Delivery, Unity Bldgs., Victoria St. HUB Can. Airwheel, Royal, between cityPapakura.—'ers, Southdown, Penrone. black jet, between St. George's Church, Ranfurly Rd. and Mt. St. John Ave., via Market Rd.; reward.—Phone 24-497. "IIITATCH, gold, with Expansion, oblong » T shape, between Dilworth Bldg.-C.P.0.-Customa St. E ; reward.—Ring 16-975. "I7[7"ATCH (lady's), gold wristlet, yester- ' • day, in City, Newmarket; reward.— I Phone 20-779. THE M UTUA L LIFE & CITIZENS' 1 ASS [TRANCE COMPANY, LTD.. (Incorporated in Australia). The Company hereby gives one month's notice of its intention to issue a special Policy in place of Policy No. 212311 issued by the Mutual Life and Citizens' Assurance Company, Ltd., on the life of RANDOLPH EAGLETON, and declared to have been lost. , OWNER!? WANTED BLAZER, Bowler's (Frankton Junction), at Titirangi, on. Sunday.—4 Warnock St., Grey Lynn. STRAYED AND IMPOUNDED nOLLIE Dog, liable, valuable; strayed, Sunday last.—M:rs. Cooke, Sturges Road, He nd e rson. COW, Jersey-Ay rehire, dehorned, in milk. —Finder pleasei phone Rushton, 285, Manurewa. PUP, Blue Australiin, 6 months, blue and white spotted chest, legs.—Maxton Bros., Wa.haroa. OHEEP Dog, aged, black, tan, white, O answers name, Don; fiom Puhinui Rd., Papatoetoe; reward.—Finder please Ring 17M, Papatoetoe APARTMENTS VACANT A LBERT Park.—Bed-Sitting Room, large kitchenette. modern furn., select.—4 Alt red St. _ A ORANGI, 23 Symonds St—Double or ■A Single Rooms; breakfast optional. Visitori) and Permanents. A RLINGCOUKT, 22 Lower Symonds St.— Superior Furnished Apartments. EACH Bedroom, own entrance, convs., handy City, Ponsonby; meals optional. —Phone 26-703. BACH Room, large single: separate entrance. Also Single Balcony Bed-Sitting R00m.—177 Grafton Rd. BED-SITTING Room, large, double, furn., bathroom caliiont.—B Margaret St., Three Lamps. BED-SITTING Room, near University, double, fully furn., kitchenette.—6 Grafton Rd. BED-SITTING Room, furn., fireplace, separate cooking; clean; adults.—27 Pollen St.. Ponsonby. " /-iHATSWORTH." 54 Wynyard St.. City. -Self-contained Bed-Sitting Rooms, Bai:h.—Phone 42-6& S. CITY.— Furn. double Rooms, 12s 6d; Single, 10s; Share. 6s 6d each: gas rings. -Phone 45-595. ITY.—Comfortable Single Rooms, cooking conveniences,, phone (store). —Corner Co?k. Nelson Sts. CITY. —Furn, Double Rooms, 12s 6d; Single, 10s; Share. 6s 6d each; gas rings.—Phone 45-59'>. " J- locality: choice Rooms; nice place: fire proof. Ip IN EST Harbour Views.—Single or Double Rooms, cooking convs.—Phone 42-108. Melmerley. 28 St. George's Bay Rd. ""U ADLEIGH." ~IQB Parnell Rd.—Large. JH bright Single, Double Rooms, well furq.; or Board; moderate; phone. ONSONBY.—Niceb Furnished Bed-Sit-ting Room, kitchenette; quiet couple: minute tram.—l Picton St. R~ EMUERA RD., near Newmarket.—Furn. Bed-Sitting Room, suit refined lady.— Ph(me 25-417. ROOMS to let, with fireplaces.—Apply ROOMS (2), separately or as Flat, kitchenette; Burrows Av., Parnell.—Phone 43-352. 8 WATERLOO Quadrant, opp. Government Grounds.—Furn. Double and Single Rooms, convs : phone; breakfast optional. Ir> /O— Sunny. Furnished Room, break—</D fast, conveniences; handy station 16 Balfour Rd.. Parnell. OA Grafton Rd.—Sunny Single Bed-Sit-OV/ ting Room, gas; aluo Single Room. FOR HIRE BOTTLE Jacks, Timber Jacks, Extension Ladders, good order.—Sam. White and Sor.s, Market Place. Phone 41-708. CiVR for Hire, Sedan, without driver: reasonable.—Phone 41-722. Drive yourself! Ltd., 43-500.-20 New Cars Available, all latest models. Week Days, from 6s per half-day, 10s per day.—No. 4 LOWER ALBERT ST DRIVE YOURSELF. LTD Costumes. Morning Suits, Evening Suitß, latest designs;, catalogues Id.—Desiree Hansen, Dilworth Bldg. 47-795. E _ ENT A CAR, DRIVE YOURSELF 50 NEW CARS, latest models from Week-day: 6s Half-day, 10s per day.— Shorter')) Rental Cars, Shortland St Phone 44-061. The largest Rental Firm in N.Z V ACUUM Cleaners, best make, 3s 6d per day, delivered and picked up.—Beatty Bros. (N.Z.). Ltd.. Phone 41-128. WANTED TO HIRE BILLIARD Tables (4), with Snooker and Billiard Ralls preferred. —Billiards, 48».?. f , Hetmiij BOAT, suitable for Outboard, Easter holidays or Waterfront Road.—Careful, 334, Bekai.D. BRIDGE, PARTIES , ETC. \CADEMY Bridge Club. Upper Queen St.—Mondays .'Contract only), Wednesdays, Saturdays, 7.45 p.m.; afternoons, daily —4-1-475. BRIDGE. Auction and Contract, private individual tuition; fees moderate.—L. Etherington, Box 12*25. Phone 40-774. Margaret prjtchard. Certified Cui. bertson Teachoi Auction. Contract: Prac-tire Class. 2 p.m Thursdays! Is.— Academy Studios; 41-475 SALES OP PROPERTY A Property, 170 acres, withdrawn from sale,—E. M. Henry. A GENTS.—Take notice, all my property withdrawn from sale.—Shortcliffe. Papa_0 FFIOE_EQ UIPMENT FOR SALE A HMSTHONG and Springhalt, Ltd., Fort St., sole N Z. Agents for Imperial 1 yptnvriter Company, Leirester. F.ngland. C CORONA Portable Typewriter, good condition, with cane, cheap C.H.. 229. Herald. _ KEE Lox Ribbons and Carbons. —Thus Bailey. Agent 2nd Floor. Dilworth Building Customs St 44-387. WOODSTOCK, £'4, Noiseless, f3 to £ls; Imperials, ilO to t25. year's guarun ice.—Armßtrona »nd Springhall Ltd.. '-ffi Fort St. A liL Makes Typewriters, best selection in town. fully guaranteed. —lmperial Sup ply Go., British Chambers. High St A MAZING Reductions all makes, from £6 A ma up; guaranteed; bargains you cannot ignore: call, inspect. British Typewriters, 8 Queen's Arcade i,l oR Hire. - Remington and Underwood r Typewriters, in good condition.--Im ppriu.l Supply Co.. Rritish Chambers. High St. RESTAURANTS AND TEA ROOMS PRIOR'S, opp Savings Bank. Queen St. —Best 3-Course Meal in City, la. HITEHEAD'S Cafe Cecil Restaurant, opp G.P.0.. as usual— 3-Courae Meals, MONUMENTAL MASONS A ANDERSON. Monumental Masons. A., —Show Yard. Uillsboro". Phones 12-391, 13-654. For something different. Every job guaranteed. FLORAL EMBLEMS A RTISTIC Wreaths. Choice Flowers, any■t\ where, any time.—Phone 40-035; after 6 p.m., 12-204, Miss Carney. 69 Karangahape Road. . BOUQUETS. -Ultra Modern Designs, Wreaths, Baskets. Hay's Nurseries, Customs St. W. Phone 44-112. Night, 45-128.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
Word Count
915Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.