CAMPBELL.—On April 15, at their residence. 2t? Watling Street. Mount Eden, to lir. and Mrs. G. H. Campbell, a daughter. —Both well
CLARKE.—On April 16, at St. Heliers, to Mr. and Mrs. J E. Clarke, 27 Angleaea Street, Ponsonby, a son.— Both well.
HAYR.—On April 13, at Obstetric Hospital, Whangarei, to Mr. and Mis. K. Hayr (nee Jean Crazier), of Parakao, a son.— Both {veil.
LEPPER. —On April 11, at Waione, Hamilton, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lepper, of Barwood Koad, Matamata, a daughter.
McCRACKEN,—On April 13, at Nurse Percy's, Te Kohanga, Otorohungn, to Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken (nee Mavis Boss), of Kio Kio. Otorohanga, a daughter.—Both well
OSBOLDSTONE.-On April 15, at Nurse Cleal's, Selbourive Street, to Mr. and Mrs. £. Osboldstone. a daughter.—Both well, (Wanganui papers please copy.)
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 1
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