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PROGRESS IN MANUKATJ INCREASE IN RECEIPTS t MORE RATES COLLECTED " There is a great and increasing difficulty in collecting rates on Crown lands and properties mortgaged to the State Advances Department," said Mr. E-. Ashcroft, clerk of the Manukau County Council, when a report covering the financial activities for the year ended March 31, was presented to the council j-esterday morning. In adopting the report the members expressed satisfaction at the improved financial conditions of the county. The report stated that the receipts totalled £101,298, compared with £77,343 in the previous year. Expenditure amounted to £8*1,219. An improvement in the collection of rates is also shown. The total rates levied last year amounted to £31,312, and of thisjsum, £27,619 was collected. This represented 88.2 per cent, as compared with 81.6 per cent in the previous year. There has been a reduction during the last five years of the sum levied as 1 general, hospital and special rates. The sum last year totalled £31,312, while that in 1930-31 was £37,830. Of the £32,678 collected by way of rates and penalties during the year, £17,974 was received in March. Ten per cent penalties collected totalled £325, an increase of £4B. The sum of £4028 was received from the Main Highways Board as subsidy on maintenance of main highways. The general account showed a balance of £5229 to be charged to the ridings. The amount allowed on the estimates was £5500. A reply to a letter from a ratepayer who complained of the danger of flying bullets at the Penrose rifle range was received from the Minister of Defence, the Hon. J. G. Cobbe. The letter stated that it was not possible at present to provide funds for the of the range, but in the meantime, every possible safety precaution would be taken. It was decided to contribute 2o guineas to the Mayor of Auckland s crippled children's fund. The traffic inspector's report stated that this year's issue of licences will total 1850, as compared with 762 in 1930. WAIPA RIDING ACCOUNTS CONSOLIDATION DEFERRED [from our own correspondent] TE AWAMUTU, Tuesday The Waipa County Council at its meeting again discussed the proposal to consolidate riding accounts, but in view of the allied matter of loan conversions not having been completed, it was agreed to postpone decision until the new council reviews the situation. Heavy traffic fees for 13 months ended March 31 increased by over £2OO, and drivers' licence fees by over £2O. — PIAKO COUNCIL'S AFFAIRS REVIEW BY THE CHAIRMAN [from our own correspondent] TE AROIIA, Tuesday At the conclusion of the Piako County Council meeting to-day, the chairman, M;r. W. C. Kennedy, stated that with the exception of one riding all were in credit, while Tapuna, with a deficit of £IOO, had considerably improved its position in comparison with that of four years ago, when it had a debit of over £6OO. Sixty per cent of arrears of rates and 65 per cont of the current rates had been collected. The policy of the council in regard to scaling roads had proved to be a good one for the county. The time, however, was fast approaching when the Highways Board subsidies would have to be increased. WHANGAREI COUNCIL'S YEAR CHEAPER ADMINISTRATION [from our own correspondent] WHANGAREI, Tuesday The total turnover of receipts and expenditure of the Whangarei County Council for the year ending March 31, 1935, was £112,629, as against £92,462 for the previous year. The cost of administration based on expenditure only, was 5.08 per cent, as against 6.18 in 1932-33. The contributions and payments received by the council from Government departments last year totalled £26,393. The general rates and arrears collected for 1934-35, were £13,321 and special loan rates collected totalled £4//«s, niakiiif a total contribution by property owners of £18,094, as against £30,455 in 1928-29. The percentage of general rate (European), collected for the 1934-35 is 85 per cent, as against 74.00 for the previous year. The European general rates 1933-34 outstanding at March 31, 1934, amounted to fIOM. During the year, £2219 was collected, leaving still outstanding, £1853. Arrears of previous vears collected totalled £373. The average general rate a ratepayer (European) for the past year equals £5 2s 6d (collectable basis), compared with £lO 8s in 1928-1929 Of he current general rate collected, £4464 was paid to the Hospital Board, leaving the sum of £8179 for all other purposes. , For the past year the total expenditure out of riding funds on all roads amounted to £15,209, and of this amount the ridings contributed £2484 toward the maintenance °f 200 milcs of highways. The balance, £12,725, was expended in maintenance and implement of riding roads. HOKIANGA RECEIPTS DEBIT BALANCE SHOWN [nr TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] RAWENE, Tuesday At the Hokianga County Council meeting yesterday the treasurer reported that the receipts for the year ending March 31 totalled £32,369, leaving a debit balance of £7087. The actual rates struck for the year were £10,938, of which £7153 was collected, indicating a collection percentage of 65 per cent. The arrears of rates outstanding as at March 31, 1934, was £10,835, of which £4976 was collected, a percentage of 45.9.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 19
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859COUNTY FINANCE New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 19
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COUNTY FINANCE New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 19
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