PUKEKOHE ASSOCIATION [from our own correspondent] PUKEKOHE, Tuesday Tho following officers have been appointed by the Pukekohe branch of the Franklin Returned Soldiers' Association: Chairman, Mr. F. A. Hosking; secretary, Mr. W. T. Pear sail; committee, Messrs. Hosking, Pearsall, J. Comrio, It. Wilcox, J. S. Wilcox, V. Morris, S. J. Douglas, G. McPherson, J. A. Soinmerville and B. Blennerhassett; delegates to Franklin executive, Messrs. Soinmerville and Pearsall. It was reported at tho annual meeting that membership, now standing at 21.6, was 40 greater than last year's figure. The branch had raised over £2OO, exclusive of subscriptions during the year. ACTIVITIES AT THAMES NEW OFFICERS ELECTED [llV TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT] THAMES. Tuesday Over 60 members of the Thames Returned Soldiers' Association attended the annual meeting of the association last evening. The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. A. M. Samuel, M.P.; president, Mr. T. McCarroll; vicepresident, Mr. G. Fisher; lion, treasurer, Mr. W. 13. Gilmore; auditor, Mr. A. G. T. Bryan; committee, Messrs. R. M. Rhodes, A. Brokcnshire, K. L. Gibson, C. Bunting, A. Fleet, W. Sparks, 11. Charlton, F. Robinson, G. Hawkins and T. Crawford.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 18
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