SEVERAL ASSAULT CHARGES DAMAGE IN RESTAURANT A plea of not guilty was entered by .Tames Patrick Cusack, labourer, aged 34, who was charged before Mr. F. K. Hunt, S.M., in the Police Court .yesterday, with assaulting James Meikle on April 9. Accused, who was arrested by Constable Beecroft, was stated in evidence to have been in a hotel with complainant. who taxed accused with taking about 16s from him. Complainant was struck, and he later pointed out accused to the constable, who, however, found only 2s in the man's possession. A sentence of a month's imprisonment was imposed, Sub-Inspector Fox stating that accused had previously been in trouble. A disturbance in a city restaurant late on Monday night led to the appearance of Francis James Conway, motor-driver, agefl 41, on charges of drunkenness, committing mischief by wilfully damaging crockery and furniture to the value of £1 19s, and using obscene language. Accused, who was represented by Mr. Aekins, denied the third charge, but admitted the others. Accused, who said a stranger attacked him, stated in evidence that he was a relief worker receiving sustenance rates. He wm with several companions.
"That is what one objects to," stated the magistrate. "Here you are on sustenance, and squandering the money." Accused was ordered to pay the amount of the damage, in default seven days' imprisonment, and was fined £l, or three days' imprisonment, for using bad language, and 5s for drunkenness. He was allowed 48 hours in which to make payment. Maurice Murphy, a cook, aged 20, who denied a charge of tommitting a breach of the terms of his probation, was stated to have been admitted to two years' probation at Wellington in September on a car conversion charge. He had stowed away on a vessel for America, where he had been in gaol, and he had not complied with the conditions imposed. He was sentenced to a month's imprisonment. Charged with assaulting James Ciprian on Monday, Walter Gordon, labourer, aged 36, was remanded until this morning, the police stating that the injured man was not badly hurt. Accused was allowed his freedom on his own recognisance of £5. Appearing on summons, a stoker on H.M.S. Dunedin, George Henry Donaldson (Mr. Sullivan), was charged with an assault upon a man in a hotel on December 8. Evidence was given that defendant had been pestered by two civilians, including the man alleged to have been assaulted, and there was provocation. The case was dismissed without the defence being called.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 17
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