.TRIBUTES TO MR. SAVAGE Tributes to the work done by Mr. M. -J. Savage, M.P., as a member of the Auckland Hospital Board, were paid at a meeting of the board yesterday. Owing to the pressure of his duties as lender of the Opposition, Mr. Savage is not seeking re-election at the municipal elections next month.
Ihe chairman Mr. W. Wallace, said that Mr. Savage had always worked enthusiastically for the hospital both as a board member and in Parliament. They knew his interest in the hospital ■would be maintained. Mr. Savage thanked all board members for the courtesy he had received from them, and also the officers of the board and members of the hospital staff for their consideration. Although lie was leaving the board, he would not neglect his interest in the health service of the country.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 17
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 17
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