The J. C. Williamson, Limited company which is to make its reappearance m Auckland at His Majesty's Theatre on Saturday night in John Drinkwater's delightful comedy " Bird in Hand," has established itself fairly in the affections of New Zealand playgoers through the perfect representations it gave of " Ten Minute Alibi " and "The Wind and the Rain." They have visited every city and town of note in the Dominion and the tour has been a financial and artistic success. Members have been rehearsing " Bird in Hand " for several weeks, and the scenery and effects for this production have just arrived from Sydney. George Thirl well is undoubtedly one of the best and most versatile comedy actors who has ever visited Australia or New Zealand, and he will receive splendid opportunities in the role of Beverley, the dashing young Londoner. Great interest will be centred in tho first appearance here of Miss Janet Johnson, a talented young actress, who, it is said, will be seen at hex best in the role of Joan Greenleaf. Frank Bradley is acclaimed as the finest character-comedian in Australia to-day, and he has scored his best triumph in the part of the innkeeper. " Bird in Hand " possesses all the essential ingredients necessary for a true comedy, including brilliantly clover dialogue, and throughout the action of the play there is a succession of genuine laughter-provoking scenes and situations. The box plans will open this morning for " Bird in Hand." John Drinkwater's famous comedy can only be staged for a limited number of performances, and during the brief season " Ten Minute Alibi " and " The Wind and the Rain " also will be staged.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 16
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 16
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