FURTHER NOMINATIONS TRANSPORT BOARD DISTRICTS In addition to the nine candidates already announced for the six city seats on the Auckland Transport Board the following five further nominations have been received: —F M. Bartrain, T. Bloodworth, G. Grey Campbell, J. C. Entrican, H. G. K. Mason. For the two seats for the No. 2 constituency, which comprises the boroughs of Mount Albert, Mount Kden and Newmarket, the following three additional candidates have been nominated: —Forbes Eadie. \V. J. Evans, E. H. Potter.
Mr. R. G. ( Clark is the second nominee for the two seats in the No. ,'j constituency. This consists of the boroughs of Onehunga and One Tree Hill, the road districts of Mount Hoskill, Panmure and Mount Wellington, the town district of Kllerslie and the Mangere Hiding of Manukau County.
Nominations for the Transport Board finally close at noon on Wednesday, April 24. Several nominations for the forthcoming election had been received at the Auckland Harbour Board office yesterday. For the two positions on the board as representatives of the payers of dues on ships, Mr. W. F. McCallum, a, sitting member, and Mr. J. H. Bradmey had been nominated. Mr. Harvey Turner had been nominated for the seat of the representative of payers of dues other than those on ships. The nominations close next Wednesday. Mr. H. R. McKen/ie, the sitting member of. the Harbour Board for the combined district of Franklin and Manukau. has again been nominated. MOUNT EDEN BOROUGH "COUNCIL TICKET" SELECTED Several of the members of the Mount Eden Borough Council, and others, have formed a "Council Ticket" to contest the forthcoming election. The "ticket" includes Messrs K. N. Buttle, S. F. Chnppell, G. A. Clark, C. Cowan, J. K. .Johnston, R. J Mills and .1. A. Steele, all of whom are present members of the council, and Messrs. A. C. Johns, A. T. Dow. A. J. Hooton and R. W. Turner. NEWMARKET MAYORALTY ANOTHER CANDI DATE In response to various requests Mr. A. E. Clinkard has decided to offer himself as a candidate for the Mayoralty of Newmarket.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 15
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