Grand Hotel.—Mr. A. H. Cotnoy (London), Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Todd (Singapore), Mr. \V. B. Roland, Mr. J M Pittendrigh (Melbourne), Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pyie, Mr, aud Mrs. Henderson, Mr. 0. W. Trickett. Mr. 11. E. Messenger, Mr. A. J. McDonald (Sydney). Mr. and Mrs. R T. Reid (Hamilton), Admiral G. L. Massey (London). Hotel Cargeu.—Mr. and Mra. J. Middleton (Queensland), Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson (London), Mr. J. A. MacPougall (Mnrtinborough). Station Hotel.—Mr. J. Brooke (London), Mr. V. Forsbaw and Mr. C. Stringer (England). Mr. and Airs. P. Mott (United States), Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler (Calcutta), Mr. F. Connor, Mr. H. Campbell and Mr. F. Hicks (Wellington), Mr. J. Kirk wood (Dunedin), Mr. and Mrs. \\. Irwin (Invercargill), Mr. E. Nicholson (Hamilton). Central Hotel.— Mr. S. Gray (London'. Mr. R. Sparks and Mr. T. W. Spiers (Sydney). Mr. T. Johnson, Mr. S. G. Lang. Mr. T W. Baird and Mr. T. Thomson (Wellington), Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rickett (Te Awamutu), Mr. F Andrewea lOpor.oni). Star Hotel.—Mr. and Mrs H. Scudamnre (Melbourne), Mr. G. S. Jones j". 1 ? church), Mr. M. R. Gorn>orsway and .v»r H. Davis (Taihape). Royal Hotel.—Mr. A. C. Hinds (Queen* land), and Mr. S. B. Sims (Hamilton^.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 14
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 14
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