THE KING'S JUBILEE FIFTY PER CENT INCREASE J _____ CONCESSION FOR ONE WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT BY MINISTER It was announced last evening by the Minister of Employment, the Hon. S. G. Smith, that it had been decided in connection with the celebrations in New Zealand to mark the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty tho King, to JScrease the relief payments of the unemployed by 50 per cent for the week ending April 27. Briefly, eligibility for this concession would bo the same as applied to the Christmas bonus last year. The Minister said that in addition all those relief workers who would normally be called upon to work on Monday, May 6, would be paid for that day, without being; required to perform any work. Subject to exceptions mentioned later the 50 per cent increase would apply to all unemployed who were registered and eligible for relief for the wedk ending April 27. Those to whom this concession would not apply were registered men who were engaged on 4B contracts, 4A contracts, employed by local bodies at standard rates, for not less than 40 hours per ' wetfk, supervisors and bureau workers —in short, all those whoso weekly rate of pay exceeded £2 10s. . The Minister further intimated that it wouid be pointed out to local bodies which were providing full-time employment for men taken from tho register of unemployed and assisted by a subsidy given on condition that employment was for not less than 40 hours weekly, that the amount of subsidy . would not be reduced on account of time lost on May 6 if the local body paid tho workers concerned for that day.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 14
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 14
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