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SITUATIONS WANTED APIARIST, middle-aged, 20 years' experience, peeks employment, any capacity.—Milk, 780. Herald. BURROUGHS Operator, "Ledger-keeper, desires position.—Chambers, Worth, Box 897, Auckland. 41-088. or Housekeeper.—Posi- > tion wanted, capable; small family; good reference.—Apply Herali>. IpNGINEDRIVER, 2nd class, thoroughly J experienced, sawmill plants, seeks em-ploym'-'nt.—Experienced, 176. Hkralp. GARDENER, young, competent, 10s per day.—Phone 24-757. TXANDY Man, motor driver, handy tools, wiresplicer, concrete, painting; willing. —Apply HERALD. HOUSEKEEPER, young, Colonial, experienced, wants position, bachelors or widower; country.—Sport, 772 M, Herald. TTOUSEK EEPER, young, refined geTitbman's home, own mistress. Modarn I Registry, Phoenix Chambers (41-045). TITAN, elderly, light duties, stock, garcening; small wage; good home.—Experienced, 179, Hbralp. MAN, reliable, wants work; hedgecutting, lawns mowed, clearing and digging.—Energetic, 969, Heralp. MAN wants work, motor driving garage, rope splicing, handy; anywhere.—A.L.. 807 M, Herald. STENOGRAPHER - Book-keeper, _ experienced, capable, competent, requires position, permanent, temporary; £2.— H.H., 185, Herald T7I7TDOW (35), offers serviced, any light capacity, comfortable home, or daily, in city.—Willing, 169, Herald. WOMAN, refined, reliable, middle-aged, »» K ood cook; refs.—Full particulars, Capable. 72. Herald. SALESMAN OF PROVEN ABILITY Seeks Position As SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Highest Credential*. INTEGRITY. 830, Herald.
WORK WANTED A CCOUNTANTS, qualified; books written •A up, income tax. balance-sheeta, sales tax; satisfaction guaranteed.—Accountant. 612, HF.II alp. BUCKLEY Built Fireplaces give Most Heat for Least Fuel; economical in use and cost; latest designs.—327 New North ftd. Phone 20-941. CAR.— Lady Driver, private hire car, desires Lady Passengers, daily, weekly, or casual engagements. Particular care invalids.—Private Phone 27-122. CHIMNEY Sweep, practical. Ranges. Coppers, Incinerators; no dust; prompt attention; moderate charges. Colquhoun,
Phone 26-759. DRESSMAKING, Ladies', Children's, low charges; dresses cut, fitted, from 3s 6d.— Apply Hf.ha.ld. D'RESSMAKING. —Frocks, Coats, Ensembles. Remodelling Specialist.— Madame Norton, Croydon Flats, Parnell, opp. Domain Entrance, 45-419. Dressmaking.— Frocks and coats _ m latest styles, renovations, O.S. Specialists.—Lucelle, 462 Upper Queen St. DYEING Prices Reduced.—Suits, Costumes Cleaned, Pressed. 3s 6d; all work guaranteed.—J. Peat. 66 Eden Ter. LAWNMOWERS and Saws collected, sharpened, delivered-, latest machinery, longest experience. —Cranston. Eden Terrace. Phone 44-375. ' AWNMOWERS sharpened, work, carried Ryan's, St. Paul St. Phone 41-929. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened by Special machinery; collected and delivered. —J. Stone. Arthur St., Newmarket. Phone 40-588. MT. ALBERT Bagwash, 647 New North Rd., 20-158.—Coloured bag, wet, 2s 6d; dry, 3s 6d; finished coloured, 6s. PAINTING, Paperhanging, contract or labour, 10s ptr day; satisfaction guaranteed.—Tradesman, 59, Herald. PAINTING, Paperhanging, pre-war prices; contract, labour- town, country; satisfaction guaranteed: reliable tradesman; refs.—Phone 30-770. __ TX7RINGERS. Rollers.—Trade old for new, YY Newroll Works, Fanshawe St.. 4 doors from Hobson St. ABOUT Tarring, Sanding, Concreting. Tennis Courts; also Lawns, Grounds.— Southgate, 43 Cromwell Rd., Mt. Eden. 21-543. JJLANKETS PERFECTLY LAUNDERED. NO SHRINKAGE. Is EACH: 6 FOR 5«. BRITISH LAUNDRY CO. Phone 40-492. You Are Always Sure cf fJIEETH MERICAN kENTAL PARLOURS. 406 Queen Street, opp. Town Hall. POSITIONS FILLED Ir*ARM Hand.—Vacancy now filled. Thankins all applicants.—Hebden, Otalnihu. EDGERKEEPER^ - Accurate, 73R.—Position now filled. Thanks to all applicants. AGENCIES VACANT QRNSTEIN AND MASOFF. LIMITED. One of the largest Gown manufacturing companies in the United Kingdom, already possessing considerable trade connections with the Dominions, require AGENTS IN NEW ZEALAND to sell stock and obtain Indents on their productions, comprising very wide ranges of Ladies' Outer Garments, including Day and Evening Gowns, Mantles, Costumes, Two and Three-piece Suits, in all classes of materials, suitable for all seasons, also Ladies' Millinery and Fur Garments, etc. London Head Office usually carries upwards of 30.000 garments, continuously in stock, all well made in accordance with prevailing fasliions, prizes ranging from 5s to 755. Exceptional opportunity for go-ahead man with good connection. Would not object to arrange Agency and give monopolies, to the largest stores in the principal towns. Apply by Air Mail, giving full details regarding capabilities, etc., to the Export Manager, 20 Great Alie Street, London, E.l. England. AGENCIES WANTED SALESMAN, travelling North-South Auck. ] land, represent Reputable Firm; Produce preferred.—B.C., 274. Hehat.D. DYERS AND CLEANERS \ UCKLAND'S Leading Carpet Cleaners. J\ —Vacuum Cleaning Co. of N.Z., 145 Albert St., C I. Phone 41-769. CARPETS will not shrink if Shampooed by Domestio Vacuum Cleaning Co., Wellesley St East 44-000. CROTHALL'S. Ltd.—Pleating. Hemstiching; Carnets. Suits. Costumes. Hats.—3s Eden Vale Rd., Mt. Eden. Phones 13-000. 20-720. NZ. DRY CLEANING CO.. LTD.. Dyers • and Cleaner*. Phone 47-005. Suits Costumes. Overcoats. Dry Cleaned and Pressed —Factory and Office. 1-3-5 HOWE STREET SUITS. Costumes. Frocks, Overcoats. Dry Cleaned and Pressed; odourless; 3s 6d, collected and delivered free.--Moody's Dye Works. Ltd 41-273 CHEMISTS CUREX Cream, wonderful cure Eczema, R»d Nose. Pimples, 2s Gd, 4s 6d.— Clarke, Chemist. 11G Victoria St. KAPO darkens grey hair, cures dandruff, 3s, posted, 3s 9d.—Walker. Mail Order Chemist. 218 Ponsonby Rd. RALPH'S Reliable Remedies (Ralph ■ Sanft).—Prompt Mail Order Chemist. —Dept. H., 201 Symonds St., Auckland. 4
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 1
Word Count
778Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 1
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.