BARRATT. —On April 14, at Epsom Infirmary, after n long illness, patiently borne, Doreen, loved daughter of Edith Barratt; aged 26 years.—Fc-.llen asleep in Jesus. Funeral will leave above address for Mangore Cemetery, 11 a.m. Tuesday. BROWN—On April 13, 1935, at the Auckland Hospital, George, dearly-beloved husband of Nellie Brown, Station Road, Otaiiuhu; aged 48''years.—R.I.P. Interred Yesterday .it Otahuhu. DOOLEY.—On April 14, 1935, at Coromandel (suddenly), James, the youngest son of the late John and Margaret Dooley and beloved brother of Mary Cunningham, 31 Disraeli Street, Moinc Eden. GILLIES. —On April 13, at Hamilton (accidentally killed)',. Hugh Hendon, the dearlyloved son of Stanley and Taima Gillies, Taupo. and beloved nephew of Mrs. S. Clarke, 224 New North Road. Auckland: aged 19 years. The funeral will take place at Taupo tomorrow (Tuesday), at 3 p.m. JONES.—On April 13, Gladys, beloved wife of Charles Jones, of 33 Mill Road, Hamilton. Funeral will leave her parents' residence, G5 Belle Vue Ro£.d, Mount Eden, to-morrow (Tuesday), at 2 p.m.. for "Waikumete. LONGDILL. —On April 14, at a private hospital, Winifred, loved daughter of the late George Frederick and Mary Lorgdill; aged 44 years..
Funeral notice later. Mclaughlinj—On April 13, at 1 Diiworth' Avenue, Remtiera, Jeseie Turnbull, loved widow of the late William McLaughlin, of Puhi Nni. in her 90th year. Funeral private. 10 a.m.. to-day. ROSS.~On April 14, at Auckland Hospital, Frank Black, dearly-beloved husband of the late Clara Ross, of Lincoln Road. Henderson; aged 71. years. Funeral will-' leave above address, 3.30 this day fot Waikumete Cemetery. Friends please accept this intimation. RUSSELL.—On April 13. at Auckland Public Hospital, Amie Gray, dearly-loved wife of the la.te Edward Litton Russell. THOMPSON.—On April 13, 1935, at Knox Home, William Henry (late Devonport Ferry Company), loved husband of the late Jane Evangeline Thompson; aged 75 years. Funeral will leave Watney Sihun and Sons' chapel, Nert-market, at 1 p.m., to-day for Hillsborough Cemetery.—No flowers, byrequest.
WILSON.—On April 14. 1935, at Auckland Hospital, rrom effects of war. Sapper Charles Horace, beloved husband of Linda Maud Wilson, 6f 384 New North Road; Regimental No. 5/567 A; aged G3 years.—Gone to rest. Funeral notice later.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 1
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