[CONTESTS AT MORRINSVILLE [from our own coreespoxdexx] / MORRINSVILLE, Sunday Some very accurate shooting was seen at the Morr'insville Gun Club's open shoot yesterday, wh£n leading shooters from all parts of South Auckland competed. The results were:— Seven-bird Eyeopener Sweep (23 shooters). The following nine men shot the possible and divided the stake:—C. Rae (16yds), Coromandel; J. McMullan (16yds), Morrinsville; L. F. Ramsey (17yds), Metropolitan; J. Amundsen (14yds), Morrinsville; C. Seddon (18yds), Hamilton; R. E. Farrow (12yds), "\yaitoa, A. Aitken (14yds), Morrinsville; Darling (11yds), Coromandel; W. J. McMiken (16yd3), Hamilton. First -25 Handicap (21 shooters).—The following four men shot the possible and divided the stake:—E. R. Kipg. (16yds), Waihi; W.tJ, McMiken (16yds), Hamilton; C. P. Webber (14yds). Morrinsville; A. Aitken (13yds), Morrinsville? The following shot 20 birds:—L. F. Ramsey (17yds), Metropolitan' J. McMullan (16yd»), Morrinsville; G. F- Keene (12yds), Metropolitan; W. Sharp (12yds), Morrinsville; G. Brether*on (16yds), Taumarunui. Others competing were:—C. Seddon (18yds), Hamilton, 19 birds; J. Ozanne (14yds), Taumarunui; R. E. Farrow (llyds), Waitoa; E. O'Kane (I2yds), 18 birds; N. Saunders, Huntly; W., Tilsley, Morrinsville; W. J. Aitken, Morrinsville, J. Amundsen, Mor nn3ville, 17 birds Nine-bird Handicap for Morrinsville Businessmen's £5 5s Trophy and Optional Sweepstake.—The following nine men nhot the possible and divided the stake:—King (17yds), Ramsey (17yds), Sharp (12yds), McMullan (16yds), McMiken (18yds), Keene (12yds), Tilseley (11yds), Amundsen (12yds), Saunders (11yds). Eight birds:—Rae (16yds), Webber (16yds), A. Aitken (15yds), Thornton, Thames (14yds), F. Strongman (11yds), E. O'Kane (12yds). Seven birds:—Ozanne (14yds), D. L. Leach, Waihi (11yds), W. J. Aitken (12yds). Tn the 3hoot-off for the trophy J. Amundsen won at the 27th bird from W. J. McMiken. Second £25 H an dicap.—W. J. McMiken (18yds), Hamilton, shot the possible and won first prize of £ls. The following seven Wen shot 20 birds and divided second money:—E, Thornton, Thames (13yds); G. F. Keene;' Metropolitan (llyds); E. R. King, Waihi (17yds); W. Sharp, Morrinsville (12yds); J. Ozanne, Taumarunui (13yds); L. -F. Ramsey, Metropolitan (17yds); C. Rae, Coromandel (15yds). There w ere 14 thooters. Nine-bird Handicap Sweepstake (19 shooters).—T,he following five men shot the Possible and divided the stake:—W. Sharp, Morrinsville (12yds); C. P. Webber. Mornnsville (llyds); J. McMullan, Morrinsyille (15yds); L. F. Ramsey, Metropolitan n<yds); M. Saundrrs, Huntly (llyds). Eight m J - McMiken (20yds), W. Tilsley yds , J. Ozanne (12vds). M. Barling ' J? Rae 05yds), W. J. Aitken 02yds) Seven. birds :-E. R. King (17yds). ,-V ken (13yds), A. Woolven, Hamilton Illyrh) E. O'Kane (12yds), ,T. Amundsen u4yds). ,
Oimcrack Sweepstake of seTcn birds.— ihe following five men shot the pofssible "ml divided:—!,. F. Ramsey (12 to 24yds), McMiken (14 to 2Syds), N. Saunders it i, ~ SIJ-fls). C. P?ae (11 to 21yds), G. •UcMullan (8 to 20yds).
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 19
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