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POET OF AUCKLAND SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS Claymore (2.20 a.m.), from Whangarei; Herekino (2.30 a.m.). from Portland: Tiri (2.35, from Whangarei; Kairanga (3.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Clansman (5.30 n.m.j, from- Northern porta; Motu (5.40 a.m.), from Coast; Duchess (8.20 a.m.), from Oneroa; Hauiti (8.55 a.m.), from Waiheke; H.M.S. Wakakurn (9.0 a.m.). from Gisborne; Wniotahi (12.55 p.m.), from Coast; Coronation (1.50 p.m.), from Aorthern ports;, Duchess (4.50 p.m.). from Oneroa; Hauili (6.45 p.m.), from Waiheke. SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES Port Bowen (7.35 a.m.). for Wellington. Rangitane (11.5 a-m. 1 ). for London. Sydney Maru (4.45 p.m.), for Wellington. Turakina (5.25 p.m.), for Napier. . Kawau (2.5 p.m.), for Waiheke: Hauili (2.5 p.m.), for Waiheke: Duchess (2.5 p.m.), for Oneroa; Tiri (4.15 p.m.). for Awanui*. Motu (5.50 p.m.), for Awanui; Pono (7.15 fj.m.), for Kcrepeehi; Toa (midnight), for Tuuranga. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS H.M.S. Diomede (9.10 a.m.), from Wellington. H.M.S. Leith (10 a.m.), from Wellington. Tuhoe (2.20 p.m.), from Coast. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Coronation (6.15 p.m.), for Whangarei; Claymore (6.45 p.m.), for Whangarei; Otimai (7,15 p.m.), for Paeroa. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Buccinuiri, from Balik Pnpan, daybreak. R.M.S. Niagara, from Vancouver, 10.15 a.m. Monowai. from Sydney, evening. Hnuiti, from Waiheke, 6.30 p.m. Rangitoto, from Thames, 9 p.m. Omana, from Warkworth, 10 p.m. Canopus, from Westport. morning. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Norfolk, for Gisbome, 4 p.m. Kairanga, for Sydney, evening. Hauiti, for Waiheke, 9.15 a.m. Krwau, for Mangawai, 11 a.m. Omana, for Warkworth, 11 a.m. Rangitoto, for Thames, 11 a.m. Pono, for Kercpeehi, 2 p.m Clansman, for Northern ;>orta, 3 p.m. Paroto, for Mercury Bay, 5 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL Omana, Melbourne, via ports, April 18. Canopus, Westport, April 15. Monowai, Sydney, Af>ril 15. Wingatui, Timaru, April 16. Gabriella, Sydney, April 16. Karepo, Wellington, April 19. Waimarino, Southern ports, April 22. Wanganella, Sydney, April 27. Waipahi, Suva, April 30. OVERSEAS B.uccinum, Balik Papan, April 16. Niagara, Vancouver, April 15. Rangitata, London, via Wellington, April 18. Mahia, Liverpool, April 17. Port Wellington, Australia, April 18. to load. New Zealand, Los Angeles, April 18. Wairangi, Napier, April 20, to load. Mariposa, J,ofi Angejes, April 20. Winamac. Sumatra,* via South, April 22. City of Kimberley, New York, April 23. Mataroa, London, April - 25. Canadian Constructor, Australia, April 25, to load. Golden State. Los Angeles, April 29. Tongariro, Wellington. April 29, to load. Narbada, Calcutta. May 3. Durham, Liverpool, May 8. Brisbane Maru, Japan, via Wellington, May 10. Mataroa, Port Chalmers, May 13, to load. Canadian Britisher, Halifax, May 13. Australind, New York. May 14. New Zealand Star, Gisborne. May 14, to load. t Remuera, London, via Wellington, May 15. Cambridge, Liverpool, May 31. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS Trojan Star, London, April 16. Kairanga, Sydney, April 15. Erlangen, Sydney, April 16. Niagara, Sydney, April 16 Monowai, Sydney, via Wellington, April 17. Mariposa, Sydney, April 20. Omana, Newcastle, April 20. Port Whangarei, Tonga, April 26. Canadian Constructor, Halifax, April 27. Wanganella, Sydney, April 29. Waipahi, Rarotonga, Arril 30. Niagara, Vancouver, April 30. Tongariro, London, May 2. Mariposa. Los Angeles, May 4. New Zealand Star, London, May 18, BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Mataroa, left March 22; due Auckland April SS. Remuera. left London April 4; due Wellington May 11. Akaroa, ,leaves Southampton April 19; due Wellington May 22. Botorua, leaves London May 2; due Wellington June 12. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella, leaves Sydney April 23; due Auckland April 27. Monowai, left Sydney April 12; due Auckland April 15; sails for Wellington and Sydney April 16. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Monterey, left Sydney April 3, Auckland April 6; du.e Los Angeles April 20. Niagara, left Vancouver March 27; leave* Auckland April 16; due Sydney April 20. Aorangi, left Sydney March 28, Auckland April 2; due Vancouver April 19. Makura, left Sydney April 11. leaves Wellington April lfi; due San Francisco May 3. Maunganui, left San Francisco April 10. leaves Wellington April 30: due Sydney May 4. Mariposa, left Los Angeles April 4. leaves Auckland April 20; due Sydney April 23. VESSELS IN PORT Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Dunedin, Nucula (Admiralty oil tanker). H.M.S. Diomeds, H.M.S. Leith. King's Wharf—Cedarbank (8.P.C.), Erlangen (A.S.P.), Margaret W. (F.C.A. Coy.), Totara (F.C.A. Coy.). Central Whatf—R.M.S. Niagara (U.S.S. Coy.). Prince's Wharf—Norfolk (N.Z.S. Coy.), lonio (L.D.N.). Queen's Wharf—Turakina N.Z.S. Coy.). Trojan Star (8.5.L.), Chelsea—Kairanga (U.S.S. Coy.). Western Wlmrf—Canopus (W.C. Coy.), OVERSEAS SHIPS INCOMING Mahia, left Liverpool March 9 for Auckland (due April 17), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru. Mataroa, left London March 21 for Auckland (due April 25) and Wellingtra. Canadian Britisher, left Halifax April S for Auckland (due May 13), Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru and Dunedin. Durham, left Liverpool March 31 for Auckland (due May S), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. Canadian Constructor, left Halifax February 25 for Australia and Auckland (due April 22). Indien, left Los Angeles March 31 for Apia, Auckland (due April 28), Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunrilin, Bluff and Australia. Brisbane Maru, left .Tap;m April 2 for Australia, Wellington and Auckland (due May 10). LOADING Somerset, at Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London April 15. Port Bowen, at Wellington. Leaves Wellington for Lo'ndon April 17. Trojan Star, at Auckland. Leaves Auckland for London April 16. Turakina, at Napier, thence Wellington. Leaves Wellington for New York, Halifax and London April 17. Port Curtis, at Wanganui. Leaves Wonganui for London April 16. Tongariro. at Port Chalmers, thence Timaru, Wellington and Auckland. Leaves Auckland May 2 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow. _ Wairangi, at Lyttelton. thence Napier. Auckland and Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London May 2. Norfolk, at Auckland, hence - Gisborne, Napier, Wanganui, Lyttelton and Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London May 4 DIRCHARGINO, Fiscns. from Nova Scotia, at Wellington. thence Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. Hurunui. from Liverpool, at Napier, thence Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Armadale, from New York, at. Lyttelton, thence Dunedin and Australia. Cednrbnnk, from Ocean Island, at Auckland. Tonic, from London, at Auckland. Sydney Maru. from Japan, at Auckland, hf'nce Wellington. v Canadian Highlander, from Halifax, at Napier, thence Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Port Fairy, from London, at Lyttelton. thence Bluff. F.rlangen, from Texas, at. Auckland. Rangitata, from London, at TVellington, thence Auckland. The Northern Company advises that the Kawau is to sail for Mnngawai. Leigh and Kawau at 11 o'clock this morning. The Kaiwnga arrived from Greymouth. via Wellington, on Saturday morning and is discharging at Chelsea. She is scheduled to sail for Sydney and Newcastle this evening.
The Canopus is due from Westport this morning. She will unload at Western Wharf. The Karepo was to leave Greymouth for Wellington, Auckland and New Plymouth yesterday. The Wingatui is due from Timani tomorrow morning. After discharging and leading the vessel is scheduled to sail for Wellington. Picton, Lyttelton. Dunedin, Oamaru and Timaru on Saturday. The Pukeko has been delayed by wet weather at Napier, and she is to leave there for Auckland to-day. The vrsisel is due on Wednesday, and is scheduled to sail for East Coast bays. Gisborne and Napier the same day. THE ERLANGEN The German steamer Erlangen is expected to sail for Sydney to morrow evening, in continuation of her voyage from Texas, r OMANA FOR NEWCASTLE The Union Company's steamer Omana. en route from South Australia, Melbourne and South Island ports, is due at Auckland from Wellington on Thursday. After discharge she will proceed to Newcastle. RANGITANE SAILED With a full cargo of New Zealand produce. as well as passengers and mail, the New Zealand Shipping Company's motorliner Rangitane sailed for London, via Panama, on Saturday morning. WARSHIPS RETURN Having completed their cruise to Southern ports, the -warships Diomcde and Leith returned to Auckland yesterday morning. THE SYDNEY MARU To complete discharging cargo from Japan and also to load, the Sydney Maru left for Wellington on Saturday afternoon. She is scheduled to leave Wellington for Japan, via Sydney and Brisbane, to-morrow. WANGANELLA AT SYDNEY The Wanganella arrived at Sydney from Wellington on Satuiday morning. The vessel will leave Sydney on April 23 for Auckland, where she is due on April 27. MARIPOSA DUE ON SATURDAY Owing to Friday being a holiday (Good Friday); the Matson Line steamer Mariposa will arrive from Los Angeles and Island ports on Saturday morning, and will sail for Sydney and Melbourne at 5 o'clock ,the same evening. THE TURAKINA In continuation of her loading itinerary, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Turakina left for Napier and Wellington on Saturday evening. From Wellington she will be despatched for New York, Halifax and Great Britain on Thursday. MAKURA FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Royal Mail liner Makura is due at Wellington from Sydney early. this morning to load cargo and mail and embark passengers for Rarotonga, Papeete and San Francisco. She will resume her voyage tomorrow afternoon. TROJAN STAR SAILS TO-MORROW The Blue Star Line's steamer Trojan Star, which is loading at Queen's Wharf, is now t scheduled to sail for London, via Panama, at five o'clock to-morrow evening, instead of this evening. OTIRA TO LOAD The Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Otira left London for Australian ports on Tuesday. After discharge the vessel will come from Australia to New Zealand to load in June for Great Britain. THE PORT BOWEN To complete loading for London, the Commonwealth and Dominion Line setamer Port Bowen sailed ,for Wellington on Saturday morning. She is scheduled to clear Wellington for London, via Cape Horn, on Wednesday. KARAMEA'S ALTERED ITINERARY The Shaw. Savill and Albion Company's motor-ship Karamea, which is due at Oamaru from London in ballast to-morrow afternoon, is now to load at Oamaru, Bluff, Port Chalmers and Wellington. She is scheduled to clear Wellington for London, via Cape Horn and South American ports, on May 4. NIAGARA DUE 10.15 A.M. The Royal Mail liner Niagara is <Jue from Vancouver at 10.15 o'clock this morning. The vessel will berth at Central Wharf to land passengers, mail and cargo for New Zealand. She is scheduled to resume her voyage to Sydney at 5 o'clock to-morrow evening. MONOWAI FROM SYDNEY The Monowai is expected from Sydney early this evening, but she had not reported by wireless yesterday. The vessel will berth at Prince's Wharf and she is to sail for Wellington on Wednesday. From Wellington she is to leave for Sydney at noon on Saturday owing to the previous day being a holiday, Good Friday. MARGARET W.'S NEW FUNNEL The Margaret W. has been recommissioned after overhaul and survey and is loading at King's Wharf. During the vessel's overhaul she was fitted with a funnel in place of the hollow mizien-mast that she formerly had. The funnel adds to the vessel's appearance and is painted black with a wide white band. She is to sail for East Coaßt bays tomorrow afternoon. NAPIER SHOAL REMOVED The Marine Department advises that apatch recently discovered in a position S36deg., about 450 yds. from the green light on the Napier Glasgow Wharf has been removed and now carries 19ft. at mean low water, spring tides. The line of beacons has been swept for 100 ft. on each side. The latest depth on the line of beacons is 19ft. mean low water, spring tides. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Port Bowen, Sydney Maru, Turakina, New Zealand. Niagara, Rangitane, Wairuna, Monowai. Chatham Islands.—South Sea. Wellington.—Aorangi, Canadian € . Highlander, Fordsdale, Hurunui, Imperial Star, Karamea, Mahia, Mariposa, Mataroa, Maui Pomare, Monterey, New Zealand Star, Oil Reliance, Omana, Port Curtis, Port Pirie, Port Whangarei. Rangitiki, Remuera, Ruahine, Tamahine, Tamaroa, Wairangi, Winamac. Awarua. —Canadian Victor, Makura. Monowai, Tongariro, Bear of Oakland, Jacob Ruppert, Maunganui. Port Fairy, South Africa, Trentbank, Waikouaiti. " PORT OF ONEHUNGA Yesterday's Arrivals.—Ronaki (3 a.m.), from Raglan and Kawhia. Yesterday's Departures.—Hokianga (10 a.m.), for Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.—ApriI 13; Arrived— Wnhine (7 a.m.'), from Lyttelton; Omana (12.20 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Holmdale (12.25 p.m.). for Dunedin: Wainui (1.55 p.m.). for Dunedin; Orepuki (3.35 p.m.), for New Plymouth; Waitaki (4.30 p.m.), for Bluff; Wahine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. .April 14: Arrived—Rangatira (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton: Kalingo (7.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton: Waipiatn (1.45 p.m.), from Auckland; Holmglen (2.20 P-m. 1 ), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Breeze (1 a.m.), for Dunedin; Kmmai (1.45 a.m.). for Dunedin; Nuddea (6.10 a.m.). for Sydney; Fiscus (7.15 a.m.). for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.— April 13: Arrived—Tees (3.35 a.m.), from the Chatham Islands; Rangatira (0.55 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Armadale (12.15 p.m.). for Dunedin: Kalingo (1.10 p.m.), for Wellington: Gale (3.15 p.m.), for Melbourne; Holmglen 3.4 a p.m.'*. for Wellington: Rangatira _ (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington. April 14: Arrived Wahine (6.55 a.m.). froni W ellington: airangi (7.15 a.m.). from Picton: Port Fairs (8.10 a.m ). from Dunedin. DUNEDIN.— April 13: Arrived— Tongariro (9 a.m.). from Bluff. Sailed-Wairnanno <ll nm) for Bluff- Port Fairy (12.30 p.m.), for Lyttelton. April 14: Arrived-Armadale (9.45 a.m.). from LytUHon. BLUFF.— April 13: An..ed—Waiknuaiti (10.35 a.m.), from Port Chalmers. A • i 14. Arrived—Waimarino (5 a.m.'). from Di.nedtn. SYDNEY.— April 13: Arrived— Wanganella (6 a.m.). from Wellington. MELBOURNE.— April 12: Arrived-Hau-raki, from Dunedin. SINGAPORE.— April 13: Sailed—Narbada, for Auckland. BA LB OA.—April 11: , Arrived—Port Hunter, tn route from Bluff to London; Tuscan Star, en route from Auckland to London. CRISTOBAL, PANAMA. —April 12: Arrive—Canadian Britisher, en route from Halifax to Auckland. LONDON.— April 12: Sailed—Waipawa, for Port Chalmers. j
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 6
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2,181SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 6
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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 6
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