BEITISH EXPEDITION NEW ZEALANDER DEPARTS RECORD AS MOUNTAINEER [Bsf TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT] FALMERSTON NORTH, Friday Bound for Bombay to join the reconnaissance party of the Mount Everest expedition, organised by Mr. Hugh Ruttledge, M" L. V. Bryant, of the staff of the 'merston North Boys' High School, leaves to-night for Auckland on the first stage of his journey. He received a cabled invitation yesterday to join the preliminary party for next year's attempt to climb the great Himalayan peak and decided to accept it. , Mr. Bryant, whose age is 30, u the first New Zealander to take part in such a venture. He goes to join Mr. E. E. Ship ton on May 20 at Darjeeling. Mr. Shipton, a noted Himalayan climber, was a member of the 1933 Everest expedition and was probably the mo.# prominent of Mr. F. S. Smythe's companions on the successful Mount Kamet expedition in 1931. Having only recently returned from spending a year abroad Mr. Bryant has been on the staff of the boys' high school for only three weeks. He will probably sail by the Niagara from Auckland on Tuesday to connect with the Strathnaver at Sydney for Bombay. In the course of his recent tour abroad Mr. Bryant did considerable mountaineering in Switzerland. With a young American friend he achieved a remarkable feat on the Matterhorn by doing the double traverse of the peak from the Swiss Hut to the Italian Hut and back again in one day. The whole trip, which took 16i hours, was completed in daylight. All his climbing in Switzerland, as also in New Zealand, has been done without guides. For several years mountaineering and ski-ing has: been Mr. Bryant's hobby, and he has had many successful achievements to his credit. He is a foundation member of the Tasman Ski Club, of which he held for some time the position of club captain. He was also th© first president jyid club captain of the Southland Ski Club in Invercargill. Two years ago he was instrumental in inaugurating secondary school ski-ing championships in New Zealand. On three different occasions he has been the runner-up for the New Zealand ski-ing championship title. In 1933 he won the Aorangi ski championship afc Mount Cook as well as the Hudson Cup and gold medal. ;;
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 13
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 13
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