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POWER BOARD NOTICES rORTH AUCKLAND ELECTRICI POWER BOARD. NOTICE OF PROPOSED LOAN. IN THE MATTER of "The Electric-Power Boards Act, 1925." "The Local Bodies Loans Act. 1926," "The Local Government Loans Board Act. 192G," and Amendments. Notice is hereby given that the North Auckland Electric-Power Board, in pursuance and in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by the "Electric-Power Boards Act, 1925." and its Amendments, and the "Local/Bodies Loans Act, 1926," and its Amendments, and with the sanction of the Local Government Loans Board, under the "Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926," and its Amendments, proposes tj raise a Special Loan of £267,000, to be known as the "Reticulation Loan, 1935," in 6uch an may from time to time be required. The pnrpose for which the said Loan is required, is for the supply and distribution of eledtric energy for the benefit of the North Auckland Electric-Power District, and for such purpose to do all or any of such matters and things which the Board js empowered to'do by the "Electric-Power Boards Act. 1925," and its Amendments, end ir particular, but without limiting in any way any of the aforesaid powers, to provide, erect and construct a system of electrical distribution and reticulation in the naid District, to purchase plant, land, easements and. general equipment, to purchase, improve, add to. or extend nn'y existing electrical installations, reticulations, plants or undertakings, and to construct buildings, electric works and offices, within or -without such District, as hereinbefore defined, as provided by the said Act. It is proposed'that the guarantees under the Provisions of Regulation 12 (1) of the Electrical Supply Regulations, 1927, shall provide for the payments thereunder to be at least fifteen (15) per centum of the estimated capital coat of the works involved in each of not less than ten consecutive years. The proposed security for such Loan and for payment of interest, sinking fund and f other charges thereon is a special rate of ©no and one hundred and fifty-five thousandths (1.155) of a penny of all the rateable property (on the basis of the unimproved value) in the North Auckland Elec-tric-Power District. It is proposed to make the Loan repayable in 25 years, and also to make prevision for a sinking fund of two pounds ten shillings (£2 10s) per centum - per annum. It is intended to pay out of i the Loan the preliminary expenses incurred '! by the North Auckland Electric-Power Board, the first year's interest on all instalments. and the costs, charges and expenses of raising the said loan. It is not proposed to pay out of the said Loan any sinking fund. Dated at Dargaville this 2nd day of Aoril, 1935. M. S. ANGUS, Secretary. •VTORTB AUCKLAND ELECTRICPOWER BOARD. NOTICE OF PROPOSED LOAN IN THE MATTER of "The Electric-Power* Boards Act, 1925." "The Local Bodies Loans Act, 1926," "The Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926," and Amendments. •• " Notice is hereby given that the North Auckland Electric-Power Board, in pursuance and in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by the "Electric-Power Boards Act, 1925." and its Amendments, and the "Local Bodies Loans Act, 1926," and its Amendments, and with the sanction of the Local Government Loans Board under the "Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926," and its Amendments, proposes to raise a Special Loan of £30.000, to be known as the "Consumers Advances Loan, 1935," in sucV instalments as may from " time to time be,required. The purpose for which the said Loan is required is to make provision for financial assistance to' the Board's Consumers for the installation of wiring, machinery, appliances and all other fittings and equipment, and for such purpose, to do all or any' of such matters and things in that behalf which the Board is empowered to do by the "Elactric-Power Boards Act. 1925." »nd its Amendments. The proposed security for such Loan and for the payment of interest, sinking fund and other charges thereon is a special rate of two hundred - and sixty thousandths (0.260) of a penny of all the rateable property (on the basis of the unimproved rvalue) in the North Auckland ElectricPcwer District. It is proposed to make the Loan repayable in ten years, and also to make provision for a sinking fund of eight pounds ten shillings (£S 10,s) per. centum per'annum. It is intended to pay out of the Loan the costs, charges and expenses of raising the said Loan. It is not, proposed to pay out of the Loan any interest and sinking fund in connection therewith. at Dargaville this 2nd day of April, 1935 7 B. S. ANGUS. Secretary. AUCKLAND ELECTRICPOWER BOARD. NOTICE OF LOAN POLLS. In pursuance of Section 11 ot "The Local •3j> Bodies Loans Act, 1926," and Section 51 of the "Electric-Power Boards Act. 1925," I hereby give notice that a Poll of Ratepayers of the North Auckland Electric-Power District will be taken on the proposals to raise Special Loans of £267,000 and £30.000 respectively, on WEDNESDAY, the eighth (Btn) day of May, 1935, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Dated this 2nd day of April, 1935. J. A. McLEAN. Chairman. "XTORTH AUCKLAND ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD. NOTICE OF POLLING BOOTHB. The Polls- for the Special Loans of £267.000 and £30,000 respectively to be held on WEDNESDAY, THE EIGHTH (BTH) DAY OF MAY, 1935, will be taken at the following, booths between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6— < DARGAVILLE BOROUGH. Borough Council Library, Dargaville. HIKURANGI TOWN BOARD. Town Board Buildings, Hikurangi. HOBSON COUNTY. Dargaville, County Office. ' Aratapu, Public Hall. Te Kopuru, Public Hall. Redhill, Public Hall. Koremoa, Mr. Newport's Residence, Tangaihi. Public Hall. Parore, Mr. D. Bellamy's Residence. Mamaranui, Mr. Haine's Store. Maropiu, Mr. Marchant's Store. Waihue, Mr. T. W. Berghan's Residence. Kaihu, Public Hall. Aranga, Public Hall. Donnelly's Crossing. Public Hall. Whatoro, Mr/' Nelson's Store. Tutamoe, Public Hall. Waimatenui, Public Hall. Awakino Point. Public Hall. Tangowahine. Public Hall. Onetea, Public Hall. . Ksiraka, Mr. M. Richards' Residence. Kirikopuni, Wairoa Stores. Tangiteroria. Public Hall. Pukehuia. Public Hall. Hoanga, Public Hall. >-Turiwiri, Public Hall. Arapohue. Public Hall. Okahu. Mr. Todd's Residence. OTAMATEA COUNTY Paparoa. County Office. Pahi. Chadwick's Store. Wairere. School. Mararetu, School. Taipuha. Public Hall. Maungaturoto, Public Hall. Whakasirau, Public Hall. Batlejiip Roadley's Meeting House. Marohemo, Public Hnll. 1 Tokatoka, School. Rehia, School. Parahi. School. „ „ Ruawai, Raupo Drainage Board s Omce. Naumai, Public Hnll. Raupo. Public Hall. Matakohe. Public Hall. Ararua. Public Hall. Hukatere,. Public Ball. Mapnu, School. Tinopai, Post Office Kaiwaka. Public Hall. Mangawai, Public Hall. Hakaru, Public Hall. WHANG A RE! COUNTY. Whangarei, County Office. Kauri. Public Hall, Hukerenui, Keatley's Hall. Whakapara. Public Hall. Jordan, Jordan School Shelter Shed. Marua, Public Hall. Ngunguru, PuHic Hall. Whananaki, Public Hall. Matapouri, Public Hall. Kiripaka, School Building. Maungatapcre, Public Hall, Kaitara, Public II all. Titoki. Public Hall. . Parakao. Public Hall. Pakotai, Pnkotai Store —motor shed. • Mangapai, Public Hall. Waikiekie. Public Hall. Waiotira, Public Hnll. Mflungaknraniea. Public Hnll Otaika, Public Hall. Tniirikura. Wlianga'rH Heads Hall. Partia Buy. Public Hull'. . Onerahi. Public Hnll. Whareora. Pliblic Hall. Purua. Puhlic Hall. Ruatangata. Public Hall, g? Kani°, Public . Hall .. Pipiwai. Garage opposite Mr. Ellia Finlay- \ son's. (Continued in Next Column)
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
Word Count
1,187Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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