MACHINERY FOB SALE A -J Castings, Machinery, Winches, Hoists, •ixA at Competitive prices.—Beaney and Sons, Ltd., Auckland. Phono 26-282. AIR Compressors, "Broomwade," "Inger•is. soil," new and used. Sale and Hire.— Dunsheath, Smith's Bids.. Albert St. A LF. WILLIAMS, Importer, College Hill. ■A.—Straight Eight Hudson Engine, ideal. for fast boat; £10; gift. ALLUM Electrical Co.. Ltd., Anzac Ave., Auckland, for Electrical Motors and Machinery.—Phones 44-4-13, 40-611. BANDSAW, 12in., ball-bearing, .bench type; line machine.—Mucrteill, 70 Wyndhani St.. Auckland. BELTING, Stopskalo, Mexican Boiler Graphite, Grar>hgrease, Oildag, Pyruma Fire Cement, Pibrine Paints. —Mannings, Newmarket. BOILERS, Engines, Electric Motors, Winches, haulers, Pumps, Belting, Pulleys, Shafting Bearings.—Sawyer, Newmarket. Phono 41-114. AIR /"COMPRESSORS TN QTOCK. IR i-N £>TOClv. 4 x 3, also 4i x 4£ Vertical. 7x6 Broomwa-de. 91 c.f. Ingersoll Portable. Poitable Air Compressors, Direct Coupled. Various Portables. Broomwade, 1.E., etc. ■Also Excellent Selection Larger Sizes. SALE OR HIRE. CLIMAX British Rock Drills, all sizes. Air Hoses, Steels and Fittings. Various Makes Used Rock Drills. Cheap. ELECTRIC MOTORS. A.C. and D.C. Also, Lnrgor Motors and Generators. A.C. and D.C.. all voltages. BLACKSMITHS' ANVILS. CENTRIFUG AL PUMPS. Good Selection. LAUNDRY WASHING MACHINE. POWER STAMPING PRESS. No. 2. 4 H.P. BOILER, Vertical. STEAM BOILERS AND ENGINES. DIGESTERS AND MANURE PLANT. HYDRAULIC TESTING PUMP, 3 Tons. STONE CRUSHERS. Good Selection. GRINDERS AND DISINTEGRATORS. "LANZ" Crude Oil Tractors (sd-7d per hr.) Place your proposition before us and thus save money. Contractors and Mines specially catered for. Avail yourselves of our services, backed by a selection of over 5000 items of good Machinery and Engineering Equipment. TYUNSHEATH Jj. A CHINERY QO., LIMITED, . Smith's Bldgs., .Albert St.. Auckland. Phone 43-619. Telegrams: "Dunsheath." QFFERS RANTED FOR jy-ACHINERY, Including:— Largo Bandsaw, Circular Saw. English Wood Lathe, Sander, Bolts, Shafting; also Do Luxe British-built, Caravan, every fitting; also Garage Equipment, Free Air Standard, New Majestic Car Radio, Manley Tyre Changer, Steel Shafting and Pulleys, Anvil and Steel Plate Forge, Compression Tester, Starred Dial Micrometer, etc.: also Aeroplane Speed Indicator and New Altitude Meter; also Light Speed Boat Hull; olso Sets Cliev. 6 Wheels, New English Wire Wheels, New Wire Air Wheels, New Steel Air Wheels; also quantity WOODEN TOYS AND HOUSEHOLD WOODWARE. yALINTINE'S, VICTORIA STREET. HAMILTON. Phone HOB MACHINERY WANTED BENZINE Lighting Plant wanted, complete or parts; state price.—L. Scott, Onci alii. CONCRETE Mixer, 6ft. or 9ft. capacity, with loading hopper, with or without hoist. Also Tipping Bucket for Concrete Hoist and Friction Winch.—Full particulars <o Street and Street. Ltd., Hamilton. IRON Breast,' Bench, SOitt. saw, modern; price, particulars.—lndustry. 29, Hbkalp. MjOTOR, 230 volts, alternating, under 1 h.p., 50 cycles: particulars.—Drive, 65, Hkraid. PRINTING Machine, 1-2 colours, for timber boxes; state particulars.—S.N., 479, 11k n at. p. " Refrigerating unit wanted, air cooled, sujlable for butcher's shop.— Write stating make, price, Cooler, 3, IIEIIALn. SMALL Vee-bed Lathe, screw-cutting.— State particulars, price, Mechanic, 793, Heuald. SCREW-Cuttlng Lathe, hollow spindle, 18in. gap, drilling machine, grinder, anvil and blower.—Machines, 549, Herald, Hamilton. ©HEARING Plant, Lister, second-hand, O with Engine: also Wool Press.—Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Co., Ltd., Hamilton. IWoodturning Lathe, or the 2 Ends of samo.—Lathe, 108, Herald.