TAUPO DOMAIN PROPOSAL e • ASSISTANCE FROM GOVERNMENT [by telegraph—OWN correspondent] ROTORUA, Friday Advice has been received by the chairman of the Taupo Road Board, Mr. J. Loughlin, from the Minister of Finance, Mr. Coates, that the Government is prepared to grant the board a loan of £3OOO toward the erection of thermal baths at Taupo. Tho loafts is to he for a term of 20 3'ears, with interest at 3$ per cent. In view of tho fact that the baths will not earn full revenue for a period of two years, the first two years will be free of interest, the first half-yearly repayment instalment being due in the third year. It is estimated that the cost of the baths will bo £6OOO, and it is suggested by the Minister that the board apply to the Local Government Loans Board for sanction to raise the balance of £3OOO. The matter was placed before the* Minister by Mr. Loughlin and Mr. A. Sutherland, secretary to the board, who recently visited Wellington as a deputation. It is proposed to conduct thermal water from the old armed constabulary bath on the outskirts of the town to the domain, where it is proposed that the new baths should be erected.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 12
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 12
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