AUCKLAND ASSpCIATION CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS The Auckland Croquet Association's annual champion of champions tournament was continued yesterday. Following are the, results Champion of .Champions.—Mrs. Thomson heat Miss Keatliv and Mrs. Clarke; Mrs. Burrett beat Mrs. Guthrie. B Buttons.—Mra. Munn- beat Mrs. Forbes. Mrs. Gelding beat Mrs. Furnell. Mrs. Gisby beat Mißa Washer and Mr*. Gelding, Mrs. Chambers beat Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Herd beat Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cole beat Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. Chambers. C Buttons.—Mrs. Grinter beat Mrs. Lofley, Mrs. McLean beat Mrs. Laslett and Mrs. Rees, Mrs, Mosley boit Mra. Holley and Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Hemus* boat Miss Hickman and Mrs. Grinter, Mrs. Watson beat Mrs. Falde-r, DRAW FOR TO-DAY Following is the draw for to-day's play at the Carlton lawn Champion of 11 a.m.: Mrs. Thomnon plays Mri. Burrett. 10 a.m.: B buttons, Mrs. Herd plays Mrs. ■ Munn, Mrs. Gisby plays Mrs. Cole, C buttons: Mrs. Watson plays Mrs. Hemtis. At the conclusion of play Mrs. J. C- Badelcy, president of the Auckland CroQUfct Association, will present' the trophies aid also the inter-club shield and banner won during the season. Mrs. K. Hamilton, vicepresident of the New Zealand Croquet Cophcil, will present to Mias Street the ladies Dominion championship medal, which sh® won at the recent Dominion tournament.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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