KOHUKOHU MEETING [BY TELEGRAPH —OWX ibORHESPONDENT] KOHUKOHU. Friday The annual sports meeting took place at Kolnikohu yesterday under fine weather conditions. The meeting was postponed from the previous day owing to rain. Entries were large. Results:— Maiden Race.—W. Beaisley, 1; W. Lawrence. 2; W. Gurney, 3. Maiden Chop.—Harrison, 1; Rudolph, 2; Puta. 3. Boys' Race.—N. Gaboliiasky, 1; M. Beazley. 2; K. Gurney, 3. Time, 12 4-se. IOOYds Open Handicap,—Final: IX Beazley, 11yds, 1; C. Warninijton, 10yds, 2; P. Nesdale, syds, 3. Time, it 4-Jis. _ ; Half-mile Handicap.—M. Austin, 65yds, 1; P. Nesdale. 45yds, 2; A. Brtdley, 70yds. 3. Time, 2m 7g. , - , School Girls' Race.—7M, Clark, 1; M. Cobbald, 2; N. Maynard, 3. . 12in Chop.—W. Smith, 12e, 1; J; Julian, 12s, 2; J. Whitefield, 228,, 3. , > ' 120 Yds Kohukohu Handicap.—Final; C. Warmington, 12yds, 1; Moriell, 12yds, 2; L. Warmington, 14yds, 3. • • • . • One Mile Cycle Handicap.—J. A. Dyer, 1; . P. Rogers, 2. _ , *r " 14in Chop.—Walter Smith, 12s, 1: N. Dunn. 18s, 2; "West, ss, , , ,440 Yds Handitap.—L.. W&rmmgton, 1} Austin, 2; Nesdale, 3. Time, 53 2-ss. . Ladies' Chop. 10in block.—Mrß. Leech, Ij , Mrs. Whararui. 2. ' ■ '►! High Jump.—Gurney. 4ft 11m, 1; *. a. Kingdon. 4ft 6in, 2. . a 120YdB Hurdles.—D. Benzley, 1; Kanow, 8.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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