PONSONBY NIGHT TOURNEY _ X, The Ponsonby Bowling Club's pairs tourney resulted as follows: — First Round.— McKinstry, Letham (Ponsonby), 8, v. Florey. Maud (Edendale), G; Clarke. Foster (Ponsonby), 7. v. Elleray, Dick (Ponsonby). G; Stanley. Watson (Ponsonby), 8, v. Brown, Bayliss (fcdendale), 5; Cosgrove, Harris (Ponsonby). 10, v. Winter, Clarke (Auckland), 3. Second Rouad. —Letham, 11, Baylies, 9- Clarke, 11. v. Dick, 4; Harris, 11, v. Foster, 7; Maud, 5, v. Watson, 4. Third Round.—Pick,> 6, v. Bayliss, 5; Watson, 8. v. Foster, 2: Harris, 10, v. Maud. 2; Let Lam, 8. v. Clarke, 6. Totals—Harna, Letham, 3 wins; Watson, Dick, 2; Maud. Foster, 1; Bayliss, Clarke, 0. The aggregate competition for the Ponsonby Silver Bowl was won by Edendale with 40 points, Auckland scoring 28 and Carlton 26i. * • • Four tourneys nest Monday and Wednesday will conclude the season. ONEHUNGA TOURNEY Sixteen teams competed in the Onehunga Bowling Club's full rink tournament, when Ponsonby teams were successful in winning each of the two sections played. Cob.urn. won section A with five wins, and Parsons won section B with five wins. The final will be played on the Onehunga green on d date to be arranged.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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