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CONCLUSION OF MEETING autumn handicap contest REVIEW OF THE FIELDS [BY TELEGRAPH —FROM ARCHER] WHANGAREI. Friday The Whafagarei Racing Club's meeting will be concluded to-morrow, and the useful fields engaged should provide some interesting racing. There was a heavy shower this afternoon, but the \ weather is clear this evening, and unless there is more rain the going should be excellent. Horses likely to bo well supported include:— Junior Stakes. —Racing Lady, Kilongoa, Master Rei:. Onerahi Hack' Handicap.—Gay Defence, Laudatory, Roman Mascot. ' Autumn Handicap.—Bonny Gay, Sir iAbb, Tybalt. Parua Bay , Hurdles.—Star Maire, JValpai, Volition. Flying Handicap.—Boughal, Crooning, Tray Bit. Kuatangata Handicap.—Gay Cockade, Magic Mint, Royal Potoa. Northern Hack Handicap.—Lap ITp, Rona Bay, Solo Song. Kia Ora Handicap.—Bonny Gay, Jalldy Karo, Royal Appellant. Imamint is stated to be a doubtful starter in the .Kia Ora Handicap. 12.20—JUNIOR STAKES, Of £6O: G fur. st, Ib. &t. lb. Aymon . • .13 0 Gay Acre . . 712 Gar Vaals . . 0 Kilonsoa . . 712 Master Rex . 8 0 Racing Lady. 712 : Prival .--.30 Vera Acre . 712 Red Hawk . 5> 0 I.O—ONERAH) HACK HANDICAP, Of £80; 6 fur. St. lb. et. lb. ■ Muskon ..DO Express ~81 Te Hai . . 810 Gay Defence . 8 1 Laudatory . . S 9 Court Anna . 8 0 ' r"" Roman Maacot 13 9 High Tea ..80 Gay Egypt • 8 7 Takiri . ..80 Royal Potoa •. 8 6 Grand Tonic 8 0 Boyai / Appellsnt . 8 6 Bracket:— Royal, Appellant and Express. 1.45 —AUTUMN HANDICAP, Of £110; li miles st. lb. tit. lb. Korokio . . B Thespis .... 7 0 Monanui . /. 8 2' Puriri Park . 7 0 Sir Abb . . 712 Jalldy Karo . 7 0 Tybalt ... 710 Black Marlin. 7 0 Bonny Gay .77 Alloy ... 7 0 Whakapara ./'7 0 2.3O—PARUA BAY HURDLES. . Of £SO; 11 miles and 197 yards st. lb. fit. lb. Benighted .11 2 Volition ..91 Valpai ... 10 7 The Sun ..90 Blue Bonnet . 910 Hone Heke .90 Star Maire . ,9 5 3.IO—FLYING HANDICAP. Of £100; 6 fur. at. lb. »t. lb. Boughal . . 9- 2 Hampton Park. 7 9 British ' Crooning ..76 Columbia . B 0 Tray Bit . , 7 5 Impasto ..85 Lord Willonyx 7 1 Tybalt ... 712 Laudatory . 0 3.50 RUATANGATA HANDICAP, Of £6O; 7 fur. f,t. lb. f st. lb. Monanui 'i .'l2 6 Lady Appellant 7 2 Gay Cockade .11 0 Wharemana . 7 0 Royal Potoa. 912 Jackie ... 7 0 Orefield ..85 Day Form .70 Magic Mint ./ 8 2 Bracket: —Lady Appellant and Jackie. 4.3O—NORTHERN HACK HANDICAP. . Of £80; X mile . Jit. lb. "<• lbSolo Son? . 8 3 Hawthorn .. '6 Green Patch . 8 0 Illurainagh , 7 3 Black Marlin. 7 9 Takiri ... 7 0 Lap "Dp ..78 Impellant ..70 Rona Bay . 7 7 Bush Lawyer. 7 0 S.IO—KIA ORA HANDICAP, Of £9O; 1 mile St. lb. :Bt. lb. Monanui ..97 Lord "Willonyx 8 3 Ijjnamint ..93 Jalldy Karo . 8 1 Sir Abb ..'93 Royal , Bonny Gay . 812 Appellant . 8 0 Whakapara . 8 7 Alloy«. ... 8 0 Valpai . . .' S 5 RIDING ENGAGEMENTS BROUGHTON AND ELLIS BOTH AT WESTPORT TO-DAY f [BY XELEGKAPH —OWN COBBESPONDKNI] WELLINGTON. Friday Patrons of the Westport races tomorrow and on Monday will have the pleasure of seeing both L. J. Ellis and W. J. Broughton in action. Broughton, who has drawn out from Ellis in the jockeys' premiership as the result of his successes at Dargaville and Pahiatua, left for the south last evening. He< will ride the members of the Corry team, and will also be on Copenna. In addition to riding Cuddle at Riccarton, R. Reed will be on the members of A. McAulay's team. Reed will be riding at Feilding on Easter Saturday and will be on Severe, Round Up and Gay Boy. P. S. Atkins will do the first day of the Wairarapa meet-ins on Easter Saturday and will then leave for Christchurch Hjs has been engaged for Cranford in the Great Easter and will ,-ilso ride the two-year-old colt Heritage in•the Challenge Stakes. W. E. Pine will also ride on the first day at Tauherenikau, and will then go on to Riccarton, where ha has been engaged for Inr fialion in the Great Easter and Chief %. Marionette in the Great Autumn. T. Webster will be going to Auckland at Easter and has been engaged for Red Manfred and Haiit Monde. 11 Marsh is. also going to Auckland and will ride II Duce 8 and Plato. , , . ,' .. , W J Brotlghton has' not yet definitely settled on his Easter riding, but it is probable that he will be at Feilding. I'ah it left for New Plymouth by motorfloat this morning and will be ridden in fhe hurdle race by W. J. Bowderi. A. Jenkins will be on Colossal and W. J ancoa on Tudor. T. Webster will ride Djatomous and B. H. Morris' mounts include Golden Hair and Friesland. R- Heed was offered the mount on Silver Wings, but he .18 not going to the meeting. R- Marsh will rule . Davistock, Kaola, Refresher and Aniynl. VOITRE ON HIS SUCCESS IIIKS-fe. * . . FASTER PACE 11* EARLY PART The New Zealand jockey Keith Voitre was recently asked in Melbourne if he could tnj'® y the reasons for his striking success in the saddle ther'-. is the secret?" he said, repeating the Question, as, standing on tip ioes he reached up to a counter to sign for his reward for the previous day s double at Moonee Valley. "First, they so faster here early in a race; and I like that. Most important, all the winners have been good ones: and that is what counts on the Post." Although he lias brought home- several winners by brilliant judgment and horseClanship in tight finishes, Voitre docs not regard his skill as the dominant factor when the decision is close. "If your mount gShas the 'kick' left you can get it out of S&lghmi, but, you cannot win on a tired horse.' he said. "The faster face in the early stages of races here, as compared with racing in ji.'i New Zealand, and the greater alertness necessary at the barrier, is really a htslp to my riding technique. I like the lively race «nd the battle to be up with them. I feel I respond more readily to those tacticf., and probably do better in a finish because of the stimulation of the faster pace." . .v ■ .
INJURED HORSEMAN BACK BROKEN IN FALL [BY TKLKGHAPH —OWN COBIIKSPONDENTI J CHRISTCHURCH, Friday J Wadtey. who a severe fall from «oyal Amphora, a while ago, is likely to be ; v - an inmate of the hospitul for some time, . i He is suffering from 11 broken back between H .'the shoulders. but the spinal cord remains ||§ intact. Medical-opinion suggests that he will wake a complete reepvery, but it will be a "low process. ■ ■ • • - . ...
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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1,110WHANGAREI EVENTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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WHANGAREI EVENTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 11
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