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cr cun CRESCE READY MIXED PAINTS m ARE YOU? ENSURE GOOD LAWNS By USING FISH FERTILISER Packed in small or large bags. SANFORD LTD., JELLICOE STREET, AUCKLAND. |\/A PLAINT IVM FOOD The complete Fertiliser. Works won» ders in the garden. Saves money, time and disappointment. From all Seedsmen or 112 Great North Road, Auckland. Phone 27-581. Almost Miraculous Effect of KURANUI ON LONG-STANDING CASE OF ASTHMA "Save been a sufferer from. Asthma for years and years—gradually getting worse. 'Five months ago a friend advised me to try the I\ev. Edgar Ward's Treatment, and the gradual improvement since then has compelled me to acknowledge the almost miraculous beneficial effect of your medicine. "Six months ago I could do nothing—not even walk. Now, thank goodness, I can walk, work and play, and find life worthi living." KURANUI is a scientifically-prepared herbal compound, the product of prolonged research and experiment by the Rev. EdgaV Ward (qualified chemist by examination). KURANUI was originated for the treatment of TUBERCULOSIS ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, OBSTINATE COUGHS AND COLDS, All sufferers can secure full details regarding KURANUI Treatment by writing to the Rev. Edgar Ward, P.O. Box 1180, Auckland, or calling personally at Kuranui Clinics, Fergusson Building, Queen Street (Telephone 47-345), when FREE ADVICE will be gladly given. Take advantage of the EASTER VACATION by Renovating and Sowing your Lawn with YATES' RE-MACHINED LAWN GRASS SEEDS. ARTHUR YATES & CO. LTD. LOWER ALBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. C.l. LAWN GRASS SEED—--1/6 per lb. Consult us before sowing. "WE ARE SEED EXPERTS." O'Leary Bros. & Downs Ltd., SEEDSMEN, COOK STREET, AUCKLAND, C.l. M A C K A Y'S Seedsmen, Nurserymen and Florists, 98 Queen Street :s AUCKLAND, C.l. Sow Now Our Evergreen Lawn Grass. Plant Now Anemones, Ranunculus, Giant Yellow Freesias, Tritonias, Ixias, Spanish Iris, etc. See our Window Display of Dahlias. Book your orders now. Flower Seedlings of the choicest strains stocked in great varioty. Everything for the Garden at MAC KAY'S C'Pffne Antirrhinum, Cineraria, Iceland Poppies, Nemesia, Pansy, Polyanthus, Stock —From Pkt. Watch our Window Displays—Dahlias, etc. PHONE 44-112. HAY'S NURSERIES, Nurserymen, Seedsmen, Florists, Dahlia Specialists, Palmerston Buildings, Customs Street West and Remuera, AUCKLAND. LAWNMOWERS AND SAWS Collected, Sharpened, Delivered. Phone 44-375. R. CRANSTON & SONS, EDEN TERRACE Garden Shears, Scissors, and enMKORT Guillotine Knives COMFORT Ground and Set Va We Collect Only by Request.
WHY PUSH MO WER HAVE YOUR MOWER AIWAIS SHARP AND MAKE LAWN-CUTTING A PLEASURE! You can do both by using a HOME LAWNMOWER SHARPENER. Used and recommended by Superintendents of Parks and Gardens throughout New Zealand. As an advertising offer—sharpeners at half price for a limited time only. SAVE that frequent sharpening expense. Secure one NOW. Usual Prices: lOin.- 12in. 14in. Isin. 16in. 17in. 18in. 12/6 13/6, 15/- 17/- 18/6 20/6 20/6 SPECIAL OFFER: 6/3 6/9 7/6 8/6 9/3 10/3 10/3 HONE LAWN-MOWER SHARPENER t 309 QUEEN STREET (Just above Town Hall).
.!/ !\ aaasa Ai mm • FROM THE MOMENT YOU LIGHT IT k Make a cigarette of GOLD SPRAY. From the moment' you light it you will sense a new luxury of flavour and freshness.... From first jo last perfect tobacco. re IozTIN ALSO IN FINE CUT
Your Life Depends on Your Arteries ■ Amazing New Prescription Controls Blood Pressure Clears blood-stream .... Improves circulation For years the greatest scientists in the world have pi known that man's life depends on his arteries f'^giWßßM l Ons of the most dramatic and amazing- example!! of this scientific fact ;j is the case of the English society woman who, at the asre of 85, was advised by doctors to make her Will and put all her affairs in order. !' Suffering from High Blood Pressure, which caused dizziness, loss-of Cj,\ memory and failing eyesight, she was told she could not hope to get p- - ,*>J fcetter. Her friends recommended her to take Dr. Mackenzie's Menthoids, il'lM U,, that most wonderful new prescription for the arteries. She has now made a wonderful recovery, and has regained so much vitality that M' |lw| she has zone for a world cruise. HHI BBBBj Watch for these telltale mi Symptoms of High Blood Pressure Kidney and bladder . Weakness. 2. Headaches at the top and back of the head and above and behind the eyes. 3. Head Noiseß 4. Dizziness, fullness and heaviness of the head. 5. Flushes to head. 6. Heart pain, shortness of breath. E Every flask of MENTHOIDS contains the valuable diet chart which will hulp you. Be sure you get genuine MENTHOIDS in the green carton . . . refuse >T substitutes of this valuable 11 herbal medicine. 7. Insomnia and nervousness. 8. Falling eyesight. 9. Fear of Impending: disaster. 10. Loss of memory and power to concentrate. 11. Irritability and depression. 12. Loss of willpower. 13. Drowsiness and loss of eneriry. 12 Day Treatment Month's Treatment 3/6 6/6 1 FROM YOUR NEAREST CHEMIST
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 8 (Supplement)
Word Count
796Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 8 (Supplement)
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 8 (Supplement)
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.