AMUSEMENTS N.Z.'s Pre-eminent Theatre THE REGENT J. C. Williamson Picture Corporation. Ltd. Managing Director .. . Beaumont Smith. Sessions . -II a.m. 2.16 p.m., 8 p.m. "MAGNIFICENT". ... * A word on everybody's lips as they loft the theatre yesterday after seeing this great and memorable entertainment. CHARLES DICKENS' " rpHE QLD QURIOSITY gHOP " hp HE QLD QURIOSITY gHOP " " X HE: O w £ URIOsrrY S HOP " With a Distinguished Cast Including BEN WEBSTER ~ ELAINE BENSON, HAY PETRIE REGINALD PURDUE. Grandfather and Little Nell , . .the fiendish Quilp ana comical Dick Swiveller . . . Humorous, eccentric, amazing characters who step from immortal pages to delight and enter* tain you, on the living screen! (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Exclusive to The Regent: | SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL ] Establishes a New World Record in the Bluebird—Tbrillms Breath-taking Scenes in the 276.81(5. Miles an Hour Dash. Complete Pictorial Record. LORD GALWAY ARRIVES. Enthuaiastio Scenes in Wellington. H.M. The Kings Message to liew Zealand. Book Early for To-night. Plans at Theatre (Phone 46-888). EASTER SATURDAY. First Presentation of the 6th Annual Musical Jlxfcrfcviijjftnßft. EDDIE CANTOR In * "KID MILLIONS." In Response to the Demand. BOX PLANS OPEN TO-DAY. LAUGHTER WEEK AT THEw^o x | LONDON ~ A Programme of Smiles headed by ALISON SKIPWORTH & . ROLAND YOUNG in 3d ."A LADIES* PROFESSION" 6d i (Approved for Universal Exhibition), «j ' Fun. Fast and Furious and plenty of it. ' ,j j All Day from 11 to 10.30 p.m. vK| j Back Circle and Front Stalls, Gd; o j Res., II; Child., 6d Sat. Evening. 30 1 TUDOR CINEMA | Phone 24-749. pBIG TO-DAY! Special Western Programme: sy/j C.Jeorge O'Brien in Jy. " ROBBER'S* ROOST." (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) W/j This Evening at 8.151 yZ> MADELEINE CARROLL (the English Stat), With FRANCHOT TONE. In "THE WORLD MOVES ON" /Y? (Approved for Universal Exhibition). yfy. The American "Cavalcade" Picture! . . tr,ir\r 7iT\iri * T T TAKAPUNA. I GAIETY CINEMA | %■s%;&, •/// Double-Feature Programme! /ft "WILD CARGO" (Big Ahimal Picture) ivy (Approved for Universal Exhibition), "AFFAIRS OF A GENTLEMAN" featuring Dorothy Burgess & Paul Lukas. f/A (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) J^lbe: RT PARK. TO-MORROW (SUN.) EVENING. AT 8.30. MUNICIPAL BAND. Bandmaster: GEO. BUCKLEY. Delightful Musical Programme, Also at the Zoological Park, Sunday Afternoon. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! <^DJXIELAND Already hundreds have thrilled to the music of the NEW INTERNATIONALS (The Band that retains its individuality and studies all tastes). Join the happy throng to-night and dance to real music. Double 7/6. Evening Dress Essential. Phone 26-015. V. H. TRASK, Mngr. Obtain our quote for your Ball or Birthday Party. RAGING AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING, 1935. APRIL 20 AND 22. FIRST RACE ABOUT 13 NOON EACH DAY. Admission to. Racecourse— Each person . • ■ • • • ~ls 6d Vehicles 6d Leger Enclosure—Gentlemen .. 4s 0d Ladies . , .. 3s Od Grandstand Enclosure— Gentlemen 10s Od Amusement Tax paid by the Club. CHILDREN under twelve will NOT be admitted to the Grandstand Enclosure. Any person leaving the Racecourse Grounds must again, pay for admission, ai no passes will bp i&suea. No person who has at any time since the passing or the Gaming and Lotteries Act Amendment Act, 1908, followed the occupation of a bookmaker or bookmaker s clerk, no disqualified or undesirable person, will be admitted to the Ellerplie Racecourse duriryj the Autumn Meeting, and if any »uch person ig found on such Course he will be removed therefrom and prosecuted for trespass. The promotion of svveepß is prohibited, iind any person infringing this regulation will be removed from the Racecourse and KO„cutal. w _ SJ?ENCEi Secretary. EGMONT RACING CLUB (INC.). HAWERA. KING'S JUBILEE WINTER MEETING. MAY 4 AND 6, 1935. NOMINATIONS for ALL EVENTS close at the Office of the Club on MONDAY, APRIL lf>, at 9 p.m. phone Q329. P.O. Box 04, Ilawern. A. K. FYSON, Secretary. DENTISTRY y YY alk e P jyj ORIi E Y DENTAL SURGEON. CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT. Phone 20 987, Auckland. Phone 192, Pukekoh#.
Page 24 Advertisements Column 5
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 24
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