AMUSEMENTS ' mated Theatres, Ltd. FINAL WEEK? OF HISTORY AND FICTION, INWORLD'S' FOREMOST ACTORS-r SY. AND INTEREST HAS BEEN sonality of the Screen in "JEW SUSS" in "JEW SUSS" in " JEW SUSS " in " JEW SUSS " TISH SPECIAL. Censor for Adults. Sir Cedrio Hardwicke and Hume. get. it will hold you spellto finish. 2.30, 5 AND 8 P.M. RESERVATIONS: 41-586. AND BOOK! AT THE FOLLOWING THEATRES, 8 O'CLOCK TO-NIGHT: — Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. To-night at 8. Phone 22-101. 3 ATTRACTIONS 3 No. i. JACKY COOPER in "PECK'S BAD BOY." Approved for Universal Exhibition. No 2 MONA BARRIE in ' „ " RENDEZVOUS AT MIDNIGHT. Recommended by Censor for Adults. No. 3. SHIRLEY TEMPLE in " PARDON MY PUPS." Matinee To-day, 2 P.m. Peck s.Bad Boy and Shirley Temple Pups. : CHILDREN 3d. 3d, 3d, 3d. " |u' REGENT ■ ytoSK a. Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. Phono 20-142. RICHARD TAUBER Singing and Speaking Entirely in English in " BLOSSOM TIME." The Love Story of Franz Schubert. (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) SPECIAL FEATURETTES. Special Matinee To-day at 2 p.m. ! —r • NEWTON • i EMPRESS To-night, at 7.45. • 1 I Phone 27-077. Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. . JACK HULBERT " THE CAMELS 1 ARE COMING." Approved for Universal Exhibition. MIRIAM HOPKINS. JOEL McCREA In "THE RICHEST GIRL IN THE v WORLD." Recommended hjr. Censor for Adults, *J PASTRYTOW°N OU WEDDIN G." "Camel# Are Coming". Matinee Ip-day, 2' p.m. Eight Special r ' ; RICHMOND AV. ADELPHI I'o-night at 7.46. 1 *" I Phone 27-235. Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. WALLACE BEERY;- JACKY COOPER, In Robert r Louis Stevenson s, ; " TREASURE ISLAND." Phillips Holmes, Jane Wyatt, Henry Hull, • In Charles . Dickens' " GREAT EXPECTATIONS." Both Approved for Universal Exhibition. "Treasure Island" Matinee To-day, 2 p.m. Laurel and Hardy, etc Free Dip m Treasure Chest to Every Child. ■ NORTHCOTE. KINGS * To-night at 8 o'clock L Phone 19-903. Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. 3 FEATURES 3 1. ANN HARDING In "THE FOUNTAIN." 2. CAROLE LOMBARD In "THE GAY BRIDE." Both Recommended by Censor for Adults?. 3. All-Colour Musical, "LA CUCARACHA." Matinee 2 p.m. v To-day. | HAKA 7 and POI | . • |r . ORAKEI 1 . - And Ancient Maori Festival and Haangi. f EASTER SAT. and. MONDAY, 20th and 22nd, at 2.30 p.m. For Kainga Improvement. Admission, 1/. Take " K " Buses, opp. G.P.O. REUNION'S "20 YEARS AFTER." "20 YEARS AFTER." GALLIPOLI REUNION. GALLIPOLI REUNION. . \ AUCKLAND TOWN HALL AUCKLAND TOWN HALL (By Kind Permission of the Mayor and Councillors.,) '/ FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1935, ' FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1935, AT 8 P.M. • ADMISSION, 2/6. EXCLUSIVELY for Officers and Men of All Units wto .actually landed on Gallipoli during the Campaign. Tickets Available at R.S.A. Office. LECTURES RATIONALIST ASSN. Sunday, 7.30 p.m. ,No. 3* Queen St., Fabian Room, opp. G.P.O. " Why the Bible Should .be Kept Out of Schools," by Rev. J. H. G. Ohapple. Questions and Discussion invited. PEOPLE'S University, Sunday. 2.45 a.m. Miss Esther James, " 3000-Miles' Walking through Australia and New Zealand.". — 3 Queen St. Tes. Welcome. Collection. Discussion. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL ' A UCKLAND FOOTBALL ; -f* ASSOCIATION , REFEREES' ASSOCIATION. A Meeting will ba held at the Y.M.C.A. on WEDNESDAY, April 17, at 8 p.m. An invitation is extended to all gentlemen willing to iftsqiat the Code by Reigreeing, ■;* R. BRIGHTON., TEACHERS OF MUSIC lie Singing, Artistry. Repertoire.—W. H. Dixon', L.R.A.M.. A.R.C.M. (London). Lewis Eady, Ltd. ; „ MT. ALBERT.—Pianoforte: Experienced Teacher and Aocompaniste.—Marjone Jj. Yorko, L.T.C.L.. Allendale Rd. •DIANOFORTE.—Latest methods; thorough I twition.—Miirjorio L. Yorke, L.T.C.L.v Allendale -Rd.. Mt. Albert. * -V. SINGING BpeeU,Hst.-AU branches of Singing taught. Best and latest methods Voice Production.—-W. H. Dixon. L.R.A<M.. A.R.C.M.. Lewis Eady, Ltd. POWER BOARD NOTICES, ELECTORAL, PUBLIC NOTICES, TENDERS, OOUNTY COUNCIL NOTICES, OORPOpATION NOTICES, CHURCH NOTICES, ETC., APPEAR ON PAOEB 0 AND 7,
Page 24 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 24
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