m. Iff an* w v*" m ■■■: %% m m I dimwite. Dozens of Stations as Clear as a Bell!' ENGLAND FRANCE GERMANY ITALY RUSSIA UNITED STATED CANADA - SOUTH AMERICA INDIA ' JAPAN CHINA SOUTH AFRICA AUSTRALIA And Other Countries Also All New Zealand Stations ROUND THE WORLD RECEPTION. A child of 4i years goes to the Stewart-Warner "Magic Dial" Radio, and in a few moments the voice, the music of distant Paris, floods his home at Mt. Eden! Immediately after, he listens-in to the Children's Session at IYA, Auckland. "Magic Dial" is like magic wings. One moment- you are in a far-off land the next, you are in Auckland. Let a STEWART-WARNER All-Wave Set with Magic Dial bring the Radio programmes of the world into YOUR home. STEWARTWARNER ranges the whole earth. It speaks in many tongues. You listen-in to every nation as clearly as though distance were annihilated. And it is so simple that children's fingers pick out the stations! "Magic Dial" gives you complete All-Wave Coverage. It combines three short-wave bands and a broadcast bt-.nd—l3 metres to 560 metres without a break. Four dials in one. All limitations are swept aside-—the crowding of stations is overcome. , / Why be content with anything less than STEWART-WARNER "Magic Dial" performance? Come and hear the STEWARTWARNER All-Wave Radio. See what "Magic Dial" really is—how easily it operates. ' i STEWART-WARNER from ALL-WAVE RADIOS Mm JLFW £1 DEPOSIT 5/6 WEEKLY 12 MONTHS' WRITTEN GUARANTEE, INCLUDING VALVES, Illustrations of all models gladly supplied free.
i i i APRIL 20th - 22nd. SOUTH AUCKLAND m i CONTEST 12 BANDS COMPETING. Massed Bands With Over 300 Performers. COMMENCING EASTER SATURDAY. Quick-step Competitions Easter Monday. CHEAP EXCURSION FARES TRAINS FOR TE AROHA LEAVE AUCKLAND: 10.25 p.m., Thursday, 18th April. 9.8 a.m., Friday, 19th April. . 9.8 a.m., 3.0 p.m., Saturday, 20th April. RETURN TRAIiNS LEAVE TE AROHA MONDAY, 22nd April: For Auckland, 7.31 a.m., 1.62 p.m., 6 p.m. For Frankton Junction, 7.31 a.m., 1.62 p.m., 6 p.m. For Thames, 9.5 a.m., 1.61 p.m., 6.5 p.m. For Waihl, 9.E> a.m., 1.51 p.m., 6.5 p.m. For Tauranga, 9.5 a.m., 1.61 p.m., 6.5 p.m. Special Excursion Tickets will be issued to Te Aroha from Auckland and intermediate stations on direct lins of route on 18th April by special night train leaving Auckland 10.25 p.m., also from Auckland, Thames North, Rotorue, Tauranga and intermediate stations (including stations on branches) on Friday, 19t.h, Saturday, 20th, and Monday, 22nd April, 1935, available for return until Saturday, 27th April, 1935. These tickets will not be available for break of Journey. FAREB from AUCKLAND ... PUKEKOME ... NGARUAWAHIA HAMILTON .. . ROTORUA WAIHI THAMES TAURANGA .. . 16/2 Becond 11/3 Bocond 6/8 Becond 4/1 Second 10/9 Second 3/9 Second 4/5 Second 8/8 Second 22/3 First 16/7 First 8/4 First 6/2 First 15/9 First 5/8 First 6/6 First 12/9 First DAY EXCURSION RATES: FARES from HAMILTON ROTORUA WAIHI ... THAMES .. 3/6 Second 8/9 Second 3/ Second 3/9 Second B/_ First 13/- First 4/6 First 6/6 First DAY EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued to Te Aroha from Frankton Junction, Thames North, Waihl, Rotorua, and intermediate stations on direct line of route on Saturday, 20th, and Monday, 22nd April, 1936, by trains due to arrive Te Aroha up to 1.50 p.m. tech day. LOwj FARES IN PROPORTION FROM INTERMEDIATE STATIONS.
Page 22 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 22
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