AT §||i !||! MM'-' ; iliPi®^: y '/* <V . ,£% .- && < " .. >.'«• ># /• • <•;< « £:> ;:. • --•• • M " : ? ■:•: p; ■ pi. mi '•«•" ''■•t::;^ v ••* >;* - v •:•>•: :; •: . <•: : ••* > A >Z&. MMa2 >mM, > **N &s*•" -rf v ' s m», yW* ;>>••• BOT lliit *&- °7| Sfc%S wwl m®m. rrj ■*-* •> < $ < mmm>mi as* »»*$ s<->ssss »•• « ,v:vV -1 L 5 - < swssw &. means a saving of per car to the Pub NOW more than ever It will pay you to consult Todds, or their dealers—whatever the specifications or price limit you have in mind. Here are how substantial savings are made, without any sacri|ce, of the standards of quality which have always been associated with Todd Motors Limited product® 1 1. The Overseas Factories make a reduction for non-assembly. 2. Saving of railway freight in, country of origin and saving in ocean freight because the caw will be imported completely laipdked down, technically knoira: as C.K.D. The parts at* :•■ nested and packed in about half the space of built-up cars, resulting in a saving of doat upon 50 per cent, in freight and casing timber. !$. Marine insurance saved, because of the lesser insurable value. 4. Saving of customs duty and sales tax. - 5. To savings 1, 2 and 3 add the 25 per cent. New Zealand exchange. lit is, moreover, the intention of Todd Motors to increase the content of New Zealand and British materials in all cars to a greater and greater extent. Already contracts have been placed with New Zealand manufacturers for seat springs, bumpers, and various fittings —to which soon will be added glass from England. _ . With the latest modern machinery installed at the new works the building, painting and upholstering of bodies and assembling of chassis costs no more in New Zealand than in country of origin. as i £E Upholstery will be of best New Zealand-made woollen cloth and leather. All lacquer-paints and enamel# will be of British manufacture. ■ " . " ALL STEEL SAFETY BODIES will, for the, first time, be manufactured in New Zealand, and all car# produced will be so equipped. The ALL STEEL panels will be imported from Overseas and will be welded together at Petone. - The same processes will be adopted at Petone as are used by the Chrysler and Hillman factories. Special elaborate machinery, jigs and other appliances, have been imported to produce a replica of the overseas factory workmanship. Consequently all the advantages of SILENCE, SAFETY and DURABILITY of the ALL STEEL body are assured. Recent increased manufacturers' costs in raw materials and labour, together with an unfavourable dollar exchange (in the case of U.S.A. cars) have increased the cost of cars, but the savings made by this huge new Dominion enterprise will more than offset this disadvantage to New. Zealand motoristsSavings will range from £2O to £65. The new Plymouth Six De Luxe 5 Passenger 2 Door Sedan if imported built-up would sell, to-day, for £4lO. Now it will be priced as low as £359, assembled at the new Petone factory—a saving of £sl. The De Luxe 4 Door Sedan will be priced at the low figure of £389, showing a saving of £54. The Hillman Minx price will be £269, showing a considerable reduction. Prices of other body models on application. Motorists and intending motorists are cordially invited to visit the new Todd factory which is giving employment to over one hundred Ne«~ Zealanders. The public are invited to inspect our 1935 models at our dealers' showrooms throughout the country. The New 1935 A mm 5 Ess* i m P *22 AtA m U* 1 m f ft m M j w ■ —" m I ♦•ill NOW from u A m CHRYSLER KEW SIX AIRSTREAM NOW £470 AIRFLOWS from £598 NOW £498 and £59 5 I II 4)S!Jk m 1 #w \ m m DE SOTO SIX AIRSTREAM CHRYSLER AIRSTREAM SIX AND EIGHT CHRYSLER AND DE SOTO AIRFtOWS NEW 20-70 HILLMAN All orloes f.o.b. main Ports. AUCKLAND DEALERS: , - rtDC ,_ n A, RFRT ST SPRAGG'S GARAGE LTD., LORNE ST. AUCKLAND MOTOR CO. LTD., ALBERT ST. PREMIER MOTORS LTD., ALBERT ST. HAMILTON DEALER: E. N. -VALINTINE, HAMILTON. _ Ni „r. s«™. su.»n, t. Ar.h« Advance Cars Ltd., Te Awamutu; J. C. Bates &. Son Ltd., Rotorua; Coleman Motor*, Taumarunui; Greshams Garage, Tauranga; Donkin Bros., Thames; Hauraki '' & 8 c Hamilton? S. Wheeler, Whakatan^ North Auckland Farmers' Co-op. Ltd., Whangarei, Dargaville, Kaikohe, Kaitaiaj T. O'Rourke, Warkworthj Richardson Bros., Waiuku; & Woodman. Whangarei. Winger «, Perry's Service Station, Huntly; Helensville Motors Ltd« p Helensville; Watson r « Motors, Te Aroha; Jones Bros.. N.Z. DISTRIBUTORS: TODD MOTORS LTD., AUCKLAND.
Page 21 Advertisements Column 1
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 21
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