GREAT NEW EXHIBITION HALL OF ORIGINAL DESIGN The Largest and Best: Appointed Exhibition Hall in Australasia. THE FIRST ENTIRELY WELDED BUILDING IN THE WORLD. Waikato Winter Show Introduces Important New Zealand Contribution To Architecture. ii m m M WmM mm m mm m. -a..s > ¥i m m m mm Ififf m Y: i ■h • '■ ' pi BIiEDISLOE HALL OF AGRICULTURE. Manufacturers and Retailers have returned again and again to the Waikato Winter Show to sell their Farm Implements, Fertilisers, Stock Medicines, Foodstuffs, Radios, Pianos, Machinery, Motorcars, etc., etc. A generation of New Zealand business men has found in the Waikato Winter Show a great stimulus to flagging sales, and unquestionably this great Show has. done more to sell goods in the wealthy Waikato district than any other marketing or advertising medium. Build Your Business at the Waikato Winter Show HAMILTON. May 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, June Ist and 3rd, 1933. Write to-day for a copy of "The Call" to the Secretary, P.O. Box 91, Hamilton.
CELEBRATING REMOVAL ANNOUNCING The Opening of Our NEW PREMISES in ANZAC AVE. We offer a Special Line of FIRST-GRADE HEAVY DUTY TYRES at AMAZING CLEARANCE PRICES! 0 NEW PREMISES 7-9 ANZAC AVENUE, AUCKLAND FIRST-GRADE HEAVY DUTY STEPNEY 26x 350 -19 27 x 400 - 19 27 x 440 . 19 28 x 475 - 19 29 x 500 - 19 29x 550 -19 31 x 650 - 19 29 s 450 - 20 30 s 500 - 20 SUPER ROAD GRIP TYRES. £ s. d. £ 1 12 6 32 x 600 -20 .... 4 1 15 6 30 x 450 -21 .... 2 1 . 2 5 3 31 x 525 -21 .... 3 1 „ 2 10 6 28 x 525 - 18 .... 3 . 2 13 6 28 x 550 - 18 .... 3 . 3 9 6 720 xl2O 2 . 4 7 6 875 x 105 3 . 2 6 6 30x 5 H.D 4 . -3 2 61 36 X 6 H.D. .... 10 1 * I 32 x 6 H.D 8 1 WIS PAY FREIGHT. FITTING FREE. QUOTATIONS GIVEN ON SIZES NOT LISTED. And with each Stepney Tyre we will give away TWO HEADLAMP BULBS FREE or ONE GENUINE P.W.O. NICKELPLATED PUMP, Usually Sold for 9/6. WE SPECIALISE IN CONVERTING CARS to LOW PRESSURE TYRES or AIR BALLOONS to fit existing rims. ■with attractive wheels. SEE OUR DISPLAY. Telegrams: " SEAGULL." FRED FORDE THE TYRE KING 7-9 ANZAC AVENUE, AUCKLAND. Box 1510. Phone 46-599.
1935 Improved Models just landed. Make your choice from one of these high-grade Machines. B.S.A. Complete -with Terry's Spring Saddle, Dunlop Tyres, and all Accessories. °-" £B/15/- cash . The Famous Wanderer Special A 'new-designed machine with the same high-grade material that has made it so popular with cyclists. NOW ONLY £B/5/CASH. Hutchinson Special. Another new model added to our large range. A good lowpriced machine at £7/15/- ' CASH. Other models stocked from £5/15/- c " h ' Enquire about our Easy Terms. F. R. Hutchinson Opposite George Court's, 211 KARANGAHAPE ROAD. Phone 45-303. XiONYofSCI^CA! fhat crippling agony relieved at 4 °nce! Rheumo dispels excess uric 1 the cause of all rheumatic Pyns, and seldom fails to bring Permanent relief. Used by Owusands. V 2/6 and 4/6. RHEUMO 11l Something; original and beautiful —of superior quality and of moderate price. Easy selection can be made from our China, and Crystal departments—new shipments, including: the latest ideas and creations In Stuart Crystal and Royal Doulton ware; also new season's Dinner Sets, Teasets, Coffee Sets and a magnificent range of figures and Ornamental Jugs. Come to Pascoe'i for the most acceptable gifts. Featured below are just a few examples. gess* "- < 'f i Exceptional Values in Suil STUART CRYSTAL ENGI Footed Sweet Dishes 3/6, 3/11, English 4/6. 35/-. 7-Piece Cut Water Sets—ls/-, 60/-, 65/- to 63/6. English 1 Cut Salad Bowls—l 9/6, 22/6. 23/6. RoU) of 5 Vases—2/6, 5/11, 7/6 to 69/6. ex< JAS. PASCOE, Suitable Gifts in ENGLISH CHINA English Coffee Sets—ls/6, 16/6, 35/-. 42/6, 69/6, 72/6, 99/6 to £5/12/6. English Teasets—l9/6, 47/6, 69/6, £5/15/- to 7 Guineas. Both of these are of new designs in exclusive decorations. Jeweller, Watchmaker, and Diamond Merchant. VICTORIA ARCADE, QUEEN STREET, and 66 KARANGAHAPE ROAD. Also at HAMILTON.
Page 17 Advertisements Column 1
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 17
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