Sir, —The Master Bakers have raised a very interesting issue in complaining of an educationist showing active ■ concern with child dietary. This attitude seems analogous to the criticism formerly directed against compulsory examination of teeth in schools and with which of course, the question of food is directly associated. With all respect to bakers as such, I would that a bias (possibly subconscious) on such a matter rendefs a detached view difficult for them. Incidentally, the important question of " white or brown " bread has been revived and 1 would like to refer to the fact that the British Government has made exhaustive researches in this regard and that results should be of great assistance to all who wish to arrive at an informed opinion; perhaps one of your readers has the data available. Untrammelled.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22079, 8 April 1935, Page 12
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22079, 8 April 1935, Page 12
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