Sir,—"Veritas" lias struck the right note. There is only one tiling to do and that is to knock land down to its economic productive value. Tho farmer does not require any subsidies. Messrs. Forbes, Coates and company will talk about anything but bringing down land by compulsion, though they know perfectly well it is the only remedy. Audax.
Sir, —Why help our exporting farmers at all ? Because at present Great Britain is paying* the lowest prices in the world for colonial farmers' produce. Sho is likely to continue to do so indefinitely, having in view the interests of her own farmers. On January 6, 1933, the retail price of butter in London was lid. In New York it was Is sd, in Montreal Is 3d, in Shanghai about 2s Id, in Geneva 2s 6d (sterling), etc. Yet New Zealand and Australia arc inundating the Home market with the heaviest shipments ever recorded. No less than 200,000 tons of butter alone, 20 per cent above last year's record, comes to Great Britain from here. The low price for butter is duo, besides, to tho total absence of re-exports to the Continent (new tariffs and quotas). The Home market becamo a cul-de-sac and tho glut is causing the abominable depression and killing farming at this end. To help New Zealand exporting farmers by spending money on bounties, subsidies, premiums, protection, etc., is sheer waste. By pegging tho exchange sky-high is dangerous, harmful for farmers and unwise. By advancing emergency loans, postponing payments, accommodating exporters, etc., is unacceptable for producers, bocause the day of reckoning will come sooner or later. For nearly 12 months past, at my own risk and pleasure, I was advocating the necessity of the expansion of New Zealand external trade and tho working of new markets overseas. At present I am more than ever satisfied that this is the only real aid to our exporting farmers and the only way out of our troubles. Unless immediate steps be undertaken and business-like organisations set up, our exports of primary produce will be doomed. Alexander S. Tetzneb.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 13
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