CHARGE OF RECEIVING "This man is an outcast and lias a long criminal record," stated DotectiveSergcant Kelly, in the Police Court yesterday, when a Maori, Iwa Puh'arareke, lal.oi.rer, aged 58, appeared on remand before Mr. W. 11. McKean, S.M., charged with being an incorrigible rogue. When accused was before, tho Court last Meek, it was stated that ho had money in tho Public Trust Office. Mr. Kelly said that accused was not known to that offico or the Native Trust. He was destitute and not wanted by his own people. Accused was partly paralysed, and could not work.
Sentence of 12 months' imprisonment was imposed. A Maori labourer, Benjamin Eatu, aged 22, pleaded guilty to a charge of receiving a watch and chain valued at £4 10s, and six sovereigns, the property of Wong Coon, knowing them to have been dishonestly obtained. A charge of theft was withdrawn.
Mr. Kelly said accused had been employed at Northcote by complainant for five months. Wong Goon's house had been entered, and tho property, stolen. Accused, when interviewed by Detective Bowman, said a man named "Joe" gave him the watch and chain. It had been ascertained that accused had received £1 5s for each sovereign, and the police believed that he committed the theft. In imposing sentence of six months' imprisonment, the magistrate said it was hard to imagine that a person stole tho property, and then gave it to accused*
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 12
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