WEATHER CLERK'S LITTLE JOKE He may play it any moment and send us a cold snap right, in the middle of summer. Theu watch out for coughs and colds. Take Baxter's Lung Preserver promptly and save yourself much needless suffering. " Baxter's " tonic properties promote a rapid pick-up. The strong Dominion-wide demand for Baxter's Lung I'reserver proves its value as a remedy for old and young. Sold by all chemists and stores, Is 6d, 2s 6d and 4s 6d.—Advt,
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 10
Word Count
Page 10 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21392, 17 January 1933, Page 10
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