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SALES BY AUCTION r A OTIS'Gr UPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM La. THE RECEIVER FOR THE DE-BENTURE-HOLDER OF iJJARRISON AND Q.ASH, KHYBER PASS. AUCKLAND, lARLAW, [WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. rjiO-DAY (MONDAY), «10.30 J-M----TTIHE BALANCE OF THE STOCK, tJL PLANT, ACCESSORIES AND CARS, Including:— SPARE PACT'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 1 AIR COMPRESSOR. 1 NEW ARMSTKONG-SIDDELE Y CAR. 1 NEW SWIFT CAR. ' 1 FRANKING MACHINE. 1 DUCO SPRAYING PLANT. 1 MORRIS-MINOR SALOON, b.H. 1 OLDSMOBILE SALOON. b.H. 1 30CWT. MORRIS TRUCK. S.H. 1 GLASS (PLATE) COUNTER 10tT. 1 BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE. / I BATTERY CHARGING OUTFIT. 1 TRIMMING MACHINE, 1 Turn-table Bed Grindstone, Tyres. Plate Glass Sheets. Map. Paris. 1 NEW MORRISMINOR RADIATOR, Large Quantity TIMBER. Painters' Trestles & Stands. 2 TRUCK// BODIES. 2 VAN BODIES, Oil Barrels, 4 LARGE LEADLIGHTS. 1 STORE TRUCK, Vices, Springs. Bumper Bars, and a Host of Useful Sundries. JOHN £}ARLAW, J^TD.. AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. •24 WYNDHAM STREET. PHONE 44-245. "DICHARD jx / RTHUR. WILL SELL AT JJIENTERDEN VENUE, OFF BALMORAL ROAD, JJiO-DAY (MONDAY), A.M. feting under' instructions from Mrs. R. E. Salas, who has removed from Auckland, TJTHE OF THE JJURNISHINGS, QRAMER piANO, AND QARPETS. LIVING ROOM.—Cramer Piano in Oak . Case, Oak* Duet Stool, Oak Barrel Pot Stands, Oak Kerb, Oak Tub Chair, Wilton Carpet, 12 s 12. DINING ROOM.—Very Fine Oak Dining Suite, Queen Anno period, made_ .to order by /Winks and Hall, comprising G Dining Chairs uph. in genuine leather; Rd. Ex. Dining Table, Sideboard, Oak Bookcase, China Cabinet with glass doors (a frery nice piece), Oak Gateleg Tablo, Oak Bos Kerb, costing in all £116; Grey and Black Wilton Carpet, 12 x 12; 3-pce. Chesterfield Suite, very well sprung, uph. in Vieux Roso and Blue Moouette; Window Seat, Squab, Silk El. S.hades, Oak Tea Waggon, Oak Fire Screen. HALL.—Wilton Carpet, 10 s 9 (worn), Gyds Runner, Oak Hallstond, Oak Hall Seat, Hall Curtain, Oak Palmstands. BREAKFAST ROOM.—Lino. Square. 12 x 9, Rimu Sideboard, Wal. D. Table, 9 R. Charts, Rimu Box Settee and Squab, Elec. .Reflection Shade. BEDROOM.—feink .and Blue Carpet, 10.6 x 9; 4-pce. Rimu Bedroom Suite of pretty design. Silverdown Mattress, Reed Loom Chair, Court Chest, 4 S. Rimu Beijte, Rimu Robe, S. Mattresses, Blankets. KITCHEN.—Lino., K. Table and Chairs, Clothes Airer, Pres. Jars, Child's Bath, Coco. Matting, Mangle. OUTSIDE. —"New Royal" Lawnmower, 35ft. Hose, 2 ladders, Garden Tools.
THE PROPERTY IS FOR SALE. / rjTHOS. "g 'auctioneer. gO.USES AND LAND FPU SALE OFF St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell.—Six Rooms, splendid harbour view; owner leaving.—Apply G Bridgewater Rd. "OEMUERA Waterside.—Beautiful new JX Home. 7 rooms, electric throughout; Fftcrifice.—Phone 25-250. EEMUERA Waterside. Attractive 15storey; large grounds; £ISOO, offer. — Rutherford. Lister Bldg. EEMUERA. —Beautiful modern Home. 7 rooms; garage; mail's room; perfect condition;; magnificent harbour view.—Phone 24-062. QECTION£k Mission Bay; Bach, lined; '0 water, gas; part furn., all convs. Price £150; cash £SO, balance two years.—Graham, •410, HEP ALD.' rpiTIRANGL—6I Acres, choice situation. • J- good soil; any reasonable offer.—Ownw. Sl3. Heuald iWAIKATO 150-ACRE GOING CONCERN. TERMS OR EXCHANGE FOR • HOUSE PROPERTY. FARM is /well situated, large portion flat, balance undulating; about 130 acres in grass; 60 cows, 2 horses, besides young stock; 5-ropmed House, G-bail cowshed, milking machine installed. PRICE, £3O per acre, or near offer, as full Coing Concern. Owner willing to sell on very easy terms, say, £750 Deposit,' or would take House Property and some cash. Farm well financed Government Mortgage and situated handy to Hamilton. JNO. GREY, HELEN 3 VILLE. TELEPHONE (Day and Night). 13. £I7OO. ATTRACTIVE // RESIDENCE AT EPSOM. VERY HANDY TO NEWMARKET. FREEHOLD SECTION, 72ft. x 150 ft. Gardens, lawrs. livti hedges, etc. Garage. CAPITAL HOUSE, 6 rooms, .Well fitted up throughout with every convenience, hot cold water, etc. . First-clas.3 Position. PRICE, £I7OO. A 453 TO LET. ROAD, REMUERA.—MODERN HOUSE, 7 rooms, electric hot water; billiard room; garage. Rent, £2 10s. ' E. MANDENO JACKSON, 9 COMMERCE STREET. M.H.E.I. !A GREAT SACRIFICE. OWNER/GOING TO ENGLAND. Modern bungalow of 5 rooms, kitchenette, largo sleeping porch, bathroom, laundry, front and back ■' porches, 'etc. Built by owner of heart kauri and fceart rixnu and finished with best Materials and fittings throughout. .Solid bea.fai and plaster ceilings; leadlight -vindo'vs; 2ir. doors; entrance hall panelled in rimu; fine largo sitting room, with cir. biy and seat, leadlight bookcase, rimu mantelpiece and tiled fireplase/ door to porch. Living room, with built-:.n sideboard and window R'.at; Ibt- bedroom with cir, cor. buy, wirroied / rimu wnrdobe and door to porch; 2 other bedrooms. Kitch. fitted with numerous cupboards, bins arid drawers, eleo. range and hot water. Ba*hrTOm. pore. b. a:id b„ lavatory with silent flush, p.w.c., '2 licenpressc-B, broom cupboard, coat recess, etc. Double . garagii und( r house, with concrete floor. Splendid section, approx. 00ft. t ISOft, overlooking tennis and croquet lawns and commanding BEAUTIFUL AND EXTENSIVE VIEWS; laid out in lawns, gardens, concrete paths and drive: Properly cost owner £2OOO. but as_ he has definitely decided to leave, price reduced to £llsO. SAMUEL VAILE AND , SONS, LTD., 83 QUEEN STREET. .(Uemlwrra of Real Estate ]ba4. &Z,X
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 4
Word Count
830Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 4
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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