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FIRST DAY'S RESULTS SUCCESS OF BLUE METAL CHIEF EVENT TO AMY JOHNSON [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] OMAKAU, Saturday The Vincent Jockey Club's meeting opened to-day in fine weather and attracted a good attendance. The track was fast and was in good order. The totaliautor handled £2G24 10s, against £3339 on tho first day last year. Results: OPHIR HACK HANDICAP, of £55; (1 fur. • -3 Profit and Loss, 7.0 (R. J. Mackie), 1; ft Genteol, 7.0 (J. Winders), 2; 2 llklcy, 7.12, car. 7.13J (P. Powell), 3. Also started: 4 Nanette. 8.7; 5 Natornis, 7.0; 1 Cleaner, 7.G, car. 7.1. Long neck. Time, lm lGs. MATAKANUI HANDICAP, of £75; G fur. —I Blue Metal, 8.12p1L. J. Ellis). 1; 2 Al Jolson, 8.2 (N. J. Dwyer), 2; <1 Captivate, 7A, car. 7.91 .'J. Andrews), ,*!. Also started: Dulen, 7.9. Half-a-length. Time, lm 15s. POOLBURN TltOT (saddle), of XG2; 1J milo3.—"l Anthum, GOyds bhd (P. Gallagher), 1; 3 Alpha Wrack, limit (A. E. Didham), 2; 4 Captain Bingen, limit (J. . Docherty), 3. Also startod: 7 Blue Bingen, limit, and Margaret Bingen. 48yds bhd; 5 Frank Mac. 2 Stepawny, G Faneburn, limit. Short length. Times: 3m 255, 3m 30 l-ss, 3m 35 3-ss. CLARE MEMORIAL HANDICAP, Of £IOO, including trophy valued at £2O; 1 mile. B—AMY JOHNSON, 7.3 (W. 11. Jones) 1 2—KAKARA, 9.10 (D. O'Connor) .. 2 4—LOCKSLEY, 9.0 (C. W. Brodie) . . 3 Also Started. 2 Kerbside, 8.11. and Pink Paper, 7.12; ('. Solanium, 7.8; 5 Fino Weather 7.1; 7 Bitraclor, 7.0. tine and a-lialf lengths. Time, lm -11 "-ss. SPOTTIS HACK HANDICAP, of £55; G fur.—4 Muascut Miss, 8.8 (G. Lee), 1; 2 Final Bell, 8.7 (A. E. Didham). 2; 7 Cleaner, 9.0 (B. 11. Brodie)', 3. Also started: 3 Propulsion. 8.7. bracketed with Yentract, 8.7; 5 Bellfield. 8.7. Yentract won by a neck, but was placed fourth for interference. Time, lm 1G 2-sa. '.MANUHERIKIA TROT, of £63: limit 4.8; J milo 5 fur.—l Electric Girl, limit (W. J. Gallagher), 1; 4 Bonny Vuo, limit (P. Gallagher), 2; fi Jolly Queen. 132 yds bhd (J. Walsh), 3. Also started : 2. Erin's Own, 3G.vds bhd; 3 Margaret Bingen, 48. Three lengths. Times:; Sim 39 3-ss, 4m 0 4-ss, 3m 5V 4-ss. ' OMAKAU HANDICAP, of £706, fyr.— 1 Shock, 7.0 (W. 'IT. Jones), I: 3 Blue Metal, 8.12, car. 9.G (L. J. Ellis), 2;-4 Al Jolson, 8.2 (B. Brodie). 3. Also M arted : 4 Assemble, 9.3; 5 Exchange, ■ 7.1. Length. Time, lm IGs. RICCARTON -TRAINING' WELLINGTON CANDIDATES JUNIPER'S; CUP PROSPECTS FUTURE OF CONCENTRATE [BY TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] CIIHISTCH U IiCH, Sunday There was a fair' amount of fast work at Riccarton yesterday, most interest, being centred in tho tasks, allotted horses booked to race at Trentham this week. Tho plough was in most use, a'few gallops only being esecuted on the grass track available, which provided very hard going. Jaloux and Azalea were tho first out. Tho former ran seven furlongs comfortably in 1.32, Azalea accompanying him over the last six. Both are in good order to fulfil their Trentham engagements, and while Jaloux has excellent prospects in tho Wellington Cup, Azalea will : have to bo fieri* ously considered for tho Apprentices' Plate, in which she will bo ridden by the stable apprentice, A. Stovo. Rocket and Zeebruggo were given a useful sevcn-ftirlong task, taking 1.33. ■ Cricket Bat, strode over six furlongs in 1.17 2-5, and his stable-mate, Drum Eire, recorded similar timo. The latter, who is inclined to bo wayward before galloping, should race well during tho Trentham trip.
Morepork, who is also another Riccarton candidate in the Apprentices' Plate, reeled off five furlongs in 1.4 2-5. Nightguard beat Juniper over six furlongs in 1.19 1-5 and finished oil stronglyThis gallop would not point to Juniper's Cup prospects and he may contest the Anniversary Handicap on Thursday in preference. Red Heckle was kept in restraint throughout a nine-furlong gallop, taking 2.2. He is likely to have a strong Riccarton following in the Wellington Cup. Chief Light beat Eupator over five furlongs run in 1.5. The former has taken time to come right, but should now keep more prominently beforo tho public. Argentic ran five furlongs comfortably in 1.4, Monastic going the first three with him. Argentic, who shows the benefit of his trip to tho West Coast, will be ridden in the Apprentices' Plato on Thursday by A. Russell, as H. MacKinnon will not be fit enough to attend the meeting. Monastic figures in this event on Thursday, but will start in the High-weight Handicap and will bo ridden by M. Kirivan. Sweet Agnes sprintod three furlongs in 38s, and her stable companion. Tea Garden, occupied 1.20 for six furlongs. Both will go to Trentham in cliargo of T. H. Gillctt. Great Stat for Sydney
Great Star Etrode over a mile and aquarter at three-quarter pace and Grand lieview did similar work over seven furlongs. Both will be ridden by It. Covcuy at Trentham. A trip to Sydney for the autumn meeting is proposed for Great Star, and in the meantime he has been nominated for the Sydney Cup and other handicaps. Concentrate, with his trainer in the saddle, was sent a mile and a-qunrter at a. s'«rong| even pace. The full journey took 2.18, the last mile 1.47 3-5 and the last half 555. Martian Chief accompanied Concentrate over the last seven furlongs, tho pair finishing together. Concentrate has not had as much galloping as - may huvo been desued, owing to the hard nature of tho grass tracks, but will nevertheless be in satisfactory order for his Trentham trip. ' . Owing to L. G. Morris having Fiji engaged in tho Wellington Cup. B. H. Morris will have the mount on Concentrato. In all probability Concentrate will be nominated for the autumn programmes in Sydney. Importance ran half a mile in 525. Sho is to contest the Wellington Stakes on Thursday, but is haidly seasoned enough to be dangerous. L. J. Ellis will ride her. Rational IT. and Gustavo covered six furlongs in I.IS 2-5. the last threo in 38 2-ss. Wise Choice and Golden Dart strode over seven furlongs in 1.33 1-5. The former is in good order again, but is hardly up to Trentham standard. Shatter and Shelter, who were galloped from the barrier on the course proper on Friday, were restricted to easy work. Counter-play reeled off half a mile in 49 3-5s on the No. 6 grasps track. Ho is to contest the Wellington Stakes and will be ridden by A. Kussell. With (>.13 in the saddle Counter Play will make his presence fell in the classic. Idolize recorded 1.3 3-5 for five furlongs. She should do well at Trentham. Ranelagh and Hurli'ngham executed a similar task in 1.2 3-5. The latter will not be neglected in the Telegraph Handicap. A Likely Gelding S. Barr has a likely-looking gelding in his stable in the shape of a three-year-old by Shambles from Some. Abbey. He was given his first sprint on Saturday, and beat his stable-mate Red Arrow by Arrowsmith from lied Queen. The former was bred by F. P. Claridge and is now the property of Mr. J. D. Bundy, owner of Starshootar, who is at present having a spell. P. V. Mason has an addition to his team in a three-year-old gelding by Arrowsmith from Silk Stocking by Solferino, the property of Mr. R. W. Franks. The youngster, like many of the breed, cannot boast of much size, but shows a lot of quality and has evidently been well cared for. The two-yenr-old Haere Tona, by Hunting Song from Martianette, _ dam of Martian Chief, has been placed in work again by A. McAtilny. Tfe was taken to Sydney in the spring, but, as ho showed signs of still growing, lie was not raced. Ho is now an. 'upstanding youngster and interest will bo evincecj in his future doings. McAulay had ideas of nominating Nightmarch for the Dunedin Cup, but his owner considered the horso had had enough racing and ho wns not anxious to try him again. This decision means that Nightmarch has. been definitely retired from (he (urf and his 1 activities will in future bo confined to stud • duties. ROTORUA RACING CLUB CLOSING OF NOMINATIONS Nominations for nil events at the Rotorua Racing Club's meeting, to be held on February 11 and 13, close with tho secretary, Mr. E. La Trobe Hill, Rotorua, next Friday, at 9 p.m., and may also be lodged at. tho office of tho Avoudnle Jockey Club, Auckland, uutil 5 p.m. tho s9-me day.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 7
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1,420VINCENT JOCKEY CLUB New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 7
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VINCENT JOCKEY CLUB New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 7
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