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PERSONAL ADVERTISER would like hear anyone going Otago Goldfields, view partnership.—Prospector, 233, Herald. ALL those interested aro invited to a -ci. Meeting of Garrick Dramatic Society To-night, at 7.30 p.m., 3rd Floor, Colwill Chambers, Swnnson St. ANYONE with Elsie Lincoln Benedict's Book, "Broinology," kindly communicate Phones 42-086, 40-290. GEM. —Gone on holiday. Heralds not available. Writing Boon. When answering give date meeting.—Arcade. I the undersigned, will not be responsible ' for any debts incurred in my name without my written authority.—F. E. Bridle, Colville. ______ LL Mr! Ben Klaricic please call G.P.O. for letter. "TXTOULD kind person give expectant counVV' try Mother, poor circumstances, Baby Clothes, Pram, Cot; very grateful.—Bonny Boy, 462, Herald. "VTirOULD Miss Sawyer, formerly of Mt. VV Albert Road, communicate with Accident, 222, Herald. TRADE PERSONAL A J. PARK AND SON", Patent Attorneys • F. H. Hay (Reg. Patent Attorney) Auckland partner.—National Bank Bldgs., Shortland St. ABANDON All Washtubs. Finished Bagwash for 5s a large bag.—British Laundry Co. Phone 40-493. ABOUT Baths.—Turkish, Mineral, Slipper, Showers; Massage; open 7 a.m.-10 p.m. —Turkish Baths, Chancery Chambers. Phone 47-459. . A Perfect Modern Denture in Vulcanite, £2; in latest Silver Lustre, £2 7s 6d; Single Tooth Repair. 5 s.—H. W. Frost, Ltd., Auckland and Hamilton. ASTHMA successfully treated; Vienna Chemist's Discovery.—P. Meuli, Psychoanalyst, Southern Cross Bldgs., Chancery St. A Duplicate Latch Key Required—that's soon fixed. Go to Builders' Supplies, Ltd.. Anzac Av. BACKWARD Children Treated.—P. Meuli (Mind, Nerves, Glands).—Southern Cross Bldgs.. Chancery St. Phone 47-349. DENTAL Plates carefully repaired, ss. Howey Walker's, opp. John Court, Ltd., City. DENTAL Plate Repairing Laboratory, 28 Palmerston Bldgs., opp. G.P.O. Repairs Artificial Teeth in two hours. FANCY Costume and Evening Dress Hiring Co.—Catalogues, 2d stamp, oountry orders.—Dilworth Bldg. 47-799. KLEXEMA Treatment.—Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Varicose Ulcers successfully treated. Booklet posted. Consultation free. Dietetio information. Nervous conditions benefited.—Telephone 46-324. KLEXEMA Treatment.—Scalp _ Ailments, Alopecia, Seborrhoea, Falling Hair, successfully treated.—lo4 Dilworth Bldg., Auckland, and National Bank, Victoria St., Hamilton. PATENTS Obtained throughout World; information gratis.—Write, call, Henry Hushes. Ltd., 209 Dilworth Elder.. Auckland. TASTEFUL and Exclusive Furnishings, Fabrics and Irish Linens.—John Redfern, Civic Theatre Block, Wellesley St. Qnn -P-C- Moro energy in Oystrine than 01/U oysters; Is tin makes 2 quarts. All QET New Teeth at Howey Walker's (Opposite John Court, Ltd.). CAR AND LAUNCH TRIPS LADIES (2) require seat Car going Napier about January 18.—Car, 221, Herald. Taxis.—Trips anywhere, any VV r time. Charges reasonable.—Launch Steps, Albert St., or Phone 41-299. FOR HIRE BOTTLE Jacks, Timber Jacks, Extension Ladders, good order.—Snm Wliilfl and -13 Ladders, good order.—Sam White and Sons, Market Place. Phone 44-708. F AUNCH Katoa for Fishing Parties, Pionics, etc., Manukau Harbour; terms reasonable.—Shortt, Private Phone 12-612. Kent a car, drive yourself, 30 NEW cars, latest Models, from week-day, 6s Half-day, 10s per Day,— Shorter's Rertal Cars, Shortland St. Phone 44-061. The largest Rental Firm in N.Z. \7ACUUM Cleaners (silent), os day, deV livered and collected. Domestic Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phono 44-600. PLATS TO LET ATTRACTIVE, exclusive, furn.; Earl's Court, overlooking harbour; tennis court; garage.—Phone 41-323. BELLIAR, 11A Jervois Rd., Ponsonby.— Balcony Flat, furn., sunny, kitchen, convs.; reasonable. "OLOCKHOUSE BAY. Flat, unfurn., ■L* private house; gas, electric, garage, tennis courts.—F.T., 455, Herald. BRIGHTON Hall, Parnell.— Modern, selfcontained, unfum., sun porch, garage.— Manageress; 44-005. BOU-Saada. —Private, self-contained Bungalow Flat, unfurnished, nice position, quiet; moderate.—King's View Rd., Mt. Eden. /"lASA LOMA, 413 Manukau Rd., Epsom.— v Superior front Flat, furn., 4 rooms; sunny, all-electric.—2o-354. (CHELTENHAM (Beach "Frontage).—Cautley Flats, furnished, unfurnished, modern, electric, entirely self-contained.— Phones 46-173. 22-482. COMFORTABLE Flat, fully furn., close station; moderate; immediate possession.—Rexcourt. Lower Symonds St. ""JT'L NlDO."—Modern Flat, Bunny, 2 bed-J-J rooms; 2nd section; minute car, Mt. Eden.—47-358. " T7<DENSIDE," Mt. Eden Rd.—Modern, J-J self-contained, olec., furn. or unfurn.; from 25s.—Burret.t. Phone 45-111. EPSOM. —Attractive, self-contained, 4 Rooms, kitchenette, e.h.w., gas stove, garage; moderate rent.—s4S Manukau Rd. Phone 18-159. ESPANO Flats. Entrance through St. Kevins Arcade.—Furn. Flat availablo. —Manageress. Phone 42-181. "I7LAT. furn., Bed-Sitting Room, kitchen; J. Si»ple Room; phone.—l 37 Grafton Rd. nicely furn.. waterfront, close City: separate entrance: phone.—2 London St. unfurn.. unfurn.. car line, eelf-contained.— - Apply 1 Atarangi Rd.. Green Lane. I7URN. Home. 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, . all convs.; nice garden.—3 Jutland Rd., Takapuna. GRAFTON.— Flat, 3 rooms, kitchenette, self-contained; separate entrances; ruinute car.—42-009. GRAFTON.— Small furn. Flat, hot water, linen optional; phone.—Haeremai, opp. Hospital. GRAFTON.— Select, self-contained; every conv.; best position; 24s.—Garrard Bennet. City Chambers. HAMPTON Court.—Modem, furn.. unfurn. Flats; moderate rental.—Manageress. Phone 40-621. HERNE BAY, Handy Tram. Beach.Modern conveniences; low rental.— JnfTe. 344 Queen St. HERNE BAY.— Splendidly Furn. Flat, 275; own bathroom, telephone, wireless .—2l Lawrence St. HI,- ovtt "BAY—Nice furn. Flat, adults; Reasonable; phone.-26 Shelly Beach Road. TNDORE.—Exclusive, well furn., 8.C., nicely situated, car stop.—323 Mt. Eden Rd., coiner Prospect Rise. KHYBER PASS.—SeIf-contained, email Flat; furn., unfurn.—9 Claremont St.. evenings. MT. EDEN.—FIat, 3 rooms, self-contained, newly renovated; wonderful view.—l2 Hillside Crescent. _____ I\,TOUNTAIN RD., Epsom.—Unfurn., self--IVL contained Flat, garden, teunis, garage. —Phono 20-333. "VfEWMARKET. —Furn., 2 nice rooms, kit1\ chcnette, separate entrance; adults.—lß Maungawhau Rd. " /~\AKLANDS."— Modern. Unfurnished. V Self-contained Flats.—392 Mt. Eden Rd., Prospect Rise car stop. PARK FLATS, Princes St., opp Grand Hotel.—Furn. Flats, single Rooms; garafres; moderate.—Manageress, 40-076. RAWLINGSTONE, 127 Grafton Rd.—Two and Three-room Flats, furnished, separate conveniences; refined; quiet. EEMUERA. —3 Rooms, kitchenette, bathroom; ■ separate entrance; tennis court, garage.—Phone 25-369. SHORTLAND Flats.—Modem furn., unfurn., electric hot water; moderate rental.—Phone 40-239. OA Epsom Av.—Front Flat, unfurn.. garage, tennis court; moderate. Phone 21-046.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 1
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893Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 1
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