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SHIELD AND CASKET GAMES ROWLANDS AGAIN SUCCESSFUL DEFEAT OF MISS MACFARLANE fBY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] ■WELLINGTON. Suadjy The weather was fine yesterday, with a southerly breeze blowing the length of the courts for the continuation of the Wilding Shield and Nunneley Casket con-? tests between Auckland and Wellington.; Wellington won both events and wiii play Canterbury in the final to-morrow and on Tuesday. The Aucklanders generally played better tennis than they did on Friday. Results : WILDING SHIELD Singles.—C. E. Malfroy (Wellington)' beat A. C. Stedman (Auckland) 6—2;6 3; D. G. France (Wellington') beat N. G. Sturt (Auckland), 7—5, 3—6, 6—4; N. R. C. Wilson (Wellington) beat M. Morrison (Auckland), B—6, 3—6, 7—s;' H. C. Rowlands (Auckland) beat r! McL< Ferkins (Wellington), 6—3, 7—5. Doubles.—Malfroy and France (Well, ington) beat Stedman and Sturt (Auck* land), 6—3, 6—2; Wilson and Ferkins (Wellington) beat Rowlands and Morrison (Auckland), 6—2, 6—4. NUNNELEY CASKET Singles.—Mrs. H. M. Dykes (Wellington) 1 beat Miss M. Macfarlane (Auckland), 6 4, 6—3; Miss B. Knight (Auckland) beat Miss D. Howe (Wellington), 6—o, 6—B, 6 2; Miss J. Ramsay (Auckland) beat Mrs. D. G. France - (Wellington), 7—5, 6—l; Miss M. Whyte (Wellington) beat Mrs. B. Napier (Auckland). 6—3, 6—4. Doubles.—Misses Macfarlane and Knight' beat Mrs. Dykes and Miss Howe, 6—l, 6—4; Mrs. France and Miss Whyte beat Miss Ramsay and Mrs. Napier, 6—4„ AUCKLANDERS' WEAKNESS STURT UNLUCKY TO LOSE INFERIOR PLAY IN DOUBLES [by telegraph—OWN correspondent] WELLINGTON, Sunday Malfroy had things much as he liked them in the first set with Stedman, whoso lobbing was not deep enough to keep Malfroy from the net. Once there he was able to dominate the play, frequently turning off Stedman's hardest drives for; clear winners. In the second set Stedman increased the length on his shots and wa3 able for a while to keep Malfroy from tha net. From the back line Stedman was fully Malfroy's equal, "both driving beau* tifully. Malfroy again rushed the net dur-» T ing the last games. He won service when leading 4—3 and took th»' next game to love, finishing off the matcl* with a service ace.
Long rallies and tricky passing shots| characterised the France-Sturt match** both players concentrating on short-length! cross-court shots. Neither attempted to* drive deep to the base line. Sturt was uni lucky to lose tho match on a net-cord shot' when waiting in a winning position at tha not. Morrison was serving well in his matcK with Wilson. His first service was beauti* fully placed and he aced Wilson with ifi several times. Both men played well in, the first set. The second set was Morri-* son's all the way, Wilson mingling bril4 liant shots with misses off easy bails. By good net play Morrison evened at 5—5 in' the third set, but Wilson was playing at his best now and Morrison had no shots capable of stopping him from taking the match. Rowlands showed that liis winning form! against Wilson on Friday was no flash in. the pan by beating Ferkins in two sets.His powerful forehand again worked well and he placed well to the corners. Both doubles matches were easy for' Wellington. Neither Stedman nor Sturt was playing anywhere near his best and Malfroy and France had the match well in hand all the way. The same could be said of the match between W'ilson and Ferkins and Morrison and Rowlands. Thei Aucklanders could do nothing against opponents with much superior combination.' Mrs. Dykes and Miss Macfarlane had a splendid driving match. Neither player could afford to come to the net against accurate passing shots, and from the back line Mrs. Dykes held the advantage throughout. Although she took three sets to win Miss Knight was never in much danger of being beaten by Miss Howe. Bv persistent retrieving Miss Howe was able to counter Miss Knight's varied attack and so win the second set, but the effort lefther without much in reserve for the last set, which went to Miss Knight fairly easily. Miss Ramsay's severe cut shots proved too much for Mrs. France, who'did not produce the fine form she had shown on Friday. Mrs. France led 4—l and 5—3 in' the first set, but Miss Ramsay was de-> termined and took the next three games with the loss of two points only- and won the last gam© of the set after deuce. Thd second set was almost a walk-over. Driving more accurately, Miss Whvtq was too much for Mrs." Napier, who would have shown to better advantage nad she attempted to follow her good, ground shots to the net..She was not"sufficiently consistent to maintain the rallies., Mrs. France and Miss Whvte quickly ran to a s—o lead against Miss Ramsav and Mrs. Napier and then nearly lost tha set, as the Auckland pair took the next six games in a row. The second set was fairly even, Mrs. Franco and Miss Whyto winning mainly by concentrating attack on Sirs. Napier. Mrs. Dykes and Miss Howe went down? to Miss Knight and Miss Macfarlrfhe without showing much fight in a rather carefree exhibition, backed by Miss Mac•farlane's good driving. Miss Knight was in fine form at the net.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 11
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864TENNIS CONTESTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 11
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TENNIS CONTESTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21391, 16 January 1933, Page 11
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