Full ynrdings were again offered at the weekly West field fat slock sale yesterday, and as largo purchases had been made in most lines (lie previous week, fhe demand was not proportionate to the supply, and, in a dull market, values generally receded. Ox beef, while not yarded in quite the same numbers as the previous week, was nevertheless in very full supply, and prices were easier bv Is or more per 1001b. Extra choice ox sold to 20s per 1001b., choice and prime ox 16s to 19s, and prime young cow and heifer beef, 14s to 18s. The recent spell of sharp frosts and cold winds lias been largely responsible, in the opinion of agents, for the abnormally large numbers of stock coming forward. Pasture growth lias been completely checked, and farmers have had to ; shorten stock considerably, thus moro than filling market requirements. Had not this occurred. it is generally considered that the riso which occurred two weeks ago would have been easily maintainor] or passed, for it is at this time of tho year that prices are expected to firm strongly. The quality of tho large offering of sheep yesterday was generally good, but even the best-finished lines receded somewhat in value, the casing in prico ranging up to Is a head. Ewes were, of course, in comparatively shorter supply, owing to (ho approaching lambing season, and values were maintained at approximately la(e rates. Only a small number of lambs was yarded and these met with a ready sale at last week's quotations. Tho calf yarding was very full and although the sale opened fairly brightly, competition slackened toward the end, and values at the conclusion were lower all round. The pig market showed a similar casing in values. A few good quality lines commanded fully late rates, but the general level fell slightly, porkers showing tho movement moro than baconers. Comparison of Prices The followiug is a summary of tho prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks afc tho Westfield fat stock sales:—
Individual Consignments Top price in the ox beef market was secured by a line of "extra heavy prime cattle fattened by Mr. IT. Windsor, of Taniahere, which sold up to £9 12s 6d. Prices ranging from £6 2s 6d to £9 2s 6d wero mado by a line of 30 nicely-finished steers from a Karaka vendor. A truck of bullocks sold on behalf of the Alexander Bell Estate, Tapamoa, made up to £8 15s, the same price being realised by a lino from Mr. L. Larner, Kiwilahi. Consignments from Mr. W. McLean, Walton, and Mr. T. J. Murray, Pukekawa, were sold up to £7 ss, while drafts from Mr. Alan Macdonald, of Waiuku, the Farmers' Estate at Otorohanga, and Mr. C. Bryant, of Matangi, brought prices u{) to £7 2s 6d. Lines from Mr. C. Geard, sen., of Colvillo, Mrs. Main, of Hautapu, and Mr. J. N. Metcalfo and Sons, of Matakohe, realised up to £6 17s 6d. Iu the cow and lieifer section best price was £6 2s 6d, which was gained by lines from Mr. E. M. Wright, Mauku, and Mr. A. J. Battv, Morrinsvillc. Two trucks of cows from Mr. L. Larner, Kiwitahi, realised to £6. DETAILS OF SALES
Dalgety and Ccmimny, Limited, report on Iho Bale us follows: Beef.—We offered ox beef in well up to averago numbers which met with a slightly duller sale, and values eased. The offering comprised a fair number of plain cattle. Cow and heifer beef came forward in average numbers and hero also values were ensier. Extra choico ox sold to '2os per 1001b; choice find prime ox. 17s to ]!)s; just, killable. 15s to IGs: prime young cow and heifer beef, IGs to lHs; just killable. lis to 15s. Extra heavy prime steers mado up to £9 12s Gd. Heavy j)rimo steers. .£7 to £7 17s Gd; lighter prime steers. AG to £G 17s Cd: light prime steers. £5 to £5 17s Cd: small and unfinished steers, £2 15s to XI 17s Gd: extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £i 15s to £4 17s Gd: heavy prime cows and heifers. £4 to £4 12s Gd: lighter prime cows and heifers, £J to £3 17s Cd: other killable cows, £1 12s Gd to £2 17s Gd. Sheep.—Sheep wero yarded in full numbers and tlio Quality of the offering was fiißt-clnss. The demnnd was not eq.ual lo the supply and _ values were decidedly easier. Ewes continue to sell readily and values for this class continue at lato rates. Extra heavy prime wethers realised Us to 14s (id; heavy prime, 12s lid to lils Od: medium, 10s !)d to 12s •'id; light and unfinished, 9s to 10s (id; heavy prime ewes. ]os to 10s Gd; lighter, 8s 9d to 9a 9d; other ewes, Gs Gd to 8s Gd. Lambs.—Lambs wero penned in under average numbers, and met with a steady sale at late rates. Medium primo lamb made 8s 3d; light, Gs 9d to Ba. Calves.—A heavier yarding of calves sold readily at tlio commencement of tho sale. The competition, however, was not maintained in tho concluding stages, Runners brought £2 to £3 ss; heavy vealers, £2 2s to £2 8s; medium vealers, £1 13s to £2; light vealers. £1 Gs to £1 J'JS; rough calves. 12s to 19b; small calves, 7s to £1 2s; bobby calves. Is to ss. Pigs,—An average yarding of pigs showed no improvement on last wefk's rates. Choppers made 15s to £1 17s Cd; heavy baconers, £2 to £2 4s; medium, £1 17s to £1 19s; light, £1 13s to £1 IGs; heavy porkers, £L 8s to £1 lis; medium, £1 5s to £1 7s; light, £1 Is to £1 4s; small and unfinished, 17s to £l. LOAN AND MERCANTILE 'lhe New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report on tho sale as follows: Beof.—-Beef was penned in average numbers, and, although there was a steady demand, values were inclined to bo easier by about Is per 1001b. Extra choico ox sold to 20i per 1001b; choice and primo ox. 17s to 19s; ordinary and plain ox, 14s to IGs: prime young cow and heifer beef, 17s to 19s; ordinary cow beef, 12s to 16s. Heavy primo eteers, £8 5s to £9 2s Gd; lighter primo steers. £7 to £8 2s Cd; light primo steers, £5 10s to £fi 15s; unfinished and small, £3 to £5 ss; extra heavy primo young cows and hejfers, £5 to £G 2s Gd; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £i 2s Gd to £4 15?>: lighter, £3 12s Gd to £1: light cows, £2 17s Gd to £3 10s; other cows, £2 to £2 15s. Sheep.—Sheep wero yarded in large numbers. Values for prime wethers were inclined to be easier. Values for ewes were on a par villi lust week's sale. Exlra heavy prime wethers made 15s to 15s Od; heavy prime wethers, 143 to 14s 9d; medium prime wethers. 13s to 13s 9d; light prime wethors, 11» 6d to 12» Od; email and unfinished vreth-
ere, 9s to lis 8d; prime maiden ewes, 10s 6d to 32s 6d; heavy prime ewes, 9a 3d to 10s 3d: medium prime ewes, 8s to 9s; light prime ewes, 7s to 7s 9d; inferiorly fatted ewes, 4a upwards. Lambs.—Lambs were penned in email numbers and sold at. lato rates, prime lauibs Helling at from 9s Gd to 14s Gd; others. Ss Gd to 9s. «" Pigs.—Piss wero penned in average numbers and there was a general eyeing in values on Jnst week's quotations. Choppers sold from 17b 6d to £1 173 Gd; heavy and modi tun boconers, from X'l 18s to £2 7s; light baconers and heavy porkers, from £1 12s to £1 lfis; medium porkers and light, porkers, from £! 3s to il 10s; small and unfinishel porkers, 15s to £1 Is. Slore pigs nold at late quotations. Large stoics. 18s tn £1 3s; blips, 10s to lfis; weaners, 7s to Ms. Calves.—A largo yarding of calves met with nil easier market. Values were easier on last week's quotations. Runners made £2 to £3 10s; heavy venlers, £2 to £2 (is; medium, £1 10s to £1 18s; light, £1 3s to £! 8s; smaller, 15s to £1 Is; small and fresli dropped, 3s to 12s; rough calves, 5s to 9s. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report on tho sule as follows:—■ Beef.—Wo penned fat cattle to the number of 331 head, as against 398 head at last, weeks market., comprising 215 steers and 119 cows and heifers. The quality was equal to recent sales, and although thero was a steady demand throughout values generally were easier. Extra choice ox Bold to £t per 1001b.: choice and prime ox, 10s to 19b ; secondary and plain ox, 14s to 15s: prime young cow and heifer beef, lfis to 18s; ordinary' cow beef. 10s to 15s. Kxtra heavy prime eteovs ranged in price from £8 5s to £8 15s, for steers from Mr. 1,. Larner, Morrin&villo, also on account of the Guardinn Trust, in the estate of A. Bell, Papatnoa. Heavy prime steers made £7 10s to £8 2s Gd; lighter prime steers, £G 10s to £7 7s (id; light prime steers. £5 to £0 7s Gd; small and unfinished steers. £2 10s to £4 17s f>d: extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £5 5s to £G. for cows from Mr. L. Larner. Morrinsyille; heavy prime cows nnd heifers. £4 to £5 2« Gd; lighter primo cows and heifers. £3 to £3 17s fid; other killable ccws. £1 15s to £2 17s Gd. Sheep.—There wa3 a heavy yarding of sheep, the major portion being heavy prime wethers. In odd cases values were slightly easier, but generally thero was little alteration from last report. Extra heavy prime wethers mado 13s Gd to lfis 9d. for twotooth wethers from R. and A. Schlaepfer, Paerata; heavy prime wethers, 13s to 15s 3d; medium to heavy prime wethers, lis Gd to 12s 9d: light to medium primo wethers. 10s fid to lis 3d; unfinished wethers, 9s to 10s 3d; extra heavy prime young and maiden ewes, iOs Gd to 12s: heavy primo ewes. 9s to 10s 3d: lighter prime ewes, 8s to 8s j (VI; other killable ewes. Gs Gd to 7s 9d: i other ewes, 4s to Gs. Lambs A full supplv of lambs sold freely j at ruling values. A total of -195 lambs was i sold. Extra heavy prime lambs realised 12s 3d to 13s Od. for Rveland lambs, from Mr. John Schlaepfer. Paerata: heavy prime lambs, lis to 12s: lighter prime lambs. 9s to 10s 9d; light prime lambs, to 8s 9d: small and plain lambs. Gs to 7s 9d. CalVS.—Wo had a larger yarding of fat and young calves. Thero was a slackening ill tho demand and values eased somewhat. Runners made £2 to £3 10s; heavy vealers. £2 to £2 8s; medium, £1 12a to £1 lGs: light. £1 fis to £1 10s: small. 15s to £1: rough and bucket-fed, 8s to 12s: bobby calves. Is to ss. A total of 289 calves was sold. Pigs.—There was also an increased offering of pigs. Bidding was erratic and although, in some instances, lato values ruled, prices generally were slightly lower. Choppers made £1 5s to £2 ss; extra heavy prime baconers, £2 to £2 10s (two extra special pigs made £2 14s): medium baconers. £1 14s to £1 17s; light. £1 10s to £1 ,13s: heavy porkers. £1 9s to £1 12e; medium. £1 Gs to £1 8s; light and unfinished. 19s to £1 3s; stores, 18s to £1 Is; slips, 14s to 17s; good weaners, 10s to 12s; smaller, 7s to 9s. A total of 471 pigs was eold. WATKATO STOCK MARKET EFFECT OF SEVERE FROSTS HESITATION OF BUYERS The severity of the frosts, which have been almost continuous for over a month, is causing some uneasiness among dairymen, who need a spell of' mildness and moisture to encourage pastures. The lack of growth has greatly interfered with tho sale of dairy cattle, especially heifers, considerable numbers of which are now at profit and seek- ! infj transfer. That n week of spring's influj enco would restore the demand there can 1 be little doubt, but at the moment a marked hesitation is to be observed, bringing un- ! fortunate results to thoso who. through their | inability to postpone calving dates, must i meet the market. Side by side with thi3 decline there exists a remarkably strong graziers' demand for both heifer and young discarded cows, to pasture with bulla in preparation for next season. Trade in the latter has proved so profitable to thoso engaged in it this season that many moro have been attracted. This increase of competition seems responsible for the elimination of that discrimination in selection _ that it was once possible to use. Such disregard, combined with tho rc« fusal of the stock firms to associate themselves with guarantees, must work great evil in our dairy herds Rnd certainly lower tho average butter-fat production that we have been at such pains to increase. Conditions as they affect tho separate sections are;BEEF The market is very unstable and at the central yards this week ox beef showed further weakening tendencies. _ Apparently tho supplies on hand are sufficient to prevent pronouncod advance and it is questionablo i! those persisting in tho hope will bo repaid the heavy cost of holding. Cow beef advanced on tho previous week's rates, strong outside competition being responsible. Plirao ox eold to 18s; ordinary, 16s to 17s; plain, 14s; prime heifer, to 18s; prime young cow. lfis; ordinary cow. lis to 13s; plain, Ss to 9s. MUTTON There is little* alteration to be noted in this section. Values for prime quality remain fairly steady, but n great deal of~mfcrior quality is seeking sale and marring tho chances of the better article. Values aro:—Heavy wethers. 13s to 14s; medium, lis Gd to 12s Gd; plain, from 10s Gd; best ewes, 8a to 9s; medium, fis to 7s Gd; unfinished, from Ss; best, lambs, 10s to lis; medium, 8s to 9s; light, from 7s. STORE CATTLE The market all round is firmer in this section and many instances of spirited bidding have recently been observed. A few I offerings of grown steers met with a better reception than anticipated. Young cows suitable for fattening have also improved. Young Jersey cows, as stated earlier, stand high in favour, while Jersey yearlings are in constant demand and in spite of occasional checks, gradually strengthening. i Values are:—Forward bullocks. £3 10s to £4; j stores, £2 15s to £3 ijs; 3-year. £2 to £2 10s; i 2-year, £1 to £1 10s: yearlings, 10s to 15s; I fresh young cows, £1 10s to £2 6s; stores, ! £l. to it 108; aged, 10s to 15s; young Jersey i cows, £1 10h to £2: Jersey heifers, best,, £2 I 10s lo £3 3s; medium. £1 15s to £2 ss; I smaller, from £1; Shorthorn and Holstein heifers, best, £1 5s to £1 15s; smaller, from 10s. STORE SHEEP Very small offerings reach the market. Ewes aro now lambing, so that buistiess in this branch is no longer possible.' Hoggets are scarce and mostly of rather poor quality. It may ho said that little interest m this section is displayed, nor is it likely to increase until moro definite information is available concerning the prospects abroad. Present values are:—Forward wethers, 9s to 10s; stores, 7s to 8s; forward ewes, 2a 9d to 4s; stores, Is to Is Gd; best hoggets, to Ss Gd; medium. Gs to 7s Gd; small, from 5s DAIRY CATTLE The etato of the market at. present is somewhat disappointing and must he attributed to the unusually severe frosts. The demand for cows has not diminished to tho 6r.mo extent as for heifers; indeed, all likelylooking aDiinnls aro certain of reasonable competition. Heifers in most centres have lost considerable ground, although the faith of many in tho days ahead has led to a comparatively good demand for September calvers. Certainly if last year's record can be used as a guide the investment will be profitable. Clearing sale cows sell from £8 to £11; medium. £5 to £G 10»; backward. £3 to £4; best heifers. £G to £7 10s; medium, £4 15s to £5 10s; small, from £3 PIGS Baconers wero steady at the central yards this week, but porkers improved by about 3s a head. Best baconers sold to 38s: lighter, from 30s; best porkers, to 28s; light, from 225; unfinished, from 17s. MAUNGAKARAMEA .SALE [FROM 01! a OWN correspondent] WIIANGAREI, Wednesday The North Auckland Farmers' Cooperative, Limited, reports holding a sale at Maungnlfaramea yesterday. There was a large yarding of dairy cattle. Quotations were:—Good dairy cows, £4 lo £G ss; medium sorts. £3 to £4 ss; inferior, to £2; fresh store cows, to £2; cows and calves, to £2 Is; yearling Jersey heifers, to 31s; vsaner pigs, to 12s; slips, to 17« 6d; boner bulls, 18b.
This week. Last week. BEEF (per 1001b.)— Extra choice ox 21/Choice and prime ox 17/- to 19/17/- to 20/Choice and prime cow and lieifer 16/- to 19/16/- to 20/Boner and rough 11/- to 15/12/- to 10/SIIEEP (per head) — Heavy prime wethers lo/- to 3 G/0 15/6 to 1G/3 Medium prime wethers It/- to 14/9 12/- to 15/3 Unfin. wethers . 81- to 30/9 81- to 11/3 Prime ewes . . 7/6 to 12/6 7/6 to 13/6 Unfinished ewes 4/- to 715/- to 71Extra, heavy primo lambs 12/3 to 14/6 13/- to 11/Prime lambs . 71- to 12/71- to 12/6 Unfinished lambs 5/6 to 0/6 5/- to 6/6 CALVES (per head)— Runners 40/- to 70/42/- to 77/6 Vealers 23/- to 48/24/- to 70/PICS (per head)- - Bnconers :so,'- to 50'31/- to 48/Porkers 19/- to 32A 24/- to 35/Wenners . . 71- in 11 /- 8/- to 16/Slips 10/- to 17/11/- to 18/Large stores . . 1S/- to 2.3/17/- to 25/-
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21258, 11 August 1932, Page 5
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3,003FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21258, 11 August 1932, Page 5
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