PORT OF AUCKLAND. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Marama (7.5 a.m.), from Sydney. Pasiengers: — First Saloon—Mr. \V. Allen, Earl BeauchiiJiP. Mr. 11. Bricn, Mrs. 11. Brien, Jiiisa K. Bolitho, Miss N. Bolitho, Mr. H. Cohen. Mr. 3 -. 'V Furby. Mr. F. Gibson, Jlr. C. Gillies. Mrs. Gillies, Mr. B. Hoilingsworth. Mr. G. Ham. Mr. C. Hnrjeri. Mrs. C. Harlcn and children (5). Miss IJ. Hansard. Dr. F. Lang, Miss A. Lado, Miss M. Lado, Mr. \V. Michael. Rev. J. McGann, Mr. L. McLeHand. Mr. I*. Pocock, Mrs. I*. l'ocock. Mr. G. Roberts, Mrs. A. Thomas. Mrs. E. Terry, Mr. 11. Vicars! jjav. H. Vickery, Mr. C. Ynrrett. Cabin Class-Mr. A. Barnes. Mrs. F. Caldwell, Miss T. Golledge, Mr. C. Dunbar, Mrs. E. Klliott, Mr. J. Linsky, Mr. B. Lersky. Miss M. Penrose. Mrs. B. Shore! Mr. H. Wood, and 'JO third-class. Pukeko (12.25 a.m.), from PortlandUansitoto (1.25 a.m.), from Thames; Toa (4.40 a.m.). from • Tauranga; Oninna (5.35, f Wnrkworth; Coronation (5,40 a.m.), from Whangarei; Claymore (9.150 a.m.), from Whnngarei. Ransritoto (4.30 p.m.), from Coromnndcl; Hauiti 10.30 p.m.), from Waihekc. YESTE RD A Y'S DEP A RTURES. Matai. (0.10 a.m.). for Ea6t Cape; Rnngiioto (7.35 p.m.), for Coroniandel; Hauiti <9.30 a.m.), for Wuiheke; Otimai (10 35 s.m.). for Opotiki; Toa (12.5 p.m.). for ■\Vhakatane. Taniwha Jl/-5 p.m.), for Paeroa; Margaret W. (.>.15 p.m.), for Gisborne: Claymore (5.15 p.m.), for A\ hnngnrei; Wuinica (5.20 p.m.). for Gisborne; Pukeko (5.25 y.m.>, for Fust Coast bays; Paroto (7.10 p.m.). for Coast. Cornwall (5.30- p.m.). for Napier. Toniaroa ($.25 p.m.), for Opua. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Wairuna. from Newcastle, 1 a.m. Paroto. from Northern ports, morning. Hauiti, from Wniheke. 6.15 p.m. Duchess, from Matiatia, 7.H0 p.m. Taniwha, from Paeroa. 0.30 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Omana, for Matakana, 7 30 a.m. Hauiti, for \Yaiheke, 9.15 a.m. Paua, for Gisborne. Motu, for Taui;anga, 2 p.m. Kawau. for Thames, 0 p.m. .VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Vairuni, Newcastle, March 16. Port Waikato, Sydney, March 19. hannn. lireytnouui, itiurcn 1!). W'ingatui. Southern ports, March 20. Maunganui, Sydney, March 22. Maui Poruare, Apia, via Southern ports, March 26. Ulimaroa. Sydney. March 28. Karcpo. Melbourne, March 29. Morinda, Norfolk Island, April 18. H.M.S. Diomede, Wellington. May 4. H.M.S. V eronica, South, May 23. OVEIISEAS. Kent. Wellington, March 17, to load. Waikavrn, San .Francisco. March 18. Sierra, San Francisco, March 18. ■ Uuahine, London, March 19. Niagara, Vancouver, March 21. Middlesex, Antwerp', March 23. Kurohime Maru. Japan, March €4. Cambridge. New Plymouth, March 25, to load. Taranaki, Wellington. March 25, to load. Orari, Liverpool. March 25. Port Napier, Port Kembla, March 31, to load.' Piako. Wellington. April 4, to lpad. Canadian Cruiser. Hnlifax. April 5. Wirrall. New York, April 5. Port Alma. Gisborne, April 6, to load. lonic, London. April 7. Sonoma, Los Angeles, April 8. Horornta, Antwerp, April 10. Port Huon. Liverpool. April 18. Ran?itata. London, via Wellington, April 21. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Sierra, Sydney. v March 18. Marama,. Sydney, March 18. Tofua, Fiji, March 21. Kent, London, March 22. Niagara, Sydney. March 22. Maunganui, Sydney, March 24. Maui Pomare, Apia. March 30. Ulimaroa, Sydney, April 1. Taranaki, London. April 4. Piako. London. April 8. Port Alma. London. April 3. Morinda. Norfolk Island, April 18.
A.USTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. "UVimaroa, at Wellington; 6ails for Sydney March 16. HaunganuL. loaves Sydney March IS; due Auckland March 22. iTarama. at Auckland; sails for Sydney March 18. >' PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Niasara, left Vancouver March 2; due Auckland March 21; sails for Sydney March 22. ' Makura, leaves Sydney March 17, Wellington March 22 for San Francisco. Sonoma, leaves Los Angeles Marcti 18; due Auckland April 8. Aorangi, loft Auckland March 8; due Vancouver March 25. - Mariposa, left Sydney February 27 for San Francisco, via tho East, due San Franci6co April .28. Siorra, left Los Angeles February 26; due Auckland March 18; sails for Sydney March 18. , Monowai. at San Francisco; sails lor "Wellington March 16. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Ruahine, left Southampton, February 12; due Auckland March 19. lonic, left Southampton February 26; due Auckland April 7. Rotoma, left London March 4: due Wellington April IS. Mataroa, leaves Southampton Marcu -J. due Wellington April 27. Eangitata, left London March 10: duo Wellington April 11. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Waitomo. Waiieimta. Winbar. Piri (aux. scli»oner). Mako. halranga, Kaitoke, Kaimanawa. Kit row. Recorder ('Cable steamer), Waiotapu. Devonport—H-M.S. Philomel, JV ucula. (Admiially oil tanker). Queen'e Wharf —Tamavoa (A. S.. I utcrson). Cornwall (N.Z.S. Coy.), Marama KoruV' S Wall—Southern Cross (Mission steamer), Htiia (C. E Campbell). Awahou. Wairuna (U.b.S. Coy.), Kairanga ( U.S.S. Coy.). Prince's Wharf—Waipiata (Ij.S.S. Coy.). . Toftia (U.S.S. Coy.). Western (L.S.S. t-oj.K OVERSEAS SHIPS MOVEMENTS AND DUB DATES. Tamarja. left Southampton Jonuai? for Wellington and Auckland (arrived
March 7t * ... r Can;idi;in C'oiHHieror, left Halifax January '23 for Auckland, Wellington (arrived March 15). Lyttclton. Duncdin, BhifT and Australia. Cornwall, left Liverpool Februaryl .lor Auckland (arrived March 10), 'Wellington. Lyttellon and Port Unilmors. ~ « llairrioa. in ballast, left, London on February C for New Zealand (due Maicll 21) Kualune. left London on February 11 for Awkland (due March 10), and Wclinsiton. _ . Kia Ora, left London on February 1- ' or Port Chalmers due March 24), telt"n and NeLon. poll Alma, left London on January -1 for Suva, Lv Helton and New Plymouth (arrived March M). Piako. in ballast, left Cardiff on P ebmnry 5 for Wellington (due March 21 1 . „ . Middlesex, left' Antwerp February 7 tor A!icklnnd' (due March 23), Wellington and New Plymouth. Cambridge, in ballast, left Falmouth on February 8 for "New Plymouth (duo March 18). Port Wellington, in ballast, left London on February 6 for Poll and • New Zealand (due March .9). Barfffia. left. Singapore February 15 fot Wellington and LyHclton (arrived March 14). Brunswick, left Loe Angeles on February 1 for Sydney, Newcastle, Auckland and Wellington (arrived March 13). New Zealand, left Los Anneles February 14 for Auckland and Wellington (arrived March M). Orari, lr ft Liverpool February 20 for Auckland (due March 25). Wellington. Lyttclton, Dunedin and Blufflonic, left London February 2,i for Auckland (due April 7) and Wellington. Otokiii, loft T,os Angeles on February 2i"> for Wellington (due March 92). •fturoliinie Msiru. left, Japan February 2n for Auckland' (due March 21). . and New Plymouth. . ■Bisca, left ] iOP Angeles February In tor Auckland, Wellington (arrived March 14) and Australia. A. Knudsen. left Curacao on February 26 for Wellington (due March 27). -.The Kanna left Westport early yesterday fining and she is to clear Greymontli ■ fnur oVlnck this morninff for Auckland She is due on Saturday. wN" Cr loading at "South Island porta the i'l'. ' a scheduled to leave Lyttelton ?:• jnf Wellington and Auckland this evening. - * * 8 due at Auckland on Sunday.
Ihe Canopus arrived at Westport from Auckland at five o'clock yesterday morning. 'lhe Shell Company's coastal motor-tanker I ana is to sail for Gisbomo and Wellington to-day. '1 he Waimarino, which is to leave Duncdin on Saturday, will load for Auckland at Oiimaru, as vvoll as Timaru, Lyttelton and Wellington. Kaimiro is to remove from King's Wharf to Western Wharf this morning to complete unloading coal. She is to sail on her return trip to Greymouth to-morrow. NIAGARA FROM VANCOUVER. The Royal Mail liner Niagara is duo at Auckland from Vancouver, via Honolulu and Suva, on Monday and she iB scheduled to sail for Sydney at eleven o'clock next Tuesday morning. MAUNGANUI AT SYDNEY. The Maunganui arrived at Sydney from Auckland at 0.40 o'clock yesterday morning. J lie vessel is (o sajl on Friday on her letiirn trip to Auckland. She iB due next lucsday morning. WAIRUNA TO PAY OFF. • The Wairuna is due from Newcastle at one o'clock this morning. The vossel has been withdrawn from the PaciGc Coast trade and will bo laid up indefinitely. She will berth at North Wall and the crew will be paid off. WAIKAWA FROM PACIFIC COAST. .The Waikawa is due from Los Angeles, via Papeete, on Friday evening. The vessel has cargo from Pacific Coast ports for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney. KAIRANGA FOR OVERHAUL. After lying idle in the stream for a long period, tlie Kairanga will be removed to North Wall this morning to undergo overhnul and survey, preparatory to being recommissioned. MIDDLESEX REPORTS. Wireless advice received by the New Zealand Shipping Company from the Federal Line steamer Middlesex states that she expects to arrive from Antwerp next Wednesday afternoon. The vessel has a basic slag cargo for discharge at Auckland and New Plymouth. TAMAROA FOR FINAL LOADING.To continue loading New Zealand produce for England, the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tatnaroa sailed for Opua, Lyttelton and Wellington last evening. With passengers and mail, she will be despatched from Wellington for Southampton and London, via Panama, on April G. KENT DUE TO-MORROW. Having left Wellington at mid-day yesterday. the Federal Line steamer Kent will arrive to-morrow morning. The vessel will complete loading at Central Wharf to the agency of the New Zealand Shipping Com•pany. She is scheduled to sail for Jvojidon, Avonmoulh. Liverpool and Glasgow next Tuesday. PORT ALMA'S ITINERARY. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line motor-ship Port Alma reached New Plymouth from Dunedin on Monday to complete unloading cargo from London and to commence loading for her homeward voyage. The vessel i 3 to sail on Saturday for Nelson, Wellington, Gisborne and Auckland to complete her cargo. She is scheduled to reach Auckland on April <: and to sail for London, via Cape Horn and Dakar, on April 9. THE PORT BRISBANE. After a prolonged delay owing to bad weather, the Shaw, Savill and Albion char tered steamer Port Brisbane was lo leave Gisborne yesterday for Picton, New Plymouth. Wanganui and Wellington to complete ioading. She is scheduled to clear Wellington for Southampton, Continent of Europe and London, via Cape Horn and Montevideo, on April 4. CORNWALL TO LOAD. The Federal Line steamer Cornwall sailed for Napier. Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers last evening in continuation nf her voyage from Liverpool. After completion of discharge the vessel will load for London and West Coast ports of Great Britain at Port Chalmers, New Plymouth and "Wellington. She is scheduled to clear Wellington for London, via Cape Horn, Montevideo and Dakar, on April IG.
riAKO "REPORTS. Tlic New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Piako has reported by wireless thai she will arrive at Wellington from Cardiff, via Cape of Good Hope, on March 24. The vessel is in ballast and will load for London at Wellington and Auckland. She is scheduled to reach Auckland on April 4 and to sail for London, via Cape Horn, Montevideo and Las Palmas, on April 8. SIERRA FROM LOS ANGELES. Advice received by Henderson and Macfarlane, Limited, states that the Matson Line steamer Sierra cleared Suva at four o'clock on Monday afternoon in continuation of her voyage from Los Angeles to Auckland and Sydney. In addition to cargo and mail the vessel has t',o passengers, of whom 12 are for Auckland and 48 for Sydney. Another 30 passengers will embark at Auckland. She is due on Friday morning and will sail for Sydney at five o'clock the same evening. MARAMA FROM SYDNEY. The Ma rani a arrived from Sydney yesterday morning having experienced a tine weather trip. She berthed at Queen's Wharf to land passengers, mail and cargo. Included in the cargo are transhipments ex the following vessels :--Viminale, Strathnaver, Mooßan, Talune. Nieuw Zccland, Yarra, Goul Burn. Murada. Talissc. Orsova. Maloja, Milora, Templar, Changte. Munada; Westralia. , The Mamma is scheduled to sail on her return trip to Sydney at three o'clock on Friday afternoon. PASSENGERS BY MORETON BAY. The following passengers for New Zealand reached Sydney from London by the Aberdeen and Commonwealth liner Moreton Bay last Monday:— For Auckland. —Mr. and Mrs. W. McCallum, Miss D. A. Brownlow. Mr.- and Mrs. C. O. Kenny.. Miss E. M Brownlow. For Dunedin. —Miss E. B. Waddell, Mr. E. M. P. Shjpton. V For Wellington.—Mr. G. O- L. Dempster, Mr T. C. Cull en, Miss M. Cawte. Mr I<. M ' Gardner, Mr. G. F. G. St. Aubyn. Mifses M. and S. 'laylor, Mrs. Harper and Mi as Harper. For Lyttelton.—Mts. Eastorbrook and Miss East erb rook. Miss E. M. Blarney. Mrs. M. A. Baird, two daughters and a son, Mrs. A. Shaw. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels arc expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day: Auckland.- Cambridge. Cornwall. Diomede. Matai. Maui Poinare. Middlesex, Parrakoola. Ruahine. Sierra, lamaroa, W ai"Weiliivton.- Aoratigi, Bisca, Brunswick, Canadian Conqueror. Coptic Kent. Niagara New Zealand. Otokia. Port Brisbane. Poll Hunter. lianga.lira, Rangilala. lanialime, Taranaki, Tongariro, blimaroa, Wabinc, Maimoa, Piako, Somerset.
PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Departuresi —Hauturu (4.10 nm) for New Plymouth; Arapawa (0.00 I»"in.").* for Raglan and Ka-whia. by telegraph. WELLINGTON.--- March 15: Arrived— IT'ivera (5 45 a.m.). from Patca; Arnhura (T, am.), from Nelson; Wuhine (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton; Hisca < 8.30 a.m.), from \nekland; Ulimnroa (10.10 a.m.). from ft i » (1° 10 nm ) from Blenheim; r^/nr^ n^cKia^ ad ß^^"^ wick (7 a.m.). for San Peclro; New Zealand uigk t vllnHoir Kent (noon), tor ( * 8 i r-'i F.ho p'ml for Blenheim; a," C n'w 05p m). for Nelson; ArnAlexander (0 5 W (7.50 t' ") for LyUcUon: Pakura (8.10 p.m.). for Napier: Kohi C«-10 p.m.), for Nelson. r VTTFLTON—March 15: Arrived Ran- ,■ ir iis -i m ) from "Wellington; C-ale \lS m *■!«£?":' *s£ hi" ton" ,U Sn jled—Galc '8 £'"•>' for™'WellinsJS, cWi°VlT i e n"rnno (4.50 p.m.). for Dunedin; Rangulna (8.20 p.m.). for Wellington. WEST PORT. March 15: Arrived— Canopus (5.15 a.m.). from Auckland. nnNEDIN. March 15: Arrived— Orepnki (no-m ). from Lyttelton. Sa led-Waipah. (1-2.15 p.m.). for Oamaru; Holmdale, loi Oamarn. SYDNEY.-—March 15: Arrived—Maunganui (0.45 a.m.), from Auckland. ' FHEMANTLE.— March 15.: Arrived— Strathaird, from London.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21133, 16 March 1932, Page 7
Word Count
2,271SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21133, 16 March 1932, Page 7
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