ropATro «watti-'RFD PRICES A CONTINUATION RIGHT THROUGH MARCH AND APRIL OF WORin PRICES Tk/a™, S«rplu. Storo. purcha.ed the whole of the .lock, of Me,.,, J. apd T. cfi? BEAIIINU rKXta ...mcndom discount off landed cost price, and th«i same is passed right on to the bum ' Ironmonger. Dun.d,n,»t • 1„„ P ,igbt of the fact th.t good buying on yo„ e".S,I Here w. give youX opportunity to make f 1 worth £3 And «-!» ~ pay the freight or p™ » and de?i».r either through the New Zealand E*pre.. Coy. or through the Po.t Office. Unprecedented bu..n=„ „„ ge throuJh in February and March. With Ea.ter at hand lend, you » golden opportunity to buy, and make and money. MAIL YOUR ORDER TO THE MANAGER, ARMY STORES, BOX 137, CHRISTCHURCH. STORE AND SHOP: STRANGE'S BUILDINGS, HIGH STREE.T, CHRISTCHURCH. Tremendous Stocks and Supplies of Army Surplus Stores.
m ant OILSKIN COATS* in W«'ilkin?f Rifling- pattern, guaranteed al !^ ol s ll i^g V waterproof with storm collar ln slz-s, chest measurements, 21, 26, 28, 30. 3-. :<4, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44, fiom Boys ALSO BI WATERPROOF 80U'-WEBTERB— — The Hatand Co at Delivered Freo for 17/0. Wonderful bargain. n-tv, MILITARY RIDING BADDLEB, with Girth, Stirrup Leathers, irons, Saddle Felts military" RIDING SADDLES, complete with Clrth, Stirrup Leathers Irons, Bridle Rein, Bit, Saddle I-elts —l or 79/MIUTARyShdTnG SADDLES—4OO Just to M hind used hut in absolute per reel condition. Saddle, complete with Saddle Kelts, Girth, stirrup Leathers and lions, saddle/ complete with Saddle telts, Girth, Stirrup Leathers and Irons new Bridle, Rein and Bit complete, for 79/-. WINTER CLOTHING. MEN'S AND YOUTHS' NAVY BLUE PURE TROUSERS, wlthcuff Guaranteed real Indigo Dye. sizes 3, 4, o, o, khaki' FLANNEL PdI SHiRTS, Men's and KH T wonderful warm winter garment, with collar, l-oi 7/3. state Heavy Fleeoy-llned Men's and Fjas. t EU. u sSfr"ass™. reiuSTsis-Vn-!.-and finished; in sizes 36in. to 4Jin. same as above, in sizes 361n. to KHAKWoLoUBED Pa KKIM %'iRD-WEAR TROUSERS, with front pockets. These are made ror particularly hard wear and are well made. In sizes 4, n, 6, ~ a, JKHAKI for Men, Youths and Big Boys. For nshlnff, cycling, rootbdll. Hiking*, tramping*, etc., and all classes of BL« P N «TB r °-in& Pa Ai.-Wool po«M. Blankets, Dark Grey. Size i>4ln. x toin. MILITARY FELT OR WOOL HATS, every slzq. State your size when ordering*. Clearing- Price, 2/3 each. Old Price, KHAKI 1 DRILL TROUSERS, for hard and serviceable wear. Sizes 3to 8. ror 6/6 pair. The lowest possible price. KHAKI DRILL SHIRTB, with collar, pockets and flap. Can be worn without Jackets. For 6/9. immense bargain. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' ALL-WOOL NAVY blue TUNICS, for Boys and Youths from 10 to 18 years. For 4/6. State chest measurements or the above two lines when ordering. Wonderful winter line. MILITARY NAVY BLUE GREATCOATS. As the stocks of these are now limited, and the cost or dyeing Increased, the price is now 17/6 each, delivered free. Sizes 3 to 8. A wonderful warm winter Coat. Ideal for Youths and Men. With buttons. \\'e recommend you to buy one now. For 17/6. OILSKIN COATS —Nice medium weight. These Coats are honestly worth 55/- to 65/- each. An all-weather Coat, for walking, riding:, driving-, and ror walking amongst sheep. Well lined with waterproor Egyptian Cotton material; elastic culTs, and two large pockets, clasp-rastening Inside and patent-fasten-ing outside. Also has leg straps, splendid large cape and collar, and the last word In workmanship. Guaranteed absolutely waterproor. Hundreds of these have already been sold. For 30/-, Post Free. RIDING BREECHES, ror Ladles or Gents. Beautifully made. Five pockets. State size or waist required. Made or D?rk Khaki Drill material. Now 13/6 pair. Worth 25/-. MEN'S AND YOUTHS' FLANNELS, Cotton and Wool —2 ror 5/-. State size required. BOYS* NAVY BLUE SHORTS, lined throughout, with Side pockets. Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. P. 10, 11. 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. All Reduced to One Price, 5/6 pair. Worth 10/6, Size 3 ilts boy 3 years: size 16 fits boy 16 years, and so on. The size represents the age or the boy. Buy now and save disappointments. 3 PAIRS HEAVY DARK GREY ALL-WOOL SOX ror 4/9. Worth 2/0 pair. MEN'S AND YOUTHS' SOX, Cotton and Wool, Dark Grey or Black—Worth 2/pair\Now 3 pairs for 2/6. SILKETTE SOX, in all the very latest colourings. These are usually sold as high as 2/9 pair. 3000 pairs to be sold. 3 pairs for 3/9. HAVERSACKS, brand new line. Tor 2/6 pa. SHOULDER PACKS, brand new, large size—--4/6 each. RUCSACKS, extra large size, ror trampera, cyclists, etc.—B/6 each. FLAT FILES, lOin.—3 ror 2/11. FLAT FILES, handled, 10in., Tor farmers' use—3 for 3/6. SPRING BALANCES, to weigh 251b., with hook—For Bd. SPRING BALANCES, to weigh 501b„ with hook—For 1/11. CYCLE LEGGINGS, for motorists; button up side—For 13/6 pnlr. CYCLE LEGGINGS, ror motorists; pullover—For 9/- pair. All Above Guaranteed Waterproof. SHEATH KNIVES, brass mounted. In leather pouch. Brand new stock just in. 1000 at 3/- each. LONG - HANDLED SQUARE - MOUTH SHOVELS—2 ror 11/-. Or you can nave one Rounrt-moutn and one Squaremouth ror 11/-, delivered Tree. BINOCULARS—OnIy a Tew pair. Very powerful. In solid leather case. For £3/15/-. Worth £6. GARDEN RAKES —IVothing better. Any size. 12 or 14 teeth, for 1/3 each. 16tooth, 1/6. FOOTPRINT WRENCHES, solid steel—6ln„ 1/3; 71n., 1/6; filn.. 2/3; I2ln„ 3/6. CARPENTERS' CLAW HAMMERS, all Steel, full size, for 3/6. Worth 5/6.
LEVER-CUTTING PLIER3 —61ri., 2/6j Sin., 3/3. BIFURCATED TUBULAR RIVETS for 'll d packet. STOCKS AND DIES, rutting jin., 5-10ln. f Sin -Un. Whltwoith thread, with Taper and Plug- Taps—For 22/8 sot. Farmers' . serviceable line. MAGNETIC COMPASSEB, beautifully made, in solid nickel case; with adjustments; positively reliable; ror tramping, hiking, mountaineering: these are Invaluable. Cheaper than ever—For 5/-, Post tree. SPRING BALANCES, to weigh r.01b., With large refund tin dish —l or 3/11. SPRING BALANCES, brass i'ace, with strong ring and hook; to weigh 40111. —for 1/9. GRAMOPHONE NEEDLES, best quality; soft, medium or loud —For 1/8 box of 200. HOUSEHOLD MEAT CHOPPERS, riveted right through wooden handle —No. 1, 1/.; No. 2, 2/-. SHOEMAKERS' KNIVES, English, 4 J in. steel blades —For 1/-. SHOEMAKERS' RASPS, English—For 1/-. SHOEMAKERS' HAMMERS, English—For SHOEMAKERS' POLISHING IRONS, Tor heels arid soles —For 1/3. SHOEMAKERS' LEATHER for 3/-, 5/-, 7/6 CARPENTERS'"" P 'FULL - SIZE SMOOTH PLANES, lied Beech, oiled —Were S/6. For 5/0« TENON SAWS, English, 14in. blade —For SETS" OF re THREE DOUBLE - ENDED SPANNERS, malleable steel, size 4in. to gin.—For 1/6 set or three. SAW SETS, for hand, rip, panel or Tenon Saws. English make —For 1/2 each. SOLDERING IRONS, English, 12oz. Copper head with solid handle —For 2/- each. CARPENTERS' MALLETS, English. Strong, serviceable —For 2/6 each. HAMMERS, Claw, all steel, medium weight —For 1/9 each. BIFURCATED OR TUBULAR RIVETS for 11 d box. CLYBURN SPANNERS, 12in., for 2/6. Worth 4/0. „ TINMEN'S SNIPS, lOin., all steel, English —For 2/6 pair. Worth 3/9. POCKET KNIVES, English make, Sheflleld steel blade—l-blade, 1/3; 2-blade, 2/-; .stag handle, 2-blade, 2/6. THREE AXE HANDLES, Hickory, first grade, full size—i for 5/6. Worth 2/6 each. SOLID STEEL CUTTING PLIERS, 3 cutters, 7in. or Sin. —For 1/9 and 2/-. SHEFFIELD MEAT CHOPPERS, for farmers, butchers or household meat chopping— Now 3/--FLAT FILES, for chaffcutters, etc., lOin.— 3 for 2/10. OIL STONES, large size, the best —Now 2/-. Were 3/0. STILLSON WRENCHES, iron or wood handles —Big Bargain Prices: Sin., 3/6; lOin., 4/6; 14in., 5/6; 181n„ 7/8. 800 ENGLHBH HAND SAWS, 26in. —NOW 4/6. Worth 7/0. 600 ENGLISH RIP SAWS, 20in.—Now 4/6. Worth 7/0. 4, 4i. 5-tooth. SOLID STEEL ENGLISH COLD CHISELS Oin., 10d; 7in., 1/-; Bln., 1/7; 5)in.., 2/-. HACK SAW BLADES, Oin. or 10in.; 35 teeth to tlie inch—Now 1/6 dozen. CARPENTERS' BRACES, extra strong, wltt. octagon chuck—Now 3/6. BREAST DRILLS, 2-speed Wonderru;.. value at 10/- each. Worth 15/-. CARPENTERS' PINCERS, 7*in., all steel; very strong—Now 1/8. MEAT SAWS, English: 12in. and 14in.. blade—For 2/6 and 2/11. NESTS OF 3 SIAWS AND HANDLE, all interchangeable; length of blades, lS!ln., 10ln., 18in.—Now 2/8 set of 3, wltt; handle. CABINETMAKERS' SCREWDRIVERS —Sin. blade, 1/3; lOin. blade, now 1/9; I2in. blade, now 2/3. All English. LONDON PATTERN SCREWDRIVERS, Carpenters' pattern—Sin. blade, were now 2/3; loin. blade, were 3/11, now 3/-; 12in. blade, were 5/-, now 3/*lO. AUGER BITS, lor the Brace; English make. Sizes i, 5-1:6, ii, 7-16, i, 9-16, g„ j„ I—Worth from 2/6 to 3/6 each. All. One Price. 1 /'9 each. RATCHET BRACES, heavily nlcKelplated, iOin. sweep; guaranteed very best quality—Worth 16/6. For 9/6. PERFECT HANDLE SCREWDRIVERS, blade running right through handle. Solid steel riveted throughout. Sizes "in., Sin., Oin. and Kiin. —AH One Price, 1/« each for any size. 6 USED ENGLISH LEATHER STRAPS AND BUCKLES, 31 in.—For 3/-. Were 1/- ea. ENGLISH GREENItIDE LUGGAGE, PACK OR MOTORISTS' STRAPS, 6ft. 91xi. x 1 |in., with strong- buckle—Now :2/3. Were 2/9. 3 BRAND NEW ENGLISH LEATHER STRAPS AND BUCKLES, 311n.—The Lot for 1/6. Were 2/0. HAME STRAPS Tor 2/-. Were 3/- pair. BUNDLES OF ASSORTED STRAPS, BUCKLES AND LEATHER lor 3/-. ENGLISH LEATHER TOBACCO POUCHES, rubber lined with superior quality English rubber—Honestly Worth 5/6 each. Now 1/9 each. SPRING CART ENGLISH LEATHER BREECHINGS, all complete with supporting straps, buckles, etc. —For 20/-. W r orth 50/-. HEAVY DRAY BREECHINGS, POLIi STRAPS, all English leather, for supporting straps—For 27/6. SETS OF ENGLISH! BREAST HARNESS, Tor light gigs, sledges, etc.—Now 20/- set, complete. HEAVY BREAST COLLARS, English, suitable ror rami work—Worth 50/-. For CATTLE HALTERS, made from English greenhlde leather—For 5/6. HEAD COLLARS, extra heavy, for stallion, draught and bull—For 12/6. New line adjustable. Worth 22/6.
HORSE BITS, light, medium or hrat-,. For 1/6. Worth 3/6. ne avy_ BTIRRUP LEATHERS, best Fnzlkh „ 6/6 pair. '*»sn—For BRIDLE REIN AND BITS, all brand Now complete for 15/-. new— DRIVING REINS, English 15/- pair. *'°w BRIDLE REINS, English leather— No-v a, B pair. J,v e /8 MARLIN ROPE., 3-strand, tarred ],•„«, , Hemp—lo fathoms for 2/9. ' ,?,ls a MARLIN ROPE, 2-strand, tarred fathoms lor. 2/3. ideal ror Ivilm. gardening, bricklaying. fiul | d, n?. TOW ROPES, for motor-cars— Now ai Worth 10/-. • w 4 /-. HALTER SNAPS, for rope and ; leathc, straps, wit.a strong spring' catctt Now 3 Tor 1/-. ""-"—All SEAMING TWINE, splendid cniaiitv farm work—9d a Jib. hank J for HEAVY CANVAS TOOL OR KIT Rflro size 12in. x 11 in. Handy for hundred of odd jobs—For 2/-. SoW X*. buttons and shoulder straps. Werp HEAVY CANVAS KIT BAGS, size lain' ' 12in. Shoulder strap—For 2 e 1 SERVICE KIT BAGS, White Canvas ir. Cin. high X 4I t. Oin. circ.—Now d/ 800 SETS SHEFFIELD FIRTH STAINLtae 30/- SETS OF 3-PIECE CARVERII 3 Now 15/-. "VERS—FOR ERSTER WEDDINGS A. SET OF BEAUTIFUL SHEFFIELD FIRTu STAINLESS 3-PIECE CARVERS, Xvln nfto handles, in solid leather ra« Worth anywhere from 45/- un to 4-77 per case. Tie whole stock to be sold « 25/- per case. A bcautirui weddin, present,. ™uinj TABLE KNIVES, Firth .Stainless, Xvlnnit# handles—Wonderful value at l/a n i? Knife. r WILSON'S SKINNING KNIVES, 61ln blart. —For 3/- earh. Worth 4/6 ae WATER BUCKETS, made from En*lf eh «'jreen Waterproor Canvas. Will la*t » liretlrne—For 2/3 each. Old Prirp , SOLDERING FLUID —Does away' 4th spirits and salts—For 10d bottle 2 FULL-SIZE SCRUB BRUSHES Tor 1 ta DAIRY SCRUBS—Now 1/7. For th" farm NOTEBOOKS—IOd dozen. ra -
NOTEBOOKS, medium size—3 for 1 '3 NOTEBOOKS, large size—6 for 2/3 2 1/- WRITING PADS for 1/6. ' quality Linen Paper. DOG CHAINS—4irt.. now 8d: 6ft no® 1/-; 7ift., now 2/-. w MOTOR-CAR TYRE SLEEVES, full =iz«__ Now 10d. Were 2/G. FRICTION-TAPE, ijb. colls—Now 1/3. FLOOR MOPS, real Thruin, White— Now 1/6. HAIR CLIPPERS, Tor Ladies or Gent? Fine cut, for trimming neck and around ears' etc. High-grade machine—Worth R/fi' Now 5/-. ' 3000 REAL GENUINE FRENCH BR'ftß PIPES, in only the very best shape" Equal to any Pipe on the market froni 10/- to 15/-. Short, medium or Ion? straight stem, or natural hent chape' siivermoumed. These are an to be 'old at 2/- each. Money back ir not inorp than satisfied. FOUNTAIN PENS, self-filling-. Platinum nibs; will last for years—For 1/-. Honestly worth 2/6 to 3/6. LEAD PENCILS, Tor schoot use—For 6d dozen. Full size. TIE PINS, English make—Worth fid ea*h For 1/- dozen. ' ' FRONT STUDS, levr-r pattern. English roak» —Worth 2d to 3d each. For 1/- do,-en STUD SETS, English, comprising Tie Pin Front and Back Stud, all carded—Foe 2d set. Worth 1/-. FRONT STUD, pull-out—Worth 6d each For 6 for 1 /-. 9 BOOKS GENUINE ZIG-ZAG TISSUE PAPERS for 1/-. BOBETTE COMBS, for Ladies' use, also Men's—Now 7d. Were 1/-. COMBS, Xylonite, in Pink, Mauve, Blue for toilet sets—For 1/6 each. Worth LADIES' DRESSING CCMCS, full sire British Xylonite—Now ed. Wer» If-. «ELWRIGHT'S FAMOUS HYGIENIC HAIR BRUSHES, rubber cushioned, English make—Now 2/0. Worth 3/6. PEARLS! PEARLS! 4000 STRINGS OP FRENCH PEARLS, solid, tappring In length—l6§in., 9d; 20in„ 1/6; 60!ri., 2/-. In Natural or Pink colour. BOXES OF 500 ENVELOPES, White, f"f 3/6.. Honestly worth 6/6. Full size. THOUSANDS OF DOZENS RAZOR BLADES, fcr Gillette Razors—Now 1/6 dozen. SPIDER BROOCHES, Lucky Charm.' Beautiful lustre gems. They renect evencolour under the sun—Worth 4/8 each. 3000 to be sold at 1/- each, immense bargain. You will be more than pleased with these. SOLID ENGLISH LEATHER RIFLE POUCHES. These are ideal for flshwr g-ear or for money bag-? 3 for 2'-. Were i/- each. Worth 3/-. HOT WATER BAGS, English North BritisH, the world's best. Buv now for the winter. Sizes 8 1 10, S 1 12, 10 j i:For 4/9 any size. Any Bag is worts st least 7/6, GROUND SHEETS, for Easter and travelling. Pure rubber and convertible Into all-weather Capes—For 7/6. Original Price was 11/-. A 15/- 2-CELL FOCUSSING TORCH, nickel plated*- complete with bulb and 2-cell battery—For 7/6. Extra wide lens. A 10/- 2-CELL WIDE LENS HSAVILY NICKELPLATED TORCH, same as above— For E./6. TORCH BATTERIES of the higest quality, just arrived from Home —Flat Batteries. 9d; 2-cell Batteries, 10d; 1 -cell, 6C; 3cell Batteries, 1/3; Baby, 9d. TORCH BULBS, Electric. 2 or 3-cell —AH One Price, Bd. MAIL YOUR ORDER TO THE—MANAGER, ARMY STORES, Box 137, CHRISTCHURCH.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21130, 12 March 1932, Page 18
Word Count
2,354ARMY SURPLUS STORES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21130, 12 March 1932, Page 18
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