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■ BLAKE'S TROPHY. race to kawau. FOR THE lORANGI. Mjt- : Zealand Tacit Squadron's - >» Eawan for tie trophy presented by al&iAl Blake. which started from oa Friday evening. resulted rT-win for Mr. G. McKenzie's loraagi. " is therefore the first holder af vh«i « to be competed for three races were held at . tvo for keel yacht* and ens tor Th e sloop Labnxaam -was flag- ; tTV Th® first event wns one for yachts ■ ladies, as-d was wan by Meawrs. ' -M&xaiA Brothers' Kga-Toa. sailed by Miss ■ Waiona, soiled by Miss rtn ilin was second, and Kotainz, sailed fay W Drafics, was third. flpocmd race, a senexal handicap for X r Afa' iris tft-a fcy Ariki. sailed by |ir Blake. Maaa woo |h« M, ■ :^M0 xsSe Z ',/*! fee e*«aias a daaca wis held ashore ' Hause, and was largely attended. . pavis Cup axd trophies in the ran |fu?ies .■ -were presented by jjffffcy wso Conors tola ted the winners cut . jfUfgr succesß. : fflgtsils are £5" ■ - o**6 - f&pV ISP BLAKE T&QPHY. •Is ihe craisins rare to Ka wan loranin . Ir-jgS. the lead after the start and -'Sataiaed it thyeujhemt. Victory held d portion until well denrn the channel "iEs»' R "' as overtakes by Nsa-7e«u Pa- " Si* and Ariki. The two last-named foaghi ' ■'ifii » fei7 close finish, crossing the line 10/Tie boats were fa roared by a SgH? wiadThe race started at 7 p.m. The finishing . fjgp— were;—lbransi dm;. lOh 39m 80s; •••jgLjVm (Seji. 10b 44m Ms; Ariki faer), tS aim li; EaTtepe (lism). lOii aim Is; fjfeay {tSim), lOh 55m ss; Wakrna (ISJmI, -afo ,56a SQs; Liuia Jim <2B4m)» 3sh 57m. ' Qg- WTnr?4p3.T<3 i22.}m), lOh S&cn 4SB; ITriso <u|gi). .llh 4aa 45a; Ida ilSIm), Ilh Sbs a 5»; :"••• "'-jfitTr <3Bm). tlh 14sn Its; Moan* (14b), 'VIaW S»; Wairtki (25rn5. 31b 2Dm SSs; '*• lib 31— 41f; jvotnin tojlm), Tib £s; (3Rm). llh 3Sai 40s; Ikr • fflwl. llh 32m 555. ' -pe _ res alt -en corrected times nas;-r- ---■ ' ::■ the race fer ladies Araki was first away. - by Prize. lies and Nea-Toa. The took the lead after the first two •" aaactes if;d held her vantage throaffbeat. . crdtr ai the first nrark mis 2Cgar-Tca. Isaagi Eaweae, "PTiacTrard, TTaicae. Yic■iey, Eotiri. Lirtie Jira. Prize, Jrfdye : V ; TRica. Ida, Ariici. "VVaitansi. Kstaira and 71pt Sheets nrfv fiatiened fox flke beat to ""tit mark pS Alsie's Point. _ Spinnakers •. -to* set for the run to the fiassbin# laae, • Tk& race started at 19 ajau The fiajshins S- ytprfrir-SgtrTo* <l|E2). llh 4aia lis; ifr feaasi isiaj. -ITin 4!kn J2s: Kaseae {4rrs». sir Tt» 4&m 545; W aione iSlm). lib 52m SSs; **"•' •'ftT > j - R7^ '' 53rn is: Victory lib ftjrr Ariki (scr), llh 55ai 2Ts; Wina- : T»yW! (10m). llh sam 435; Eotiri !9|in}. lib 425; Kotaira (J6;is >» 12b lia 30s; Ida ■fifen). I3h Saa 19s; J a set (IPm), 12h 6ni )<-• "9T»itaßsi (l?nsj, 12h fim 5Sc: Little Jim ft.'. I2h The oa corrected tiines vas :—-2v"say '!fpa, 1; Waisae, 2; Ketofca, 3~ • ■ ASIKL The ge&eral h&naic&p held ia the afterym -waV. saßed in a rresk ecwth-westerly Sreeie-- The fact that Admiral Blake sailed ; Ariki lent coasiderafele iniereft to the race. ?* *»d- bis win bV three seconds from Xiitie r ran srxa verr-popabtr. Thirieen boats were mad awa— to sa excellent start. Ariki cawfel.;^' the line firßt, fopowed by jpiasi Prize sad, Pawrae. It : '7& TTf a lead tc Qnietiia Poiai. AnM *m£ laraasi enraged in a laSng match. . 4tt3i iselj hashed by Pear-Admiral Blake, the hotter of the match and drew well aiead af/ber riral. The order xovJtdisz the fcsl mark was Ariki, loraagi. Kga-Tea. ". Triae aad, Sheets 'ware then jpmght aboard for the beat to MaJle* . JSjsHt.' and on the way Xga-Toa passed •• Sgzxiei and Bi~cr.e replaced Pri~e. The 7I k*™ tm a ns 1o the fiacsbip, spd J Anii greatiT improT-ed her the '*• «ud*r rofmdins: the mark heias Ariki, 3f_ga.Tea. Icraajti. HSw«9t« aad Prize. The wind i tßafeasd " asd loransi lowered her topTsrhich jammed, and she time ia ;;|Sipttiaz' it doo and finally astimed. A rile h»r lead, followed by Naa-Toa, a 'aawi Paireaa ia ihat order, astij th? 'S'?i "Bt» race sta-rt«d st S.3S p.m. The fiaish.At'aas times were:—AriM fscr). 4h 37m 51s-. ' f: ; - SgvTos. (Sim). 4h 4fira 3is: Prise (3mk 4h V.'S ; .Sbs 4is:,Saweje <9e>). 4J> 51m 41 Is: XJttle -n (Sfecs), 4h 57m -545; *W*icas (13m). 5h ":',v|sa 15a; Kotiii <22mh 5h 1m 4Ss; tadre tTilma (2Sm),- sfc 2m 455; Kotnlm (Silm). H 15m 495. laraagi {2? m). Mosaj* ft2m). ' JS* <l2j»>, ssd Janet (39ra). retirad. ■ T5»» rwaß «n «H-ractad time* ■was:— . r.'jfeßfeL 1; Xiiue Jim. 2; Koiiii, S. The race fer if class bronsht ont SfacEne. Marom, Maaa and Maratea. The last-nained-was first away, fcEowed by Jfeiene, Maaa and ifaroro. The race was «u!ed trrer a short cmrrse, and on the rrrn # 4» fisa Hvjnfiinz liae Martsro broke hear rnd3er, bnt Carried on. tzsths her saxnaaker hotan. asy a rncder, nnd Sashed third. "The rap: started at 3 45 f-m. The finishing ' - utrt .v—lytajin, 3b sSra 87*; Man«n«, • fh 52e; Karcro, 4h 4m 10s; Mara tea. 4h 9m ,£'ISL Qsf ResnlL—.Maan. 1 ;'Majiene. 2-; Mar ore. 3. RICHMOND CLTTB REGATTA. / EVENTS H£LD ON SATURDAY. :;i|i• j ■ ? CAPSIZING OF THREE BOATS. •- ;The SicsffieEd Cruasag Gab held its an- ■ 'nail regatta on Sa'oirflay afternoon. There races for all classes from C keel • Jathte to Z and entries were reeeiTed. ' ;A *tros£' / seath-wesrerly wind was blo^nag. , .- .eansias' three boat* to eapsiae and aaoiher ie lose her Blast. The aiotcr-craiser; 34arion •:£B, wrned by Mr. J. Doaald, president, "was as Sagahip and waa moored c 5 Poa- • *afey WharL All the r»ce* *taited aad v.iaiihed betweea the Marion D aad the Ht «JgciaJ» in chaise of the znemr |g?wsjeStarter, Mr. J. I>ezme-£; jodse. Mr. --S. L. Thomjjeca; timekeeper, Mr. J. L. r.2«asbottos; recorder. Mr. G, E. La J cock. are as foUowsi—- ' ILEEL TACHX PACE. J '.'- Tie race for keel yacht# hreasbi oat -•Creti ll_, Speedwell, Iris and Loloma. At ySf-SBBjfee Oreti H. croeeed the line jast *head Speedwell aid Irj. Lolocia, beiaff lm t kte. } Spiaaikew vtxe aet for the ran fi/S" 3 ,ile harbour to Besolaticin baoy sad 'iyVflt'eeSwell, treat into »h« lead. Loiorn* car.£*B» *■*»? h?r muni and Iris retired. 3ae_ race started at 2.40 a,rn- The Saithtnaes vere:—Speedwell (ecr). 4h 19m Orefj 1L <4x2•. 4h 2!»bi Bs. " Th® resnlx qe <»orrected times was;—Sacedj;.*ea. 1: Oreti 11.. 2. ciSTKUBQARD 30ATS. t _Qmalere lty£ _ tie way -over the kne ia * GT c -#*» H tad tu c]<isely lot by Starlight and "Why Qna. ajsin'sL'-ed her lead the fiaishiaa well ahead of Why Not. split fcex EajasaO rather budly '(■-.•Bd retiree. , : .Tlie race started ai, 2.45 p.ja. The £aisj> v "ere; —Ossaiere incrj, 4h SSxn 54kitigSr Pta'i.~ ih 32m 13s. m-na ca corx*eted limes irasi—Wh» C'aiatere. i ** c e f©r tlatses L and hrcraaM jy compet ; to». The start w a • WSS ' *3 »be boat* being well I^®-/ at raafire. MatariM waa j ••■'l-ag* »ad then came "Waiapa. Wairerf. ■ Wjß-iransi »ad Valeria in that order. ] '' 1 »».-JJ»aati» late. Val<w srada- i • 'be leader*, aad oaee at j " '"^ e fleet, reffiaiaed these aatdl j ?Mgr!L** e * started at iSC a.m. The fiaishValcrj. leer'. & 37m S3*: ••f*'otas- 4li 41m 43*: Waiapa TlOai). v «an«. ISa). 4h 44m 14s: 1 * a! • -- 4Sla 13 s - Waixer# rectirreried times was:—MataW«apa, 2 ; Weiransi, S. W - the flesl ov9r th« line fer ehtsses M aad V. and close ' Dons ard Mmaata. Eaaai via in the fresh ■ and ass sad the lead®* j ■ sa! * MesuCa sad Marianae race it, cssJt JiicMt sttsocujs 'tnein at +3s« ' ../• '• siarte d at 2.55 aja.' Tha : SaJah'- ,: ■■mffiE*, ;3rak 4b an 255: ■ 4h 85aa 7*-, Hariaaae (srr ). ■ 37*; Waxa Orn). Lererette i-etoad. ■ ::v time* wasir-rSea Sggg; .-"ya. 3j Baoad. 3. ■ 8- hwsssii -m&- : -S*cra, EittnraJce. Celkmu , ' Sceptre Ttwd aa : awaked away iast before vestm- th» haxhoar to . *l» m vwmtitim. hs

sfo» 2h Slaa 5s i Swiftaurfi. 3h 33m 10s; Colleen, 3h 33m 235; Kama. SB; Ataggatai. Si. 3Sra £X)a_ • pa* sfieigh <»®sixtd shorty after passins tme fiagg&ip mad S-aiftsuxa went to her aseistaace. Sojpi# miii'o.tes later 2famu overturaad. near P2e beacon., her crew beins picked up by a Y class boat. Krfrtiwsie touched a mark and retired. The race started lit 3 x>an. The finishing times _ were:—Colleen <Sm)., 4h 21s Ss: Atv agatai (spi). 4b 2Snj| 30s Aratn. retired. The remit on collected times -was:—Colleen. 1; Atansatai, 2. liia race -will be resaoed_ oa account of Swi figure groins to the assistance of Ssa Sleish. lt-FOCT CRAFT. Jupiter crossed this starting Hae well clear of the other boats at gunfire in the r*:c« for class Y. Maur«#n tra» Best away and then_ came Dessau, Alerts, and Sea Dawn. Oreti, Sea Bnseze, j»ea King and Fay were all late, the last-named losing as much as five minutes before siartinsr. Demon Boon overhauled thf! leaders and showed the waT round the course. The times on comeStLon of the first round were:—Demon, 3b Ssan 48s; Alerfce, Sh 36m 255: Jupiter. 3h 37m ss: Oreti. 3h 41m 12s: Maureen. Sh 43m SSs; Sea Breeze. 3}h 43m; Sea ah 43aa 455: Fay, Sfl 4Am 40s. Ia lie Bticond round illerts capsized. Tie race started at 3.5 pjtl. The finish? inj tim?s wen::— Qijrnsn iser), 4h ISm 37a Jupiter (12m), 4h itim 435; Oreli 19m). 4h 32m SOb ; Mjiisireea (18m). 4h S6m 11a. Sea King. Sea Dawn aiid Fay retired. The result em corrected times was:—JnpittT, 1; Maureen. 2.: Demos. 3. Ik the race for cU-ases T and X. Phaoia. nraseed the lisae 6 est closely followed Lv Meteor -and (Ha H. Tien followed Desert. Gold, E.esolute and _ Sucette. Desert Goid litiok tha lead, fitly in the race and maintXed it Wtl the finish. In the first round i.'net had s. 3ead of -■> seconds from Metssr, but ia the £nal she increased it to 6m ?«- , %be race started at 3.19 p.m. The fimsai«if times wet:-Dissert <loV3 (scr), 4h STttl 4!i«; Meteej (Eta), 4h 33m 455; Ola 11. f i 4b 43tfi 10s:: Pha-ola. nSiiP, 421 4jin iite. Resolfcte sad Suzette retired. The result era corrected times was —a aaoia. 1: Desert Gold, 2; Meteor. 3. The order of the boats crossing the starting line is the ra-as for class Z was IS saio. Kinj. Trevic, Tio. Me Too was two minutes late. In the first r&und Njraio, Fitly and Trevic made u -very close race ov it. only a few seconds separating them. >sra;o drew away in the second round ana wea. easily. - , The race started at 3.15 p.m. The finishißg times were (fimi. 4b 42m 59f»: Kitfer (scr). 4h 44m «*=: Treric (12a). 4h gSra Bs. Me Toe ead Tie retired- . The result on corrected times was:— I- Kitty. 2: Trerie. 3. RACE FOE FENTON CUF. The Fannrare Yacht Hub held its final race lor the Fen ton Cup over the usual course on Saturday, the cosiest Wa-itea, 9s, 1; Mane. ITa, 2; Ptiyllis. Si Sea Sprite, Msp, *■ The foEcwins boats also fitartad: Surprise, scr; Aurora, ds; Koto'. ISs: Bea M*cbree, iia - - Js; Kf kirai, 20s. . . . The club, ib ecrtij'iißctien wr.ji out&cara clubs, will IkjW a, cum: r.est Saturday. A yacht race, open to alJcomeM end canruis ox: iJ 10s start from the Panmure Wharf at 2.M P^n.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21101, 8 February 1932, Page 13

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YACHTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21101, 8 February 1932, Page 13

YACHTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21101, 8 February 1932, Page 13


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