TORT OF AUCKLAND. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Aorangi (0.35 a.m.), from Sydney, Pastcngera: — First Saloon.—Mr. 0. Abel, Mr. A. .T. Andrews. Mrs. A. J. Andrews. Mr. J. Berry, Jlr. A. Danno, Miss D. Cupples, Mr. 11. C'erutty. Mrs. M. C'erutty, Miss M. Cerutty. Mr. D. Craig, Mr. AV. Cavil], Mr. F. Cook, Miss AT. E. Cook. Mr. A Coud, Mr. E. Donaldson, Mr. D. Davis. Mrs. E. Davis. Mr. E. Foa, Mr. AV. Fletcher, Mis. Fletcher, Miss it. (Jarrntt, Mr. \\\ H. George, Mr. S. llarrowell, Mr. AV. 11. Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, Mr. H. Holland. Mr. 11. .Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Master K. Johnson, Miss M. Johnson, Master I. Johnson. Mr. 11. Loiiplen. Mr. B. Linton, Mrs. Linton, Miss J. Linton, Miss P, Liuton, Mrs. A. Mellish, Mrs. L. Manefield. Mr. K. MiFarlane. Mr. R. AV. McKay, Mrs. 11. jS'ivon, Mr. D. Xapier, Mr. S. Owen. Mr. S. Owen, Mrs. S. Owen, Master It. Owen, Mr. It. Pomroy, Mr. A. Paterson, Miss B. i{a«lonki. Mr. G, S. Itadley, Mr. It. Rogers, -> Mrs. F. Sfratlon, Miss I. Sharp, Mr. AV. AV. Suinsnn. Mr. K. AV. Schmidt. Mrs. Schmidt. Mr. F. L. Smyth. Mrs. Smyth. Mr. B. Smith. Mis. M. Savage, Mr. R, J. Saunders, Mr. B. Smilll, Mrs. A. Tosswill, Miss O. Tosiwiil. Mr. H. Vandevelde, Mrs. L. Woodley, Mi»s E. AVonden. Mrs. 11. AA'onden, Ah Cliio Chan. Second 'Saloon.—Mr. S. Bennett, Mrs. 11. Beulkn. Miss E Beulke. Mr. H. Brown. Mr. M. Cladin, Mrs. C. Claflin, Miss A. Dodd, Miss A. Goodwin. Mr. V. Grange, Mrs. V. Cubby. Mr. G. llewson, Mr. 11. Harper, Mrs. L. Harper, Mrs. M. Hulcliinsrs, Mr. G. Hey, Mrs. A. Hey, Miss M. Joines, Miss J,.' Levy, Mr. It. McGlono, Mr. R. McKen7ie Mrs. A. Olen. Mrs. 11. O'Connor. Miss I 'O'Reilly. Mr. X. Paton. Mr. AV. Parkinson, Miss C. Phillips. Mrs. A. Redstone, Mr. F. liavnor. Mrs. It. Cr. Rennie. Mr. G. Shaw. Ttcv. Father Spierinirs, Mrs. F. Senecr, Master J. Sensor. Miss M. Stonehouse. Miss C. AA'alsh, Mrs. T. AVallace, Mrs. M. AVillinms, Miss A. AVillianis. Miss B. AVillianis, Miss X. York, and 25 third eln's. Itnnella (7.15 a.m.), from Balik Papan. V.'.iimea (5.15 a.m.). from Xapier.
YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. P.tingilolo (5.50 p.m.). for Thames. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Kiwiten. from Wellington, 7 a.m. J'angitoto, from Thames, 2 n.m. Oman a, 'from Waiheke. S.lO a.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. 'Aorangi, for Vancouver, 4 p.m. Waiotapu, for Vancouver, afternoon. UTauiti. for Kerepeehi. 10 a.m. Kawau, for Mnngawai. 10 a.m. llnwna, for W ark wort 'i, 2 p.m. Tulioe, for Mercury Bay. 3 p.m. Wnka, for Pussell, 4 p.m. Pangitoto, for Coronuindel, 5 p.m. Claymore, for Whnngarei, 10.45 p.m. • Tuniwlia, for Pneroa, midnight. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. K.iponga, Greymouth, to sail. Kiwitea, Southern ports, April 7. Kalingo, Sydney, April 8. Kfinna. Greymouth, April 10. Wuipiatn. Southern ports, April 12. To'fua, Fiji, April 13. Waui Prima re, Apia, via Southern polls, April .19. OVERSEAS. Ma Ilia. Liverpool, April 7. Cornwall, South, April S, to load. Tym,eric, Java, April 9. Voco, San Francisco, April 9. Tamaroa, London, via Wellington, April 10. Waikawa, Los Angeles, April 11. Canadian Conqueror, Halifax, April IG. Orftri. Liverpool, April IS. Port Hunter, London. Ajiril 20. Port Nicholson, Australia, April 20. to load. Bureti, San Francisco. April 21. Middlesex. South, April 23, to load. City of Swansea, New York, April 27. Golden Cross, Los Angeles, April 27. Corinthic, London, Hay 4. Westmoreland Liverpool, May 5. Hertford. South, May 8, to load.. Gallic, ■ South, May 15, to load." Port Fairy. Liverpool, May 17. Pemuera, Wellington, May 18, to load. Rangitiki, London, via Wellington, May 20. Winton. New York. May 20. Devon, Opua, May 21, to load. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. , Southern Cross. New Hebrides, April 7. Aorangi. Vancouver, April 7. Waiotapu, Vancouver, April 7. Maunganui, Sydney, April 10. Mutuknna. London, April 10. Port Napier, London, April 11. Cornwall, Loudon, April 13. Mam Poinnre. Apia, April 21. Niagara, Sydney, April 21. Middlesex, London, April 30. Hertford, London, May 14. Gallic, London, May 19. P emu era, London, May 23. Devon, London, May 23. A USTR ALIA A" EW ZE ALAN D. Ulimaron.' nt Sydney; sails for Wellington April 10. . Marama. left Sydney April 2; arrived Wellington April C; withdraws at Wellington. Jlaanganui. at Auckland; sails for Sydney April 10. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Aorangi. left Sydney April 2: arrived Auckland April G; sails for Vancouver April 7. ,t,i Niagara, left Vancouver April J: <lue Auckland April 20; sails for Sydney April 21. . Makura. left San Francisco March 18; nrr/ived Wellington April C; sails for Sydney April 8. Monowai. left Wellington March 24; due San Francisco April 10.
BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. lienmera. loft Southampton March 13; due Wellington April '2O. C'orinthic. left Southampton March J/; clue Auckland May 4 liotorua. left Southampton April J; due Wellington May l'J. Hansitiki. leaves Southampton April 10, due Wellington May M. lonic, loaves Southampton April clue Auckland June 1. , Euahine. leaves Southampton May 8. auc Auckland, June 11. _ Kan™itata. leaves Southampton June .>. due Wellington July 9. VESSELS IN PORT. It, Stream —Waitomo. Waitemnta. Ounbnr, piri (iiux. schooner), Mako, Kurow, Knituna, Kairansa, Devon port—ll. M.S. Philomel. Prince's Wharf— Waiotapu < U.b.S. Co}.). Tomrariro (N.Z.S.. Coy.). (IT.S.S. Coy.). Kiwi lea (U.b.S. CoyJ. Aornngi (U.S.S. Coy.). , r . c . Western Wha rf—haimamnva <1 bb. CoyJ, Htiia (('. E. Campbell), Kanella iShell* Coy.). . 0 ~ , Central Wharf —Maunsaniu fU.&.b. CojJ. Matakana (L. p- Nathan). Kins'* Wharf—ll vington Court (Henderson and Macfarlane) Southern Cum ilhiss'iojl steamer), liroa (AKrankharn). . . Jn Dock— Hauralu (U.b S. Coy.)• <Jueen's Wharf-Port Napier O C-A. Coy), Pukeko (Watkm and A, u 111 . Wiiimea (U.S-.S. CoyJ.
OVERSEAS SHIPS. movements and cub DATES
Somerset, left London January 301 for hvttelton, i'ovt (- luilmeia. J.ia .. Xew Plymouth and kelson (annul lieitford. left Liverpool Kel.ninry Auckland. Welliimtoii arrivi».l Apnl 4) Lytlelton. i'ort Chr.lnie.-a and
Plymouth. . llalinim, left London Miruiuy 10 for Suvii, Port Clin liners (duo April oh Lvttelton. nrid Nupier. Ashlu'irlon, left Sen; Wk 1' elmmry 1 ; . foi Suva/, A nc-klsi ntl. Wellington, lijtlci lon (urrived April i», Uuncilm mid
Australia. ~ , Tainaroa. left Soiithmnplnn f' ( ' 1,n1 ,;" y -J for "YVcllineton luirivpd April 2) unci Aiifklom<l 'due April ')• ( , Jlaliiii. left Liverpool M>ruiuy f" AurkliilKl (due April i), AU'lli]i„tuij, Hvt/.'lton. Dunediii ami V 1,,1T - , (Julrli'ii Coast, left Urn Angles I'ebruary for Auckland, WVllni'.'toii. Njtti'l--I*oll (arrived April 3), Dliiieilin and
Nvilney. . . Port M/.burl. left New urn l ' pbn . ,inj . 23 fur Auckland. \\ elliliuton (mined Aprif 41. N»'W Plymouth, Lyttolloi)
■ji nd Onneclin. . , ,« i Cansidintl Conqueror, 1.-fl lln ifnx Mnrr < A for Auckland (di»* Apul !■>). WtJI inu'lon, Ly Helton. Duneilm uud Aus-
traliii. , . 1,.,. Viiifmooce, left Anhvrrp Jumuiry 5 ft. Auckland mid Wellington (nrrivetl
Ileimioi" 1 . "lift London March 12 for Wellington (due April 19). Lyttelton, loit Chalmers and BluffJk'ev.' Zealand, left Los Angeles lebrunry 4 fori Auckland. Wellington (arrived April! 1). LylluMon. Dunedin and
.Vufti'.ilia. , , , , _ Dun robin, loft Makrtea Is and March for Auckland. New Plymouth and Wangnnui (arrived April 1). JSprinßbank. left Nauru Island March 12 for Auckland and New Plymouth (arrived April 1).
Vigiitl, left San Francisco March 9 for Auckland, Wellington (arrived April •i) and Lyltelton. loil Hunter, left London March J3 for Auckland (clue April 20) and Wellington. Ornri, left Liverpool March la for Auckland (due April 18), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Tiniaru. lamella, left Hnlik Pa pan March 19 for Auckland (duo April li), Lyttelton and Wellington. oco. left San Francisco March 19 for Auckland (duo April 9). Wellington t and Lyttelton. Tongariro, left Antwerp February 21 for Auckland (arrived April 3) and New Plymouth. Tnnaren, left Capetown March 17 for Wellington und Auckland (duo April Waikawn, left Los Angeles March 10 for Auckland (due April 11), Napier, Wellington and Australia. Conntliie. left Southampton Mnrcli 27 for Auckland (due May -1) and Wellington.
Otokin, l*>ft "Loh Angeles March 27 for Wellington (duo April 1!)). Uvmgton Court, left Nauru Island March 21 for Auckland (arrived April 1), Westmoreland, luft Liverpool March 28 (or Auckland (duo May 5), Napier. Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Canadian Commander, left Halifax March 28 for Auckland (due May 8). WellLyttelton, Melbourne, Sydney. Newcastle and Brisbane. City of Swansea, left New York March 21 for Auckland (due April 27). Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. lxotorun, left Southampton April 3 for Suva. Wellington (due May 10), Tort Chalmers, Lyttelton and New Plymouth.
n iif Kiwitea- is due sit Auckland sit. seven o'clock this morning from South Island porta. via Wellington, and will berth nt Prince's Wharf. After discharge at Auckland she will snil to-morrow for Wellington, Lyltelton, Dunedin and Tiniaru. The Waimea arrived nt Auckland yesterday morning from Napier and berthed nt Queen's Wharf. 'lho Melnnesian Mission steamer Southern Cross, which is berthed at King's Wharf after being recommissioned, is to bo despatched this morning for tho mission stsitions in the South-west Pacific. ULIMAROA AT SYDNEY. The Ifuddnrt-Pnrker steamer Ulimaron, which leflr Auckland 011 Thursday for Sydney with passengers, mail and cargo, reached Sydney yesterday morning. MAKURA AT WELLINGTON. 'I ho Royal Mail liner Mnknra arrived nt Wellington yesterday morning from Snn Francisco, via Papeete and Rnrotonga.. The vessel is to lenve Wellington for Sydney nt four o'clock to-morrow afternoon. LAX ELLA IX POUT. TIIO tanker Ranella arrived sit Auckland yesterday morning from Bitlik Pnpan and berthed nt Western Wharf to discharge bulk oil for the Shell Company. The vessel is to sail this evening for Lyltelton and Wellington to complete discharge. THE PORT FAIRY. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line motor-ship Port Fairy is reported to have left London on Sunday. Tho vessel is scheduled to leave Liverpool next Saturday for Auckland, Wellington, Lyltelton and Dunedin. AORANGI FROM SYDNEY. The Royal Mail liner Aorangi arrived at Auckland yesterday morning from Sydney and berthed at Prince's Wharf to land passengers, mail and cargo. Tho vessel will resume her voyago to Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver at four o'clock this afternoon. PORT DUNEDIN AT LONDON. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line motor-ship Port Dunedin is reported to have readied London on Sunday from Wellington. The Port Dunedin left Wellington on February 24 for Southampton and London, via Panama. SOMERSET TO LOAD. The Federal Lino steamer Somerset arrived at Nelson 011 Friday to complete discharge of her London cargo and commence her homeward loading. The vessel will complete her cargo at Wanganui, Port Chalmers, Lyltelton and Wellington. She is to leave Wellington ou April 22 for Halifax, Holland and London, via Panama. WAIOTAPU TO SAIL. Tho Union Company's steamer Waiotapu. which has been recommissioned lo replace ' the Ifauraki, is to sail for Vancouver, via Fanning Island, this afternoon. The vessel is to load nt Paeiiic Coast ports during May for Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. MAR AM A FROM SYDNEY. The Union Company's intercolonial steamer Marama arrived nt Wellington yesterday morning from Sydney with passengers, mail and cargo. After discharge she is to be withdrawn from the intercolonial service. The Marama will be replaced by the Miuinganui. now undergoing overhaul at Auckland, which will leave for Sydney 011 Friday. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Unufuru il a.m.), from New Plymouth and Wanganui. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON. —April G: Arrived—Awahon (2.15 a.m.). from Waikokopu; Makum (5 a.m.). from San "Francisco: Marama (7.20 a.m.), ftom Sydney: Tris (9 a.m.). from Bass Strait. Sailed—Vigrid (11 a.m.). and Waliine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyltelton. LYTTELTON.—ApriI C: Sniled-New Zenland (7.50, for Dunedin: Jlaori (8.10 p.m.), for Wellington. • DUNEDIN.—ApriI 0: Arrived—Maliana (1.15 p.m.), from Suva. BLUFF.—ApriI (i: Arrived—Wainui (4.15 p.m.). from Wellington. . SYDNEY.—ApriI C: Arrived—Ulimaroa. from Auckland. LONDON.—ApriI 5: Arrived-Port Dunedin. from Wellington. Sailed—-Port Fairy, for Auckland. 1
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20841, 7 April 1931, Page 5
Word Count
1,911SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20841, 7 April 1931, Page 5
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