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l'he annual show of the Auckland Canary and Cage Bird Club was opened in the Unity Hall, Upper Queen Street, yesterday, when a record number of about 450 canaries, brightly-hued foreign birds and finches were exhibited. The show will close this evening.

In opening the show Mr. Leslie Belcher expressed regret that the patron of the club, Mr. Eliot Davis, was unable to be present. The exhibition was one oI the most successful functions of the dub. The quality of all the exhibits was outstanding, while tho highlycoloured finches' section was feature ol the show, l'lic speaker congratulated 11 it; olliciais. the judges and the exhibitors upon their efforts' Mr. \Y A. Hanson, who judged the (inches, and Mr. I. .J. Knight, wh;. judged the Yorkshire canaries, commented upon • lie- liiiih standard of the entries. FYilowiuu .lie the. results:— Si'EClAh AWARDS Mrs. J. I''. Ewen's Rose Bow] for best. [,ir.|: X. Hanson. Robinson Memorial for best tiirci : X. Han.-on. Eliot Davis Cup for best tinffighted bird: Ij. Watson. Novice Cup lor best bird in invite sec.loll. F. J. Taylor, Trophy for beat oopositc sex to Novice Cup winner: A. E. Henley. Spratts Cup for best unttitjlited bird; X. Hanson. Best Yorkshire: N: Hanson. Best tilicit: A. E. Finch. Best Buuyenyiir: (i. Hutchinson. North Bland Champioi. Norwich Buff: H. J. Fielder. North Island Champion Yorkshire Yellow: X. Hanson. Kins Shield for most points in unfiighted Norwich section: N. Hanson Aviculiurul Ho. eict.v's trophy for most points: A. 10. Henlev (71 points)


Open Class.—Yellow clear cock: ('. Kneebone. 1 and special: X. Hanson. '2: W. J. White, :i. Ticked or lightly variegated bnft < ocl:. H. J. Fielder. 1 and special; C. Kneebone. (». Mniiro, .3. bellow clcjr lion • N Hanson. 1 (best opposite sex cup winner and best clear yellow hen): C. Kneebone, '2; W. J. While. :l. Best clear lint) : \V. .1 White. I. N. Hanson. '2: E. Tin.rue, :t. Tit ked or lightly variegated vellow hen X. Hanson. 1; R. Wats.i.i, ■2. Ti-ked or lightly variegated bull hen: N. Han~on. 1 and special: <'•. Monro. |; <; Hart. Heavily variegated selfloll I yellow chl; : F. -I. 'I ay lor. !. Heavily variegated self or foul biilf co-k : R. Watsoi . 1 it iid special. K. Kn-fboue. '2; W H Abbott, junr.. Heavily variegated self or foul yellow lien; N. Hanson. 1 and special. F. J. Tavlor. C.. Kneebone. Heavily variegated self or foul buff lien: R Kneebone. 1 Greens, any colour cock V Hanson. 1 and special. Greens, any colour hen: N. Hanson. 1 and serein. Cinnamon, nnv colour lien : W ■! Whi'e. 1 and spcc-i :i 1

FNFEB i H'l ED. Natural Colour.-• Yellow clear cock L. Watson. 1; I'ascee Cup cud special N. Hanson, '2: R. Kneebone, :i. Buli clear cock: N Jlanson. 1 and sptcis>!; H. J. Fielder. '2; E. G. Hari Tiek-'d or lightly vaTies-ited yellow cock : K. Thome I. Watson, -: W. Moore. :t. Bnfl co..'k: H. Watson 1 and special: N. Hanson. 'J. H. J. Fielder. :t. Yellow clear lie::: X. Hanson, 1: 11. Lindsay. '2. H. ■!. 1* idder. .. X. Hanson. 3. Butt clear hen: E. Thome. 1 .ni.l special. 11 .1. Fielder. 2: E. Thome, :i. Tieked or lightly vnrieanted yellow hen* N. Hanson. 1 anil si-eoinl: E. rhorn". •2- W. H Abbott, in nr.. B.iO lien. X, Hanson, I: 11' Lindsnv. -2: H. J. Fielder. :i. Heavily variegated self or fold yellow cock: W. 'J. White. 1 unci special: R. Lindsay. 2 Buff cock: X. Ha; son. 1: K. I'llorne. '2- W Cowell. Yellow hen: W. .1 White. 1. ButT Inn. X Hanson. 1: W Moore '2. Greens, cr any coloured hen: X Hanron. I and snecial. Crest-brec) cock or hen SV. .1. White. 1; -! Johnson. '2. Xo'ite Class. Bnfl' clear cock: !• '

Tuyl'T. I ;i ■' (I ni»c<iaJ. Yellow clear hen K." Lindsay. 1 and speritij. But) <lear lien Mr- Revny, 1 and «r>e-ial: F. -1 Tayhf, L W.'its.m. 3. Ti-kcd or variegated yel r„\r cock: r. Wh I soil. 1; It. rind--v 2. Mrs. 1!. Anni'ii., '. Buft' cock. i?. M N'uiiro, 1: S W. Jarne». 2: Mrs. E. An nun Velltitt- hen: G. W. lames. 1 M •Ti-n.-on. 2: S W Jam-?. 3 Bnfi »cn I! rllll dpav, 1. (i rpp'ij. anv ,- (jlonr .T Henniaer. 1. Cinnamon, anv colour lien J Hennister ! Mf. M Munro. 2

YOR! sn [R K CAN AI»IES. Open C'l.ixs.- Clear ve'low cock: N. Hanson. 1: F. M Ed •raids. 2 and 3. Clear IniT cock • N Hanson 1. I-. Belch«?r. 2; Miss E. Thome. 3. Ticked o: lightly vuiie-u-ated yellow lock: X. Munro. I: X. Hun sou. 2: G. L'etEton. 3 Buff cock: S. A. Wood. 1: J Gilbert. 2. H. S Poynte;, 3. qieui yellow lieu: X Hmi on. 1: A. Knowlcs. 2. Clear buff hen: E. G. Poyntei. l: X. Hanson. 2: Misb I*. 11•* rnt 3. Ficked or lightly variegated yellow heir. Miss F. TWorn«. 1. H S Poynter. 2 F. A. Wood. :| B,j(T hen: X Muuro, I; H. S. _ Poynter. 2: X. Henriy. •*! Heavily vaiiegated salt or loul yellow cock: F. M. Edwards. 1: Muuro. 2. Vcilov hei: : V.. Henery. ! . .! Gil'ierl. 2. (Ireen.s. any <olom cock: 11. S. Po'-»t''r, 1 Civil;.. Biiy coh I'ir hen: F. M. Fdwailis, I and 2. CinniiPion. tiek»' I or lightly vi'iiefcaied yellow <■•«■ k- L. Be 1 - chei. I. Mmno. 2 Cimvnnnn inked or lightly varicv'i'tcl tn.'f cock: G. J.'unro. 1: W. Henery. 2. Buff hen: G. Munro, 1- A E. Knowle* 2. Cinnamon self or foul yellow oi In-ff cock: X. Hanson. 1. Uiifiighted Class. —( leai ye'low cock : L. Be'cher. 1 and 2: Mi". Beeston. 3. Clear >->1IfT cock: L Belcher, I ; Cf. Beeston. 2; ("., Munro. 3. Ticked or lightly variegated yellow cock: X Monro. I: G. Munro. 2. Mrs. Rcvoy, 3. Buif cock: F. M Edv.nrds. I: J. Johnson. 2. J G ilheit. 3 ( iear yellow lien: X. Monro, 1: S. A. V'uoil, 2: X. liai son. 3. Clear hull lien: X. Han ■•on, I; S A. Wood. 2: J Johnson. 3. Ticked or lisihtly variegated yellow hen- X. Munro. I. S A. Wood. 2. Buff hen: G Ber-slon, I, G. Melntjre, 2. Heavily

variegated .=elf or foul yellow cock: G. B"eston, 1; F. M. Edwards. 2: 11. S. Poynter. 3. Cinnamon ticked or lightly variegated yellow cock: 11. S. Poynter. 1. BufT cock: X. Munro, 1: G. Munro. 2. Yellow lien: X. Munro. 1: X Hanson, 2: G. Munro. 3 Cinnamon .-.elt or foul yellow or buff ioc!<: <1 Davis, 1

Novice Class, -—('.'leu r yellow cock: Mrs. A. Stevenson, 1: C. Dixon. 2; G. Davis, 3 fllear buff cock: Mrs. Cowrdl. I: l>. J. Autrirlge, 2: ('•. Davis, 3. Clear yellow hen. Mrs A S'.evenson, I and 2: A. E Henley. 3. Clear buff hen. G. Davis. I: Mrs. Cowell. 2: W. Council, ii. Tinted in- variegated yellow cock: V Hanson. I: G Davjs, 2 and 3 Buff cock: A. K. Henley. t - L Wbt.on. 2; W Cunnell, :i. Yellow hen. 1.. J Autiidge I; Mrs. Cowell. 2, Buff hen: Mis. A. Stevenson, I: V. Hanson 2: L. \V"laon. :t. (Tnnanion. any colour, cock: J. Henniper. 1. Hen: Mrs, A Stevenson. 1: •' iliuinigei. 2: V Hanson,

Special Awards. - Besl clear yellow cock' N*. Hanson. Best'clear bull cork: N. Hanson. Best bird in classes three and four: X. Munro. Best clear yellow hen: X. Hanson. Best clear buff hen: H. S Poynter. Be-I bir.l in classes seven and emht. X Muuro Best bird in classes nine and ten. F. M. Edwards Best bird in classes II and 12, W. Henery Best bird in classes 15 !o 20' L. Belcher. Runner-np to bc»l cinnamon: G Munio Best cinnamon: G. M.inro. Best green; F, M. Edwards Belcher l_aip, bej,t unflislited Yorksline: L. Belcher. I. Besl clear yellow cock: X. Hanson. Best clear yellow hen: X. Hanson. Besl clear buff cock: X Han sou Besl clear buff hen: X Hanson. Beit, heavily variegated yellow cock ( Revny trjphyi: F M. Edwards. Besl bird in classes 23 and 2t: X. Monro. Besl biid ill thuse" 27 iind 2S: X Munio. Best cinnamoo* Mi.-s E Thome. Best green: F. M. KJwimis. Maud Cup, foi best unHightcd buff Yorkshire cock, any tolour: X Munro. Best yellow hen (Sprat t's trophyi - X. Munro Xovice Section. Be = l yellow cock: Mrs. A. Stevenson. Best buff cock: Mrs Cowell. Best yellow lien: Mis. A. Stevenson. Besl buff hen: G. Davis. Best novice Yorkshire. A E. Henley. Veriop Cup' X Munro

OTHER SECTIONS Hollers.—Over 12 mouths: A. E. Knowing, ]; J. fclenniger, 2 Under 12 months: B. Cutler, I: J. Uenniger. 2; B. Cutler. Other \'n rieties. —Cock E. Thorns, 1: J Henniger. '2. Elen. J. Henniger. Kinch. Mule rind Porcign Section. • Best foreign fineJi (Nund Ci'p): A. E. Henley, i Best house moulted goldfinch: T. Graveson. 1. Best field moulted goldfinch. si Multlicwd. I Best goldfinch: S MnUhewa, I. Best British finch - W M"" - " ' "••••« British finch (other than goldfinch): W. Mourn, 1. Best three pair ol llneneM: A E. Henley, 1 Best chaffinch: Corpunll I'nilt, I. Best greenfinch: A. E. Henley, 1. Best foreign hird 'not belonging to pnrrot Irimily): A, Iv Men ley. I. Best foreign bird (pnrrot fimiilyl: 0. Mutchii'son. I. B»st dnrk ninle: T 'livivpsun, 1 Best imflighted mule: E. Thornc. 1 Be«t in"'" l T. firnvcFJin, I. Runner-up to best mulo: I. (* i nVe -.(hi. I. ureen budgeriegit r: T. Hutchinson. I Best. bu.lprerie.'m r: O, Hutchinson, 1 Best phensunt: A. E. Henley (golden pheasant), 1. Blue ribbon for best, finch in show: A. K. Henley, 1. Blue ribbon for best budgeriegar in show: G. Hutchinson,. 1.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20626, 26 July 1930, Page 18

Word Count

CANARIES AND FINCHES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20626, 26 July 1930, Page 18

CANARIES AND FINCHES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20626, 26 July 1930, Page 18


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