YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. 71.M.5. Niagara (0 a.m.). from Sydney, faesengors for Auckland:— First Saloon—Mr. J. S. Brown, Miss H. C. Caton, Miss If. I). Cat on, Mr. V. ,T. Corlinger. Miss B. Crisp, Mr. D. J. Davis, Mrs. /Davis. Mr. A. H. Darker, Mr. J. R. Elsburv. Mr. R. M. Evans. Mr. W. Eraser. Sir M. Fisher, Lady Fisher, Mr. F. D. Foskey. I\[r. A. Geddea, Mrs. Cr. E. Geddts, Master fleddes, Mrs. I Harris. Master J. D. Harris, Mr. A. Harvey, Mrs. P. Harvey, Mr. 'E, W. C. Hughes, Atr. ,T. ITogan, Mr. W. /j'jarvis. Mr. Cr. E. Levic. Mr. I{. Linton, [Jilr. A. A Mead, Mr. T. _B. Nossiter, Mrs, Tiossiter, Miss B. B Nossiter, Air. J. Pezaro, Mr. E. J. Rouse. Air. T. J. 11. Speedy, Mrs. Speedy, Mr. R. Soloman, Mrs. Kolouiun, Mr. C F. Warren, Captain A. Wiilinaley. Mr. F. W. W. Wentworth, Mr. 1! K. W'ylie, Jfr. 1?. F. Walker. Mrs. Waller. Miss E. M. Walker. Mrs. A. Wehner, Mr. M. Walker, Mr. It. L. \VoodJiotise, Mrs. Woodhouse faecond Saloon—Mother Apolliup, Miss P. J. \V. C'happell, Mrs. E. F. Faire, Mr C. Vnire. M'ss A. S. Gelder, Miss N. Gelder, Mr. T. .1- llayden. Airs. T. W. Ingham. >liss I'. Matthews, Mrs, M. Myers, Alias A. Mitcdi'iiahl, Miss M. Macdonald. Mrs. M. ]|, Alacllibbon, Mr. B. J. Pirrit. Mr. J. Pomeroy. Mrs. Pomeroy. Air. L. 11. Smith, i Mrs. Smith, Mr. C. A Stopford, Mrs, Ston- / ford. Miss A. Tudeh.ope. Mr. R. T. Tudejioiiu. Mr. -L Tudehopo, Sister Veronica, Air. M. Wiggins. Airs. D. Wolfe, Alias B. Wol'e, Aliss 0. W. Yates, and 20 third class. ('anop;is (2, from Westport; Kurow (4 a.m.), from Westport. Kawau (0.50, from Uangawai; fukeko (7.10 p.m.), from Portland, YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Kawau (12.30 am.), for Afangawai; Taniwha (I.Jo, .i.iii.), for Paeroa: Omana (2 20 p.m.). for Warkworth: Hauiti (1.15 p.m.), for Coromandol; Kangitoto (5.10 p.m.), for 'i'lumies. I'uiio ii', p.m.), for Paeroa. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. / Tainui, from London, daybreak. Alauugaiiui, from Sydney. 6 a.m. Kaituna, from New Plymouth, 0 a.m. Kamm. tiom (i l evmoiith. :i p.m. •Rangitoto, from Thames, 3 a.m. Omana. from W r arkworth, 3 a.m. Jlati ti, from Coromandel, 3.30 a.m. Waka, from Tauranga, 7 a.m. Claymore, frolu Whangarei, 7 a.m. 'l'llniwha, from Paeroa, 7 a.m. Norfolk, from Opua, evening. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. I Canadian Conqueror, for Montreal. 6.30 ®.m. R.M.S. Niagara, for Vancouver, U a.m. C'lansiii'tn, for Kiißsell, midnight. iTESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTER COLONIAL AND COASITAL. Kaitund, Melbourne, via Southern ports. June o. Alsunganui,' Sydney, Juno 3. Kntoa. Southern ports, Juno 7. Tofuo, Suva, Juno 9. Maui Pomare, Wellington, June 9. / I'limaroa. Sydney. June 10. Marama, Sydney. July 1. OVEHSEA3. Tainui, London, Juno 3. Dngfred, Los Angeles, duo. Norfolk, Opua, June 3, to load. Kent, Liverpool. June 5. Quercus, New York. June 1. Plume, Sau Francisco, Tuno 7 Canadian Constructor, Halifax. June 8. Huntingdon. Gisborne, Juno !), to load. Weirbauk, Chili. Juno 10. Rangitane, London. June 11. Karamea,' Liverpool, June 14. Alahara. Wellington. June 14, to load. Aorangi, Vancouver. June 15. Enton, New fork, Juno IS. Tainui. Gisborne, June 22. to load. Waitemata, Los Angeles, Juno 21. Port Fremnntle, London, June 26. Golden W r est, Los Angeles, June 27. Argyllshire. Liverpool, July 1. Ranjitane, Lyttelton. July 2„ to load. Papanui, Nev/ York, July •!. W'estmorelaud. Opua. July 7, to load. Canadian Chnllcnger, Montreal, July 8. Port Pirie. New Plymouth. July 12. to load. Hsurnki, Los Angeles, July 14. .Rotorua. London, July 14. Pakipaki, Liverpool, July 17, EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. I.VTEIICOLOVIAL AND OVFJiSEAS. Canadian Conaneror, Ainerita and Montreal, June 3. Niagara, Vancouver, Juno 3. Matinganui, Sydney. June G. Maui Pomare, Apia. June 10. Huntingdon, America and London. Jur.s 11 I'limuron, Sydney. June 13. Tofua, Suva, Juno 11. .\orangi, Sydney. June !'•. Alahaiia, Halifax and London, Juno 20. Tainui, London. Juno 2^. Marnma, Sydney, Jn!v AUSTRALIA NEW 7.EALAND. Ulimaroa, flue Sydney .tune 3; sails June ti: due Auckland Juno in. Maheno, at Dunedin under overhaul; sails for Melbourne, vi.i Blulf. June 11. Matinganui, left Sydney May 30: due Auckland June 3: sails for Sydney Juno 0. Marama, relieving in Cook Strait service, sails from L'ilingtou for Sydney June 20. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Tahiti, at Wellington; sails for Sydney June t. Aorangi. left Vancouver May 23: due Au'cklnnd Jun-> 15; sails for Sydney June Kiairnra, nt Auckland; June 3 for Vancouver. Makura, duo San Francisco June C: sails for Wellington June 11. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAAIERS. Tainui. left Southampton April 2G: due Auckland Juno 3. Rangilane. left Soutiianipton May 9: due Auckland June 11. Tarraron, hut South,'inpton Alay duo Wellington June 24. Rotorua., leaves Southampton Juneu; due Auckland July 11. Remueia. leaves Southampton June 13: due Wellington July 2S. Rangitiki, leaves Southampton July 4: dne Wellington August 0, VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Waitomo. H.AI.C.S. Iris, Rcwa I Ixi ). Mnko (Walkin and Nucula (Admiralty Oil-tgnkcr), 11.A1.H. Dunedin. , .., f0 Dovonport—n.Af.S. Philomel. H.M.S. Wakakura, H.M.S. Veronica. H.M.S. Laburnum. , . Piirice's Wharf—Tainui (A. S. Patcrson). R.M.S. Niagara, (U.S.S. Coy.), Kaituna lUS.S. Coy.). , King's Wharf —Wairuna, (L.S.S. Margaret W (A. G. Franklinm), Pukeko (Walkin and V'alli3). Central Wharf—Waimea (US.S Coy ). ''hclsen — Ilvington Court (Speddinir. Ltd.) Western Wharf- llenedick lS'"ell Cov ) Queen's Wl,nif-Maunga;.ui (I .S.S. Coy.). 'l'ho Kaimar.awa v.-as scheduled to load at {IV est port vesterday for Auckland. ' The Kurow ariived from West port,_ yes■terday morning and berthed a', Prince's "Wharf. The Kannn is duo from Oreymouth til three o'clock this afternoon and will berth »i King's Wharf. The Kiwite,a i-i duo nf V.Vstport from 'Auckland on Friday to load a, coal cai'go for a pier and Auckland. The Wmgului is to load at Dunedin on Friday and afterwards at Imiaru. Lyttelton end V/ellingtiiu Auckland The Richardson steamer I'nkeko arrjved from Portland last evening and berthed at King's Wharf. She is io bn despatched tor .East Coast, bays. Gisborne and Napier at day 10-moiTo 1 ,'.. The Katoa is due at Wcliington from Helton tn-day to ci.mi>let« loading for <.\uekl.ind. She is expected to lea'.fi \\clllnglon to-in or row and to reach Auckland on J-i.iiut'day. 'l'iio West port C'.al Comr-uny's r.leamer <'iiuopus from Westport early >«slerdav morning a'.d berthed at, \V estern "Wharf. After unloading her coal cargo she was to sail on her return trip to Westport at an eiirly hour this morning. THE CANADIAN CONQUEROR. 1 [living completed loading general cargo in New Zealand the Cunadin.u National nteamer ('ana<liari (Jonoueror is to sail for New York, Boston and Al'jntrcfil st daybreak to-dav. Captain J. Newhoos, the rhief odicer. Ins been iippofr.ted master oi the vessel in place ol Captain McConechv. ' xvho died last Wednesday at iimaiu. Mr. A' Clark has been promoted from second to chief oflicer, and Mr. E. J. Travers fir,ill third officer to second. Mr._ W . u att. formorly master of Nobel nuxilinry schooner i'iii, has joined the vessel as third officer. THE MARAAIA. The Marima arrived at Wellington from Sydney yesterday morning and is being withdrawn temporarily from the intercolonial service to relieve in the Cook blrait ferry run. She will leave for Lyttelton tod.iy, and will leave Lyttelton for Welling--1(-n to-morrow night* in plate of the flJaori. v/hich will be withdrawn for overhaul. When the .Maori resumes the Mnramii will relieve the Wfihine. The Mnraina will resume run nine in tho intercolonial service on Jun» 20, whon she is scheduled to leave Wellinnlon for Sydney.
R.M.S. NIAGARA IN TORT. The Royal Mail liner Niagara arrived from Sydney yesterday morning and is loading in Prince's Wharf. She is to ha despatched for Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver at 11 o'clock this morning. ORKANGER AT WELLINGTON. Under charter to tho Vacuum Company. the tankor Orkanger reached Wellington from Los Angeles on Sunday evening. After unloading a quantity of hor bulk oil cargo the vessel is to sail to-day for Melbourne and Adelaide to complete discharge. THE R.M.M.S. AORANGI. Tho TTnion Company advises that tho Royal Mail liner Aorrngi is due at Auckland from Vancouver, via. Honolulu and Suva, on Sunday, June 15, and is scheduled to sail for Sydney at four o'clock on tho following afternoon. THE KAITUN A. From Adelaide, Melbourne and Launccaton, via Wellington and New Plymouth, tho Kaituna is duo at six o'clock this morning. She will berth at Prince's Wharf to unload the remainder of her general cargo from Australia. After completion of discharge sho is to proceed to Portland to load cement for Wellington and Lyttelton. R.M.S. TAHITI AT WELLINGTON. Tho Royal Mail liner Tahiti reached Wellington from San Francisco, via Papeete and Rarotonga, at noon yesterday. Sho is to resume her voyage to Sydney at 11 o'clock to-morrow night. M AUNG AND I DUE 0 A.M. Tho Union Company's intercolonial steamer Maunganui will arrive from Sydney at six o'clock this morniug. according to her wireless advice. Sho has passengers, mail unci earj.'o, which will bo landed at Queen's Wharf. THE DAG FRED. No wireless ndvico had been received yesterday from tho Norwegian motor-ship Dasfred. which is expected at an early date from Los Angeles. Tho vessel will berth at King's Wharf to unload cargo from I'acilic Coast porta for Auckland to .tho agency of Daleety and Company. Limited. The remainder of tho cargo is for Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. WARSHIPS' MOVEMENTS. H M S. Dunedin went to an anchorage in tho stream yesterday morning. Sho is to leave on Friday for tho Hauraki Gulf, where gunnery and torpedo exercises will bo carried out until June 2*2. 11.M.5. Veronica is to nail tomorrow on a prolonged cruiso to the South Sea Islands. H.M.S. Laburnum is to lcavo for tno Hauraki Gulf on June 13 to assist tho Dunedin at gunnery exercises. ARRIVALS AT AVON MOUTH. The Federal Lino steamer Northumberland and tho Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Victor aro ieportec to have reached Avonmouth from New Zealand on Saturday. Tho Port Vic or was despatched from Wellington on April 15 _ and tho Northumberland from tho sarno port on April 8 for London. Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Panama Canal. KENT DELAYED BY STORM. Tho Federal Lino steamer Kent, which was duo at Auckland from Liverpool tomorrow, has reported further by wireless that she is meeting with stormy weather and now expect 3 to urrivo on lhursday morninn The vessel has general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great Britain for discharge at Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Port Chalmers and Bluti. Jne New Zealand Shipping Company aro tho local agents. THE NORFOLK. The New Zealand Shipping Company advises that the Federal Line steamer N<;rfol is to leavo Opua at mid-day to-day and will arrive at Auckland to-night. To-morrow morning she will berth at Central o continue loading for London. Avonmouth Manchester. Liverpool and Glasgow trom Auckland tho vessel will proceed to Joko maru Bay, Napier, Wansanui and Helling ton to complete loading. She js to be cnppntched from Wellington tor London, via Panama, on Juno 21. TAINUI DUE AT DAYBREAK. Stormv weather continued to delay tho Shaw, Saviil and Albion liner fainui. and her latest wireless advice states that srie will arrive from London and Southampton at daybreak to-day. The vessel will berth at Prince's Wharf to land passengers and mail for New Zealand, as well as cargo for Auckland. The remainder of the cargo is for Wellington. A. S. Patcrson and Company, Ltd., aro the local agents. MOTOR-SHIP T.MIANAKI't? RECORD. The Shaw. Ravi!' and Albion motor-ship Tarainki, which left Wellington for London on Saturday, has had a remarKahlo record i>l performances during her two years sea career Sho is oih of four similar vessels huilt specially for tho company's New Zealand trade and sic sailed on hor maiden voyage from England on May 18, 192 c!. j When she reached New Plymouth from Townsvillo on May 1". last she had covered 100 ">OO miles at sea. had called at 87 ports and had loaded nine full cargoes during her voyages between England and New Zealand and Australia. The ships Dicse i ugines have functioned well, too specduring her sea. service having aver.i-s'..'d from Hi to 15 knots, and on more than one passage she has averaged over 15 knots. TANKER BENEDICK BERTHED. The Liverpool motor-tanker Benedick, which arrived from San Francisco on Sunday night, berthed at Western Wharf yeaU'rday morning to unload about half her bulk cil cargo into the Shell Company's tanks at Freeman's Bay. At mid-day tomorrow sho is to sail for "Wellington to complete discharge. The vessel railed from San Francisco on May C. and experienced generally fair weather, except during the last week of tho voyage, when strong southwest winds and rough head seas were encountered. Captain R. Stonehurst is in command, and has with him the following officers:—Chief. Mr. F. Gregory: second, Jlr_ G. Weatwood; third, Mr.' F. Hewlett: chiK engineer, Mr. R. Burgess: second, Mr R. Meares: junior second, Mr. E. putters: third Mr M Woodward: junior third, Mr. J Owen; fourth. Mr. P. R. Diffgon; radio operator, Mr. Macfarlane; chief steward. Mr. A. W. Herbert. ULIMAROA'S PASSENGERS. Tho Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa is due at Sydney today with tho following passengers f.wn Wellington:— Saloon-Mr. J. If. Ashwell. Mr V Bernnard Mrs F-. Butler. Mrs. A. G. Barnes. Mr 'J. Brash, Mr. W. Brown, Miss A. Crawlev, Mrs. E. I. Gowan, Mrs. E. Churchward. Miss A. Stevenson, Mr. J. h. Carruther*. Mr. W Dull. Mr A W. Every. Mrs. K. M. Fee, Miss E B. boo, Mrs. S. (ioodhew. Mr. A. Goodhew Mr. A. M. Hooke, Miss K. if. Hill. Mr. C. J. Hunter. Mr. I. L. Iliornng, Mr P. O. llongh. Miss N. Hardy, Mr. A. M. Harry. Mr*. M. I. Jackson, Mrs. M. Lewis. Mr W. Lulhnm, Mr. S. A. Marns. Mr. fa. \\. Mosr rip, Mrs. L. M. MurdccK. Mr. A. I'. Mackay, Mr G. A. Myers. Mr. W. D. McKen7. if, Mine. Evelyn de Mauny. Mr U. <• Martin, Miss M. Necdham, Miss 11. l\. O'Brien, Miss C. G. Khiines. Mrs (. Khimes, Miss D. Rescigh. Mr. J. S. Strong. Mrs. J. Slark. Mr. R. J. Stark. Mr. L. . S'.ave. Mr. W. fa warp, Mr G. W. Smith. Mis. E. M. Wynne-Lewis Mrs. L. U ebb. Miss B. Walsh. Mr. J. Webb Mr A. J). Webster. Mr. P. B. \ates. Mr. R. W J ate*. M - If. f). Yates. Mrs. F. Hudson, Mr., I-. Hudson. Mr. C. F. Mason. Miss D . (osier, Mrs. L. Macl'herson. Mr E. J. Pnrro . Mr f, ir. White. Mr. J. D. Tanner. Mr. 1.. II Lowiy. Miss E. MacKechnic, Air. M. Burgess, Miss Burgess, Miss A. Cameron, and 78 third class. The ve-sel is to leavo Sydney on !• riday iind she ia due at Auckland next Tuesday. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels aro expected to be within range of the uudei mentioned wireless stations to-day: Auckland.—Canadian Conqueror, Tofua, Norfolk, Canadian Victor. Kent, flume, Ituahine. Cresningtoii Court, Waipahi, Golden Cross, Qucrcus. Clint ham Islands.—Weirbank. Wellington.- Mataron. Kairanga, Tnrnnaki, Golden Cloud, Huntingdon, Coptic, Tort Adelaide. Maharu, City of Osaka, Aorangi, Karetu. Uliinaivni. Awiirua.—Kartigi, Makura, Tutanekai, Waikouaiti. Hororata. PORT OF ONEHUNCA. Yesterday's Departures.—Ronaki (~>. Ir>, for Hokiangu; Arapawa (11.15 p.m.), for Wanganui The Ilokianga is to sail for Hokiansa at mid-day to-day. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.-June 2: Arrived—Marama (6 a.m.). from Sydney; lahiti (11.,>0 a.m.*. from San l''ran.;iseo : John O.W i) m). from Picton. bailed lotara (7 10 j'm') for Picton; Holmdulo (7.15 p.m.). for Onekaka; Waliine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON".—Juno 2: Arrived Kulcu (10.30 a.m.), from Nelson Sailed—Breezo (lip m.). for Wellington; hatoa (8.4.> p.m.), jor Wellington; Maori (3.25 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN.—.Juno 2: Sailed—Poolta, (").15 p.m.), for Bluff. BLUFF.—Juno 2: Arrived—Rangitata (6.30 a.m.), troai Auckland. AVONMOUTH.— May 31: Arrived—Port Victor and Northumberland, from New Zealand.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20580, 3 June 1930, Page 5
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2,597SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20580, 3 June 1930, Page 5
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