B» YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS, ■gjjjgjg.g. Veronica (10.30 a.m.), from Hau(2 p.m.). from HauBritisher (5.45 p.m.). from MonCUiwnian (9.50 a.m.). from Kussoll; Jwna '(1 45 P.m.), from Mataknna. flikuritngi (5.25 p.m.). from liangnrei.
£ YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Tnniwha (12.10 a.m.), for l'aeroa; Kawau for Warkworth. Mahurangi (2.45 mlfoj' Coast; ltauiti (3.40 p.m.), for llangitoto (4.20 p.m.). for T oman* (610 p.m.). for Waiheke.
VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Hauiti. from Coromandel. 1.30 a.m. Taniwha. from l'aeroa. 5.30 a.m. Keapuhi. fiom Taurangn, 7.30 a.m. Oman a, from Waiheke, 9 a.m. Kawau, from Warkworth. noon. Ransfitoto, from Thames, 12-30 p.m. Huia aux. schooner, from Bluff, expected
VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Bona, for Sydney, 10 a.m. Port Curtis, for Wellington. 5 p.m. Hertford, for London, afternoon. Siber Shell, for Borneo, morning. 1 ilotu, for Awanui, noon Apa/iui, for Parenga, noon. Coronation, for Awanui, noon. Haaib' * or Waiheke, 1.45 p.m. K*wau, for Waiheke, 1.45 p.m. VESSELS DUE TO-MORROW. 'Awahou, from East Coast bays, afternoon. . Waimea. from Napier, mid-day. Rangitoto, from Kawau. 7.30 p.m. ' Hauiti. from Waiheke, 7.30 p.m. Omana, from Waiheke. 7.30 p.m. Kawau. from Waiheke, tt p.m. ' VESSELS SAILING TO-MORROW. Claymore, for Whangarei. 9.30 p.m. Taniwha, for Pacroa, midnight. VESSELS EXPECTED Al AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. •' 'Kaiuona, Greymouth, to sail. Maui Pomare. Apia, via Southern ports. December .17. Niagara, Sydney, December 17, Wingatui, Southern ports. December 17. Kaikovai. Suva. December 18. Kaimanawa. Westport, December 18. llarania. Sydney, December 18. Southern Cross New Uebrides December *o. 22. Ulimaroa, Sydney, December 25. Tofua. Suva. December 2? ivfauncanni. Sydney. Decemher 31. ' Aorangi. Sydney. January 14. j OVERSEAS iramaroa. London, via Wellington, Decern(Dlivebank. bt.raue, Seychelles, put into Melbourne iu distress. November 14: due early << Maimoa Liverpool. Decernoer 18. Dani*. Noumea. December 19. 'Uolden Uarveut. l.o? Angeies. December Port Denison. Australia, to load, December 27. Trediunick, Montreal. December 29. Aorangi. Vancouver, December 30. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAI I ND OVERSEAS. Hertford, London, December 15. Niagara, Vancouver, December 18. Maui Pomare. Norfolk Island. December IS. Marama. Sydney December 20. Ulimaroa. Sydney, December 28. Tofun, Fiji. December 29. Aoranci Sydnev December 31. Maunganui. Sydney. January 4. PACIFK MAIL SERVICE. Aorangi, duo Auckland from Vancouver, December 30, leaves Auckland for Vancouver January 15. - .Makura. due Wellington from Ran Fran cisco December 17, leaves Wellington for Sail Francisco. January 1. Tahiti, due at San Francisco irom Vvell.on December 21, sails for Wellirigton December 26. Jsiaßiira, due at Auckland from Sydney D*tv' comber 17. leaves Auckland for' Vancouver December 18. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. .Marama. due Auckland from Sydney De- •* Ulimaroa, leaves Sydney for Auckland December 21. )jUui3ganui, due Wellington from Sydney : «Sift December 18. Manuka. leaves Melbourne December 19, ""due Bluff December 24, Wellington ' December 23. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Remuera, left Southampton November 23, due Wellington December 29. Corinthic. left Southampton December due Wellington January 14. Buahine, leaves Southampton January 111. due Wellington February 25. lonic, leaves London January 4. due Aucl: land February 11. Mataroa. leaves London February 1, dua Auckland March C. VESSELS IN PORT, rln S'ream—Rewa (bq.), Wainui. Hinemou. , Waitomo, H.M.C.S. Iris, Nucula (Adriiralty oil tanker). Cheliea—Rona ( Sugar Coy I Devonport—H.M.S Philomel. H.M.ij. I)unedin, H.M.S. Diomede, H.M.f>. Veronica, H.M.S. Laburnum. Prince's Wharf—Wnipiata (C.S.S Cov. i. Port Curtis <(F.C.A. Coy.), Canadian Britisher (Cart. Govt.). Queen's Wharf—Hertford (N Z.S Coy. Wes-.ern Wharf—Silver Shell (Shell Coy.). Kinf 's Wharf —Lornaston (Henderson and Macfarlane). iNortb Wall—Kaituna (U.S.S Coy.). The Kaitangata is (o load at Greymouth <o-day for New Plymouth and Auckland. / The Katoa is to leavo Bluff on Tuesday for Timaru, Lyttelton and Wellington to complete loading for Auckland. The Kaimanawa left Now Plymouth for Picton and Auckland at four o'clock yeste:day afternoon to complete unloading coal irom Westport. The Wingatui is expected at Auckland cn Monday morning with cargo from South Island ports and Wellington. After disehargii.tho vessel is to be laid up. The Waimea arrived at Napier from Giiborne at four o'clock yesterday morninS and vas to sail for Auckland at eiK''t o'clock last evening. Sho 13 duo about Siid-day to-morrow. The Waipiata arrived from Southern ports yesterday morning and berthed at Prince a Wharf. She is to be de.«patchcd for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru and Dunedin on Monday evening. THE RONA. The Colonial Sugar Company's steamsr Rona is expected to complete discharge at Chebea this morning and to sail for Sydney. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMERS. Following the Canadian National steamer Canadian Britisher, which is due at Aucsland from Montreal this evening, the Jredinnick left Montreal for Auckland nrd Wellington on November 18. She is due fit Auckland on, December 21). The Canaclian Transporter left Montreal for Auckland# Wellington, Lyttelton. Timaru and Dunedin on November 25. Bhe is duo at Auckland on January G. The TrewidHen left Montreal for T ' r .' c " 'and and Wellington on November 29 olio la due r»t Auckland on January 10. Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton alio Dunedin, tho .Canadian Conqueror ia to leave Halifax on December 2(», ancl tlio Canadian Challenger on January 25. THE OLIVEBANK. Now 18 days out. from Melbourne, tie Finnish four-malted barque is expected to reaeli Auckland phortly. 'l ne vessel is en route from Seychelles with a lull cargo of about 4000 ton 3 of phosphates for discharge nt Auckland. Owinj? \o nn outbreak of beriberi when the veafiel was Jn the Indinn Ocean she had to put into • Melbourne for medical attention for the crew The voyage was resumed on Novem2G. On account of the vessel 8 piolonged stay in tho tropics it is expected there will bo a considerable amount of marine growth on the hull, and in conneQuence her progress will be much delayed.
THE CANADIAN BRITISHER. Wilh motor-curs and general cargo from Montreal an H at eel products from Sydney, C»pe Breton, the Canadian National Steamer Canadian Britisher reached Auckland last evening She is unloading a Q'lt.ii"ty oi the cargo at Prince's Wharf and will Jinlottd the lemainder at Napier, Welling rr>i Lyttelton, Titnani and Dunedin. The Canadian Britisher sailed Mon- -- weal on October 28 and Sydney on November 3. Colon was reached on November 15 V fwt Balboa was cleared the following day. Off Tahiti a northerly storm was experienced lor two days, and strong westerly winds ---Prevailed during the last two days of the Otherwise generally fair weather Prevailed. Captain E. M Lyons is in command, and the following arc the officers Chief. Mr. !'• R. Renfrew, second, Mr. C. Hunt; third. &Vvf. r * P' W. Spear; wireless operator, Mr. J. *3, ■Ulscoteuu. chief engineer, Mr. L. Murpliy: Second. Mr. F. Rennie: third, Mr. C. Bitvjonech; fourth, Mr. E. Duncan; chief «ewwd, Mr. E. Todbunt#r.
THE KARTIGI. The Kartigi ia to leave Melbourne for Newcastle on December 21 to fill up with coal for Auckland. THE SILVER SHELL. After unloading a cargo of bulk oil nt Western Wharf, tho tanker Silver Shell is to cull for Balik Papan, Borneo, this morning. LAMB STEAMER OMANA. After loading timber at Auckland and northern ports tho Lamb steamer Omana left Hold ansa for Australia yesterday morning. THE LORN ASTON. The steamer Lornaston is expected to complete unloading phosphates at King's Wharf on Tuesday, and on Wednesday blio ; s to go into dock for cleaning and painting. THE MARGARET W. The four-masted auxiliary schooner Margaret. W was to leave Whangarei for Thames and Dargaville yesterday to complete unloading general cargo from Lyttelton. DEVON REPORTED. The Federnl Line steamer Devon reached New York last Saturday morning, en routo from Napier to London and West Coast ports of Great Eritain. DANA REPORTS. Tho Danish Scientific Expedition's eteamor Dana has reported by wireless that sho will not arrive from Noumea until next Wednesday. The vessel was expected yesterday. M ARAM A FROM SYDNEY. The Union Company's inter-colonial steamer Ma rum a left Sydney yesterday at 5.30 p.m. with passengers, mail and cargo for Auckland. She is due on Tuesday morning. THE MAMILIUS. The Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Mamilius cleared Panama last Tuesday evening, in continution of her voyage from London to Suva, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Timaru. She is duo at Suva on Janu- i ary 1 and at Lyttelton on Jauuary 8, THE NORFOLK. The Federal Line steamer Norfolk is to leave Napier for Picton alid Wellington toiy to complete loading for London and West Coast ports of Great Britain. She is to be despatched from Wellington for London on December 22. THE WARSHIPS. The four Now Zealand warships, Diomedc. Dunedin, Veronica and Laburnum, aro now all at Auckland. The Veronica and the Laburnum arrived from the Hauraki Gulf yesterday, and aro berthed at Devonport. \IHE PORT CURTIS. Wet weather yesterday delayed tho loading of the Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Curtis at Prince's Wharf. She is scheduled to sail for Wellington and Napier this evening to complete loading for New York. Boston and Halifax. WAITEMATA AT SUVA. The Union Company's transpacific steamer Waitemata arrived at Suva from Westport yesterday to load sugar for Vancouver. After discharge at Vancouver the vessel will load at Pacific Coast ports for Auckland. Wellington. Melbourne and Sydney. THE HERTFORD. Cargo operations on the Federal Ljne steamer Hertford, which is filling up with New Zealand produce at Queen's Wharf, were delayed by the wet weather yesterday. Tho vessel is to sail at four o'clock this afternoon for London, via Panama. CORNWALL LEAVES LIVERPOOL. Tho Federal Line steamer Cornwall was despatched from Liverpool last Sunday with general cargo from West Coast ports of Great Britain for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and New Plymouth. She is due at Auckland on January 17. THE REMUERA. Advice received by tho New Zealand Shipping Company states the Remuera cleared Panama last Tuesday, in continuation of her voyage from London and Southampton. The vessel lias passengers and mail for Aew Zealand, and cargo for discharge at Wellington and Auckland. She is due at Wellington on December 29 and at Auckland about January 5. MAIMOA DUE SHORTLY. Although not reported by tfirelesg,_ the Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Maimoa s scheduled to reach Auckland from Liverpool next Tuesday. The vessel has general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great ritain for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton .and Dunedin. L. D. Nathan and Company, Limited, are the local agents. THE TARANAKI. The Shaw. Savill and Albion motor-ship l'aranaki reached New Plymouth from Townsville on Wednesday evening. lne vessel will load New Zealand produce at New Plymouth. Wanganui, Wellington, Timaru and Port Chalmers. She is to be despatched from Port Chalmers for London on January 9. THE TAMAROA. ' A. S. Paterson and Company, Limited, havo received advice that the Shaw, Savill -nd Alhion liner Tamaroa is to leaver Well. in"ton for Auckland this afternoon to unload 3500 tons of general merchandise, the reminder of her cargo from London Afterwards the vessel will load in jNew /Scalane! for her homeward voyage. AWAHOU AND PAKURA. Messrs. Watkin and Wallis advise the Richardson u,teamer Awahou is due at Auckland to-morrow, and is to be despatched on her return trip to Hicks Bay. lokomaru Bav and Gisborne on Tuesday evening. Tho, Pakura is due at Portland on Tues--<«y next and at Auckland on Wednesday morning. She is to leave Auckland for i.'nst Coast bays, Napier and Wairoa on Wednesday evening. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be ithin range of the undermentioned wireloss stations to-day:— . Auckland.—Tofua. Dana, Tutanekai. Kara : mea. Maimoa, Niagara, Omana, Kaikorui Yarraville, Otokia. , Wellington.—Aorangi, Matakana. JJnnybvrn, Norfolk, Port Auckland. Cumberland. Waipahi, Port Wellington. -Nairnbank, Su'at Maui Pomare, Maunganm. Ulimaroa. Awaruo. —C. A. Larion . Makura, Sir J. C Ross. Tahiti. N. T. ISielsen Alonso. Paua City of New York. Somerset, Eleanor Bol,ug, Kaiticri. BY TELEGRAPH. HOKl^NGA.—December 14: Sailed Omana (10.45 p.m.). for Australia. GlSßOßNE.—December 14 :• Arrived —Awahou (8 a.m.). from Auckland WELLINGTON.—December 14: Arrived— Alexander (3.20 a.m.). from Tarakohe: Wabine (7 a.m.). fromJ*jL.vlteltqn: Wingatui (8.5 a.m.). from Lyttelton: Opiln (10 a.m.). from Lyttelton. Sn pm.). for Sydney; Waihemo (0.40 p.m.). For Melbourne: Alexander (8.5 p.m.). for Port Hardy: Wahino (7.50 p.m.). for Lyttelton. T.YTTELTON.—December 14: Arrived— Maori (G 50 am.), from Wellington; Breeze (7 35 a m?). from' Timaru: Man. Pomare (7.40 a.m.). from Dunedin:. 1 P"!,' „ '" am) from Sydney; 1 ainui (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington: Cygnet t9.40 p.m.), from Kuikoura. Sailed-Maui Pomare (7 pm. . for Auckland: Maori (8.10 p.m.). for A\ ellington.. DUNEDIN. —December 14: Arrived—Karotn (G a.m.). from Bluff: Kairanga (1.10 nin ) from Lvttelton: Cormnu (3 p.m.). From Wellington. Sailed-OreH (3.20 for Invercargill: Paua (3.2 a p.m.). for Oiimaru. SUVA.—December 14: Arrived—Waitenuila. from Westport. HYDXKY. —December 14: Sailed—Marama (5.30 p.m.), for Auckland.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20130, 15 December 1928, Page 11
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2,070SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20130, 15 December 1928, Page 11
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